Chapter 2

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As she entered the airconditioned office building, people around her started greeting her with respect, creating a slight path for her to get to the elevator. Jaylen was a good boss, not that she would brag about it, but she always made sure that her clients and her staff had the best environment, and she worked tirelessly for hours to achieve that. She reaches out and pressed with her index finger on the round silver metal button that had an up arrow on it, and she waited for the doors to slide open. When she stepped into the elevator, she realized she was alone, and she let out a sigh. She didn't want to come into the office today, her body tired from thrashing around in her sleep, her mind never shut down completely anymore always aware of the nightmare. The doors slid open again with a ding, and she quickly composed herself before she exited the lift. She was on the top floor, floor fifty, where her office is located. She passed her receptionist and smiled professionally at her, giving a small nod. She rounded the corner and her eyes immediately spotted two men she's never met before, conversing with her CFO, Mike. The conversation looked pretty heated, so she sped up and entered the room, making all the men turn to her while falling into sudden silence. "Good morning boss," Mike says and the men next to him look at her in shock as the word 'boss' left his lips. "Morning Mike. So, please introduce me to these men" She put on a big smile, pretending to be nice to them when in actual fact she was busy observing them to find their weaknesses. She stuck her hand out to each of them and shook it with a strong grip, making sure they know that she is in control. She sat down on her swivel chair and turned to look at the view behind her, the big glass windows polished to perfection. She closed her eyes for a second before turning back to face the men, and she clasped her hands together as she rested her elbows on the table. "How can I assist you, gentlemen?" They give each other an uncertain look until the one clears his throat. "We would like to make you a business offer" She wasn't planning on giving in to them, but she decided to listen to what they had planned. "Go ahead then" She leans back in her chair, letting her arms rest beside her as she crosses her legs in a mannered way. "Our boss owns Casa de Viajeros, one of the top hotel franchises worldwide" At the mention of the name Casa de Viajeros, Jaylen wanted to scowl, but she kept it to herself. She knew about that company, and she didn't want anything to do with them. Their boss was rumored to be a cruel man with no remorse, someone who takes what he wants and doesn't care about the rest around him. He was an idiotic playboy who's inconsiderate and unmannered. She's never met or even seen him in person, but she could tell that he was all of those things. Jaylen had a great gift like her grandmother used to tell her, to sense people's personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Apparently, it was passed down through generations of women in her family since her ancestors first started having children. She never really believed in these types of things, but her grandmother always told her stories of her childhood, and how she 'saw' things, but Jaylen started to think that her grandma just had a very imaginative brain. She looks at the men with a serious business face and nods. "And what is his business with me?" She asks, her voice low and void of any emotion. "He wants to buy your company from you," The one man says, and Jaylen closes her eyes while clenching her jaw. The number of people that wanted to buy her company was becoming ridiculous. Almost everyday she had a new business request for someone wanting to buy her company, or someone wanting to become a partner, but she refused to do either of those things. As long as she was still alive, she will run this company, her own company, one her own. She didn't trust anyone to take care of her hard work and ruin it all if she sold it over to them. Her eyes shot open, and she stood up from her seat her hands supporting her weight on the table as she leaned forward, her glare slicing into the men's heads. "You can tell your boss that I am not interested in his offer" She felt angered at them trying to persist on as the men keep on talking. "He offered you a lot of money, and he said that you can still give him some ideas for the company if you wanted to" She shakes her head at their persistence and stands up straight to her full length. "I am not interested in any amount of money, so please gentlemen, leave my office or I will have you escorted by security" They stood still for a little while longer, until they shared a glance between each other and started walking out of the office. Jaylen didn't let her gaze drop once from the back of their heads until the elevator doors closed and they were out of her sight. She fell back into her chair and let out a breath, her hands running over her face in frustration. "What do people not get from the phrase 'I am not interested'?" She was feeling a bit irritated and wanted to throw something at the dark wooden door, that lead out of her office. Mike grabbed a cup from the marble counter top on the other side of her office against the wall, and pressed the on button on the espresso machine, making her a strong americano. "They want to get your company for themselves since it is a huge empire of money that you have built up" He hands her the cup of caffeine and she smiles at him over the cup as she takes it from his hands. "You're the best CFO ever, Mike" He scoffs, and pretends to be shy at her words. "Oh, thank you mam" She chuckles at him and groans. "Please don't call me that! It makes me feel old" He smiles at sits down in the seat in front of her desk. "I know, Jay that's why I call you that" She shakes her head at her nickname and takes a big gulp from the hot coffee, not caring that it slightly burned her throat as she swallowed the bitter liquid. "If one more person comes in here wanting to buy my company, I am going to run away" She sets down her cup and picks up a pile of papers on her desk, noticing that it was the weekly reports from all of her shops. "Are you not going home?" She shook her head and grabbed a pen starting to go through the reports, combing through them with fine detail. "No, there's no need" Jay was speaking the truth, even if she did go home, she wouldn't sleep or rest anyway, since she would try and distract her mind with work, so she might as well just stay at the office and do it. "Hopefully, I can sleep tonight" She mumbled to herself as Mike left her office to get to work himself. 
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