Chapter 1

1900 Words
BLAKE: "Bloody hell, Cody?!" I abruptly get on my feet. I almost get wet when he trips over a piece of wood while carrying a bucket of water. But I'm still following Cody's movements with feign shock. "Sorry, bro. Hehe!" I was watching him earlier. He's prancing around the well for over five minutes, but I blocked his voice from whatever he was nagging about after that. "Ugh! Cody!" It's not even a minute passes by, when he stumbles again , but this time the water splashes on my pants. "Cody!" "Hehe! Sorry!" Ugh! What a nuisance?! I don't know what has gotten into him for acting reckless and being so annoying today. I glance at Cody since I haven't heard a ruckus from him. Only to see him staring blankly into space. I've watched him for a couple of minutes thinking he's just doing a mindlink. Yet, he's not. "Cody? Are you alright?" No response from him, so I walk closer. "Hey, Cody. What's wrong?" Still, he remains frozen on his feet as I shrug his shoulder. "Cody, I swear if you-" "Waaah!!" "What the f**k?!" He screams so loud as he jolts right in front of me. "Hahaha!" "Seriously??" "Haha! Dude, you look so funny." "You're not funny!" Grunting as I walk away from him. I still hear his laugh from behind. "Dude, if you'd only see your face back there." "Oh shut up, Cody! He's acting like a child and that annoys the hell out of me again. In fact, he started annoying me the moment I came back earlier. He has this kind of radar that he can detect whenever I'm here. Who wouldn't get annoyed if he would come unnoticed then would knock on my door like there's a fire happening the way he slammed it close? I normally don't tell everyone every time I come to visit, except Catleya. But that had already changed because of the decision I made. Catleya doesn't know I'm here. I don't want to get things more complicated between us either. Besides, it's better this way. But then again, Cody always knows about my arrival. There's an instance where he was already at the door waiting for me. I couldn't even detect he was there. Perhaps, I was just being settled whenever I came back I let my guard down thinking no more danger would happen to Skye. I always visit here because of her. Anyway, what danger could this pack get when the lord of darkness, Osiris, had already been incarcerated by the Guardians? I glance at Cody who's still following me. That's when I notice how he is a fiend at hiding his presence from everyone and he takes advantage of that to scare or surprise people. But, if there are two people he can't take advantage of doing that are Skye and Catleya. Yes, women. Women have some skills we men don't gain. I take a deep sigh before I look at Cody. Only to quickly suppress my laugh when I notice that he looks like a piglet as he carries the water containers. "Hurry, Cody. I need to go somewhere else." "Lend me a hand first." That makes me squint my eyes at him. I'm sure this mongrel is planning on something. "I have little time, Cody. You have already consumed an hour of my time with nonsense." He dragged me here to talk about his mate while filling up water into the containers. He was whining about why the moon goddess was so hard on him. He's been searching for his mate and none has come, nor has he found it. He kept on talking and that's when I blocked him in my mind. He's just going around in a circle about what he said. I couldn't really get the main point there. "Dude, help me with this one. My sister will surely get mad at me if I don't get this done today." "That's your problem, not mine. You should have done that before you kept on whining!" "Come on, Blake. Promise I won't plague you about my mate." "Fine! You better do what you say." I took a deep breath before walking over to him. I grabbed one container from his hand and walked to the newly built wolf's statue. There are five statues nearby including the one closer to us. The entire place has laid back vibes. It's peaceful. We can only hear the trees dancing to the rhythm of the wind. And the one near us is just two hundred meters away from Catleya's backyard. As I walk towards the statue, my thoughts have gone haywire as well. All of those are about Catleya. She has her own house now, so does Cody. The difference is Cody chose to stay in his parents' house. He didn't want more responsibilities as he couldn't take care of his house on his own. Though he sure has omegas taking care of it. But he'd love to stay with his parents, simply because he wants to annoy his dad. Cody living on his own is something he isn't ready to face. He can't even take care of himself. That's probably why the moon goddess has yet given him a mate. "Why are you doing this, anyway?" I asked as soon as I put the bucket near the walking path. "Well, my little sister wanted me to clean this statue she built. Unfortunately, I stained it with some blood when I went out for a hunt last night. Believe me, this statue wasn't here last night." He explained. "...Or maybe you just didn't notice." I added. He grinned, but he suddenly got serious. "You know what? This morning I