Chapter Two - 3

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CHAPTER TWO ENDLESS DEATHS MEANS... IMMORTALITY? (PART THREE) Kia halted for a minute as she stood by the lake of the dark, desolate barren region of night for the 81st time, staring at the view she wished she would never see again. She was as fresh as ever when she rose from the dead, but her eyes were glum and sullen. It was also her eighty-first attempt to complete her never-ending journey to save the rabbit prince. She was exhausted, not afraid of dying, as the system had planned for her to become. Mentally exhausted, yet unable to wish for death because she will be resurrected and begin all over again. Her heart had once been filled with rage, wrath, and despair, but it had now become numb. Even if she wanted to shout or cry like she usually does, her empty heart would not allow it. She failed her 27th attempt since she couldn't find the village after ten days. She died on her 50th attempt after giving up and lying down for ten days without moving, staring at the night sky. Her failures are largely due to small mistakes such as starvation, a sudden desire for blood, and frustration. There were times when she died on the first day. With each failed attempt, the quest's difficulty rises, and the system ceases to notify as if it has vanished. "Be pleased if your purpose is to make me fear death. Because I'm already exhausted." Kia addressed the system as if it could hear and respond to her. She began walking across the desert without pausing for a second. Her body began searching for the village on its own. Kia learned a lot about Audrey—the name of the body she was currently possessing—during that period. Unlike the tales and fiction she was told as a child, vampires in that world could eat human food, and their blood could be used as nourishment or a source of power. Audrey is also a feared and recognized vampire, not only among vampires, but also among the other monsters who live in that land. Audrey's body has undeniable power, sense, and endurance, as if she were a warrior who used to fight in battlefields, no matter how difficult the journey became as a result of her failures. Unfortunately, Kia was unable to take use of those advantages as a human being who grew up without the need to fight. _*_* After stepping on a small cactus by mistake, Kia found the village after an hour. It surprised her because it was the first time she had located it right away. After all, the task had become more complicated. Is it coincidence or was it planned by the system? Because the quest had not yet been accomplished, the answer didn't really matter. Nonetheless, reaching the village earlier than intended was a huge step forward in the mission's success. The village, like the last time she visited it, is in the middle of the desert, with houses made of rocks. "L-Lady Audrey? "It was the lady!" The chattering of the rabbits, who were both surprised and delighted by her unexpected arrival, made Kia recover from her shock. They're currently in human form, but some of them were formerly in their original shape. The entire clan was seated in a circle, side by side, with a bonfire in the center, eating some strange grass together, as if they were camping. Each of them smiled at their petrified guest, who seemed to be a rock. "Everyone, show some manners!" One of them yelled that Kia immediately recognized. He was tall, with a large physique, golden hair that shone through the moonlight, and golden eyes that were directly staring at her. It was the chief of the rabbit clan. They all gasped and were on their knees, bowing their heads in an instant. "A-Ah! Please, everyone, stand up! Please accept my apologies for interrupting your meal." Kia was in a panic. The rabbits looked at her, confused. "My lady, it was nothing! Here in our village, you are always welcome." "Right!" Kia gave an uneasy smile. She was unprepared to meet the clan in this manner. The chief approached her for a private conversation, and she said her farewell to the others. He led her into a larger house constructed of rock. It was most likely his own home. As they walked in, she saw two long sofas facing each other, with a table in the middle filled with fruits, vegetables, and meats. She also noticed four room doors. Except for the meals, everything in that house was constructed of stone. "Do you want to take a rest first, Lady Audrey?" She was questioned by the chief. Kia was taken aback by the first question he asked. "H-Huh?" She was preoccupied with observing his peculiar house, which she had never seen before. The chief's brows furrowed in concern as he looked at her. He was staring her in the eyes and not averting his gaze. His expression was that of a man who hadn't seen his beloved in a long time. It was tinged with longing, joy, and concern. Kia became so anxious that she began to fidget by biting her lower lip and averting her gaze. "P-Please accept my apologies if I made you feel uncomfortable. It's just... you appear tired." He responded, frightened as well. He motioned for her to sit on the couch and encouraged her to eat. "Oh no, it's all right, chief. Your concern is much appreciated." She gave a response. "There's no need to be formal with me. My Lady, just call me Caspian as usual." With a chuckle, he replied. Kia laughs awkwardly while pretending to smile. 'I had a feeling Audrey was a high-ranking official. But there's something fishy going on here; there's a relationship between her and the chief,'she thought. "I just heard the news, by the way. After what they did, I'm sure it's difficult for you, M'lady! I'm also grateful for your visit; you're always welcome in our village." Caspian said this as he stretched out and grabbed her hand. His face was filled with rage and anguish, and tears could be seen at the corners of his golden eyes. Kia's brow knit and blinked several times. Caspian's hands were clutching hers and she didn't even realize it. "What happened to Audrey that caused Caspian to react this way?" she wondered, her thoughts racing with questions. "If she's respected, then what did he mean?" And, more specifically, "did the 'system' merely make up this scenario or did this world exist and it all happen?" "My lady?" Kia slowly lifts her head and pulls her hands away from him. She appeared to be deep in thought and had lost her focus. She closed her eyes and shook her head. Her curiousity isn't going to get her anywhere. She doesn't deserve to know the answer, no matter what it is, because she was simply an outsider trying to fulfill the quest for her life. She changed the subject and began telling Caspian what would happen 10 days later while staring directly into his eyes without looking away. He noticed her seriousness and simply listened without questioning her, showing how much he trusted Audrey. "I understand, m'lady. We must prepare 7 days prior to their arrival. We may be hiding from the chaos, but it doesn't give them the right to interfere with us. Whether they're monsters from another world or not, messing with us is the worst decision they've ever made!" Caspian screamed angrily. Kia nodded twice and smiled half-heartedly. '"Yeah, but you died," She was well aware that her head might be thrown into the air if she said her thoughts. Even if she would return, dying had become too exhausting for her. "But you're going to fight alongside us, right?" Caspian asked, his glittering eyes and bunny ears drooping. Despite being a rabbit, Kia imagined him wagging his tail like a dog. "That is, after all, why I am here. But I'd like to ask you for a favor." Caspian was puzzled when Kia whispered something about her favor. But he didn't say anything and only nodded his head. As Kia began to eat, the room fell silent. Throughout her meal, Caspian was simply happy to stare at her. He then led her to a private room where she could rest.
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