A Drinking Party

1195 Words
She pursed her lips, was that a snarky remark on her? She wasn’t sure if the man was blunt just like that. “Ugh… I came here to have a place to rest.” She took a long chug of the wine, no matter that it wasn’t supposed to be chugged at all. “I got kicked out of my apartment.” She glanced at him, how would he take it? She kept her face blank but the tips of her ears were burning. A young professional like her, couldn’t even pay her own rent. “Oh, that’s terrible… getting kicked out of your apartment.” His gaze settled on the dance floor. “May I ask why?” It was natural for him to ask that. “Er, I wasn’t able to pay bills. Easy as that.” She rested her head on the couch and sighed softly. There wasn’t anything that she should be ashamed of… why did she feel that way though? She snuck a look at the man; everything of him exuded power and authority in ways that she couldn’t even explain. “Are you jobless?” “What?! No!” She wanted to cross her arms but that probably looked childish, “I have a job; I work as an assistant in an accounting firm.” “Hmm… interesting.” Alice tilted her head in his direction, “Why? Because I work in finances and am still broke?” The man chuckled, a small one as he looked at her face, “Well there’s that, but I didn’t really imagine you as someone working a 9-5 job.” “Do I look like a stripper?” He laughed, a carefree one, “No, I was thinking of someone who’s self-employed or perhaps write?” He set his glass on the table. “You look like a Louise.” “Heh, well that’s a first.” She traced her finger on the tip of the glass, “A Louis Lane?” “That could actually work.” “Alas, a Louis Lane without her Superman.” “Oh, you’re not an item with anybody?” “Well if I had a boyfriend-” “You be at his place instead of this.” “Exactly.” She paused and looked down at the glass, “It’s not so bad though…” “Why is that?” “At least I happened to chance upon you.” She looked at his face and smiled, “That was rather cheesy don’t you think?” his face betrayed no emotion, and that was hard for her to read. “Well it has been a pleasure to be acquainted with you.” He bowed his head, a hand on his chest. “Likewise my good sir.” She curtsied in her seat although inwardly sighing, he wasn’t introducing himself and so neither did her. At best, something would spark between them but more likely, this guy would be a nameless attractive one who’d be gone with the wind. “Would you like to order anything?” he lifted a finger and a young man dressed in a simple button down white long sleeved pulled up to their elbows, and dark slacks, approached them from the bartender’s area. It wasn’t the one Lizzie flirted with, to be honest, if she squinted her eyes; they were nowhere to be found. “Ah good evening sir, what may I do for you?” Could she have him instead? The young man was a brunet with gorgeous green eyes. Were all employees attractive here? “Ah, I’d like to order anything my lovely companion would like to order.” He gave her a small smile and it felt like her heart skipped a beat. Lovely? It’s been a long time since she heard a compliment like that. She blinked her eyes, how long was she staring at him. “Ah… can I have a tester for all of your drinks here?” her cheeks heated up, somehow she still wanted to drink. How did that appear to the man beside her? She looked like a Louis right? Not a drunkard. Aaah, not that she thought of it, maybe she should have declined. Offered to pay for her own drinks… but this was a hag do party, everything was supposed to be free. “A bottle of scotch as well.” The young man nodded his head and left to get them. This was her chance. “I could pay for them.” She offered, despite a sour taste on her mouth. She was homeless and using up her money for drinking, that was a great decision. Normally she wouldn’t care, but somehow maybe she was starting to think more like an adult. Or maybe she wanted to leave a good impression. “Consider this as a small gift to someone facing a current trial.” Her heart deflated, or more like popped by a needle. Smashed to smithereens worked perfectly too. “Ah… thank you.” “No worries.” She was a pity case to him. She was most likely just a good deed of sorts that he wanted to help to pat himself in the back later on. After all, this was a young woman who didn’t know how to be a responsible adult for once. A silence fell between them, and soon after their drinks arrived. Alice took a glass immediately, “Let’s drink for the night!” His dark eyes focused on her, brows furrowing as he studied her face, “Drinks for the night then.” He poured himself a glass of scotch and raised it with her glass. “Cheers!” . . . The wee hours passed swiftly like a blur. She begun with a sampler of different drinks and now she was sharing the nearly empty bottle of scotch. She narrowed her eyes at him, stupid attractive man. Did he still have the same contents inside his glass? She wasn’t too sure if he even lifted it up to his lips….and damn did she stare at his face more than she ought to. “Ugh, did you eveeen driiiink.” “Yes, I did.” A small smile formed on his lips, it seemed condescending to Alice. She pouted at his face and drunk her own glass of scotch. “I’m just finishing my glass.” “Welllll, you’re a p***y then.” He raised a brow, “Excuse me?” “You’re just like those girls who sip on pretty fruity drinks.” He chuckled, “Is that so?” “Yeah, you never really say what’s on your mind.” She lurched forward for the bottle, the man helped her pour another glass.
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