woke up thinking it was my last day on earth. She woke me up with a loud voice. She's screaming while gripping my hair! I felt like my heart suddenly stopped there." I snorted. I find his reaction hilarious. "Now I'm here. I don't want her to come back seeing this blood. She threatened me, you know!" "How many buckets of water are you going to consume before you finish cleaning this?" "Bro, my sister is a fastidious woman. I may need a dozen or more? As long as I get this done before she comes back. Ugh, she is so scary when she's angry, you know." Yeah... She is. I thought. She's mad at me, too. Cody came with another bucket, including some powder soap in his left hand and two square sponges in his right. "Are you not gonna use a sprinkler hose? It's a lot easier for you to clean this." I'm trying to make some sense in him. "No." "Why?" "Because you're here. You've gone for a year, so we need to catch up." "I can't help you this time." "What? You can't be serious. Look at this!" "That's your problem, Cody. I have to go." "Blake, Catleya will surely kill me if she sees I haven't done yet. She only gave me an hour starting from now! Come on, dude!" "I can't. You better start now, Cody." "Oh, for goddess' sake!" "See ya later, Cody!" I holler while walking away from him. I still hear him complaining. He can just easily take a sprinkler hose and use it. Yet, he'd rather make it difficult for himself. I've finally arrived at the Alpha and Luna's house and at the sight of Skye, a smile instantly tears on my face. Wow! She's changed a lot for good. "Hey, you're getting more beautiful every time I visit here." "Oh, my! Blake!!!" I chuckle when she jumps into my arms. She has me taken aback, but I still hug her back. "Tone down your voice, Skye. I don't want the raging bull to come and give me a punch--" The f**k! I silently endure the pang of pain when Caspian twists my left arm. I haven't even noticed him coming. Well, what should I expect? I should have seen it coming. Everyone knows when it comes to Skye, he's overprotective. Possessive is the right word, I guess. "Caspian! Why did you do that?" Skye doesn't expect that either. Caspian only pulls her away from me. I guess that's his way of telling me to back off. "Well, it's nice to see you, too, Caspian." I smirked, meeting his death glare. "I told you not to hug her back every time she did that!" Caspian's annoyed voice had me grinning at him. "Well, alpha, that's not how it works." I wanted to take the mickey out of him. But that didn't turn out well. His threatening growl didn't fail to give me goosebumps. I felt a sting when he used his alpha mode earlier. "Babe..." My brow inclines when Skye's voice sedates him quickly. Just one touch from Skye and Caspian becomes a love-sick man. His mood has totally changed. "Don't do that next time, baby." He mewls. Ugh! For Goddess's sake! Give me a break! "So, are we cool now?" I interrupt. Witnessing their sweetness makes me puke. "It's been awhile, Blake..." Caspian casually sits on the couch as he pulls Skye onto his lap. He's back into his intimidating aura of an alpha. "Yeah! It's been a while, Blake. Gosh, how have you been?" Skye also added. "I've been good. Thanks." I respond as I sit in front of them. "When did you arrive?" "Just this morning." "I see." I notice Skye looking at Caspian as she asks. "Babe, why don't we ask Blake to join the mating ball?" "Wait- A mating ball?" "Yep. This year we will be hosting it. And please come. We have invited a lot of unmated wolves, including alphas from packs across the globe. I'm sure you'll find your mate there." "I don't need a mate, Skye." "Why not?" "I just don't feel like having one." Maybe if it was you. I quickly dismissed that sinful thought. 'You're an i***t!' Says Madic through our link. He's my wolf. He's like my conscience. 'I know.' I respond before I ignore him. Madic knows about my feelings for Skye. I was almost over her. But every time I come back here, my feelings falter and I feel like it starts to grow again. "That's ridiculous! Every wolf is eager to meet its mate. Give it a try. Will you?" Skye's voice has me back to the present. "You better agree now, Blake. You know, she won't stop until she gets the answer she wants." Caspian insisted. And that's actually true. Skye wouldn't be the Luna of Red Valley Moon pack if she's just a useless being. In fact, she has a way to submit everyone to whatever she commands. She's also the well-known Luna to all. The Northern Werewolf Committee isn't exempted. "Alright! I'll go." I relinquish after a few seconds staring into her eyes. "Yey! I can't wait to see you there." Before I can respond to Skye, I hear Caspian asking about his sister. "Anyway, Blake, can you help my sister while you're here? She is taking care of the lodging inn and the clothes for the newly joined." Oh, hell no! I can't. "Blake?" "I don't think that is a good idea, Caspian." "What do you mean?" "She probably does not want to see me." After all those things I told her, I'm sure she hated me already.
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