Chapter Three - 3

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CHAPTER THREE THE BRUISE FROM THE PAST (PART 2) Millions of words have been read and countless of pages have been turned that Kia have read of that phrase. The phrase, "don't let emotion drive you during a fight." In almost all fantasy-action books she had read, that will always emphasized. Mevijun even mentioned and warned her multiple times. As emotion will hinder the fight and affect your focus. But with just a gruesome memory that flashed in her mind, she forgot everything, even her goal for this quest. Everyone saw her running to the monstrous creatures that they misunderstood as her signal to attack. They started running with her to the swarm of orcs. However, Caspian was left standing there petrified. He clearly saw her angry face, the blood lust he felt from her was completely strange, and the tears that dropped from her eyes to her cheeks. He was left there standing, wondering why she was so sad and angry. "No," he said, shaking his head. "I must prioritize, Audrey's safety no matter what." He whispered to himself as he pulled out his dagger. Caspian clicked his tongue in frustration, it was foolish and shameful of him to be distracted during a fight. The war has just begun but the victory was already secured for the rabbits. No matter how many orcs will swarm in each of them, they could still kill 10 within seconds. The pungent smell of blood mixed with the cold breeze and it made the brown sands black like it was an ink spilled into an empty canvas. With everything that was happening in the surroundings, Caspian couldn't locate Kia anymore. The last time she saw a strand of her hair was when she ran to the group of orcs bigger than the others. They seemed to be their generals, commanding the other ones. Meanwhile, Kia was on the edge, fighting as best as she could against the monsters that mercilessly slaughtered her friends. Her vision became blurry, and her eyes became sore as tears streamed down her cheeks. That's why she couldn't move well; her movement became sloppy and she started receiving attacks from the gigantic orcs. Her body immediately became full of wounds and her blood mixed with their blood. However, the pain in her heart hurts more than the pain she felt that she became numb to realizing the state of her body. Numerous alarms and notifications from the system were even ignored by her. It was the same notification that she always received before she died. "Roar!" Growled by the orc who saw his superiors fighting Kia. It's an orc belong to the weak ones that have a smaller size of the orcs that she was currently fighting. He noticed that she has lower her guard down and her clumsy movements. A smirk formed in his wide big lips as he thought that if he'll kill her, they will praise him, a low rank orc. He let out a devilish laugh while he imagined the recognition he will receive after doing such commendable achievement. Clenching his fist to his double headed axe, the orc sprinted to her, prepared to strike his weapon and severe her head. But before that could happened his head flew out his body. A child with a sword in his hand was fiercely glaring at him. With his very own eyes, he saw the boy who killed him. None other than a child who have a golden hair and eyes that was shining despite the darkness, Mevijun. 'Father forbids me to join the war, but I just can't sit and wait for them.' He thought. Mevijun shut his eyes for a second, just as he breathed deeply and stepped a few feet forward. As a rabbit, he have an ability to jump high which he did. He immediately sliced the head of the two general orcs as he landed. They may have a tremendous strength and body but they couldn't react faster than Mevijun who have an advantage for being a small child. The child glanced at Kia, who was in a horrible state. Concern was written on his face while staring at his master. He was stunned for awhile before he jumped several times and slaughtered all of the orcs that surrounded her. "Master," he muttered, with a sullen expression. He walked closely to her, who was lying on the sand, unconscious. Thankfully, she was still breathing. The boy sighed frustratedly because he couldn't carry his master to let her go out of that place. "Son, I told you to— Lady Audrey?!" Caspian, who just arrived, trailed off upon seeing Kia's state. His feet begin to move on their own, sprinting towards her."Father, you must get the master out of here." "I know," the chief replied to his son. However, before he could carry her into his arms the lady slowly opened her eyes. The father and son's face lightened a bit but immediately fades when Kia started to coughed blood. "My lady, you need an urgent treatment!" Caspian shouted for them to hear as they are still in a middle of a war. 'What happened? Oh—' Her eyes formed an O just as she remembered everything that happened. Kia groaned, frustrated as she remembered the unsightly things she had done. It was a shame that she almost lost her sanity and let emotion drive her. While massaging her throbbing temple, she roamed her eyes and was a little amused by the scenario that she was currently watching. The status windows informing her that she was about to die were still floating in mid-air, distracting the sight of monsters being defeated. "My lady?" Caspian asked, making her attention divert to them. Right, the two them are with her. "There's no need for that." She stood up. "I c-can manage." There she realized that her body was completely a mess. Audrey's body was surely amazing, she could still stood up despite the big wounds and blood she lost. Looking at her HP in the status window, only the half was lost. If she was currently in her original body, there's no doubt that she will die. "But—" "No buts, Caspian. This is my quest so I must finish it. I apologize for what happened earlier but I must fight." She firmly said with a stoic demeanor. Caspian and Mevijun could only sighed. Well, after all, those wounds would never kill her as they thought. Kia scanned the surroundings once again. Compared to earlier, the monsters decreased, but exhaustion could be seen in the rabbits' faces. "Even if I shout, some will only hear me." She whispered on herself. (❕) ALARM The perfect time has come to use your skill [MALEFIC ROAR Lvl. 1] Would you like to use it? YES NO SKILL: Malefic Roar Lvl. 1 Title skill [ATHENA'S DISCIPLE] 100 mana is required. Cool down: 2 minutes. You can make the volume of your voice loud enough for your comrades to hear. + 50 HP and 100 ATTACK SPEED for 1 minute to anyone that will hear it. "Yes!" Kia confidently said. "Everyone!" As the system said, her voice became loud that their heads turned to her. She smiled, a genuine one. "Lets finish this so we can have a dinner early." Everyone chuckled and giggled, with that the tiredness they felt disappear. Kia then joined the fight, which became so easy for her. The training with Mevijun paid off after all. Since Orcs' weapon are axes, she didn't need to mind the patterns of her attacks. She just need to be faster than them which she executed correctly. One, two, three.... Twenty... Thirty. The number of her kills increased as she just keep on running to the monsters. She felt confident and proud that she could fight back. "If we were prepared to face the orcs. For sure, many of us survived." Her smile became bitter as she whispered those words. She strike the sword to the last monster left before she sighed and collapsed on the ground. (❕) ALARM Congratulations, PLAYER! You have finished the special quest [SAVING THE RABBIT CLAN'S PRINCE] and even saved the whole clan! (❕) ALARM QUEST COMPLETE (❕) ALARM Transporting your soul into the void... "What‽ N-No—" Kia exclaimed. She was about to complain or stop the system because she haven't even bid a goodbye. Nevertheless, she found herself into an endless darkness. Just as how empty that place, her heart felt empty as well. She wasn't sad nor happy but relieved that she will get back to her world. Where she is Kia Grimaldi, not Audrey. (❕) ALARM QUEST REWARDS: (1) [Processing] RESURRECTION (2) [Processing] TURNING BACK TO TIME (3) THE BRUISE FROM THE PAST "Huh?" Kia was surprised that the 3rd reward, which was unknown, was now revealed. It caught her interest and awakened her curiosity. Without hesitation, she opened the compelling reward. A big, wide status window appeared, showing her a memory that she wished she had never seen. Because it is Audrey's bruise from the past.
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