Chapter 2 Nursing Home Fun

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Minnie's POV So, like every day for years at this point, I have gradually gotten up to get ready with a small breakfast for myself. Then I gave Walter a walk, a kiss, and a snack. So after leaving my place to drive for a little bit, I'm walking into work for the day, just trying to get by with this job that I never truly wanted. It hasn't been bad, and it's paying the bills and letting me save at the same time, so I really can't complain. It's just not where I saw myself at that point in my life. Luckily, with my nursing experience, I was easily hired, so I never really had to worry about my position. I just kept trucking along, awaiting my chance to make what we need to leave. I get through the doors before heading straight into the employee backroom, setting my things into my small locker as I clock in and start my shift. I can hear the employee door opening and then shutting behind me as I hear, "Hey Minnie! I knew I smelt your perfume! How's my little Walter?" I know that sweet songbird voice from anywhere. It's Marilyn, my friend who still lives right by me and of course we still work together. She loves Walter and still gets him little gifts every now and then, for holidays and such. She likes to help me out with him when I have a late shift, and she gets home before I do, which I greatly appreciate. I give her a small wave, followed by a big hug like we always do. "Hey hun, of course, he is still happier than ever, but always hates it when I go. But enough about us, how has today been?" I ask her, changing the subject but giving me an update on what I will have to deal with today. Since she has been here a little bit longer than I have and will leave a little before me. She shrugs her shoulders, letting me go before thinking of everything to update me about. "It hasn't been bad by any means, just busy.. But.. Just a warning, we have a couple of new people on our strip, but they seem nice enough.. the older lady at the end has dimensia, so every now and then, she lashes out for one reason or another, but other than that, she is pretty nice.. she has lots of visitors, so there will be a lot of people to work around, but nothing we can't handle. Now, the man down towards the middle is new and Australian.. his accent is nice to hear, and he seems delightful and in good spirits. He had some young woman bring him in here because she couldn't properly take care of him after some sort of major surgery. He needs to be under close supervision for a while. Well, at least until the doctor says he is good to go back home on his own." Marilyn states to me as I nod, taking in the information given. This amount of information can seem overwhelming to some, and sometimes it is when everything is thrown at you like that. But I know I can handle it, so I just smile and nod. I do this just knowing I have to put my best attitude on because I want to leave a great impression on the people here.. most don't have a whole lot of time left when they come here, so I want to make their lives as pleasant as I can, no matter what. But in a way, it's emotionally and physically draining.. But hopefully, it will get me home soon enough and will be worth all the hard work. I walk towards the first room, and it's the gentleman's that she told me about. I grab the paperwork, glancing at it as I greet him. "Hello.. Mr... Thomas, my name is Minnie.. it's a pleasure to meet you." I declare walking into his room with a face-splitting smile and my hand extended to him. "Minnie? Like the mouse? or is it because you're tiny?" he asks while shaking my hand as I chuckle at that comment.. His accent is nice, for sure, one of my favorites.. but I know no matter where you come from, my name has been recognized from the regularly used cartoon name. So I get those types of questions all the time, and at this point, none of these questions phase me anymore. "Like the mouse.. but maybe because of stature.. my parents must've known I was going to be short like my mother." I declare, making him laugh. "A young lady, I assume your daughter, was the one who I heard brought you in. But just so you both know, she is able to come every day and join you for meals along with our special visiting hours to hang out.. if she wants to." I declared as he chuckled, then nodded as if I said something funny. But I'm making sure he doesn't have to be alone.. but most in his position are just left here on their own. I hope that's not the same for him. It's always sad when that happens, and he seems nice. --------2 almost 3 months later--------- Things have been a little more interesting than normal. Thomas and I have grown closer than I had imagined we would, especially since I figured he wouldn't be here in the nursing home for long because he should be getting better.. But for some strange reason, it seems like he may be getting worse, but I can't figure out why. He is eating and drinking all the time, so he is not dehydrated. His wounds have healed almost all the way, and yet he is losing weight and getting skinnier and even pale. It's strange and baffling for his current situation. Maybe he is just having a hard time being in bed most of the time or away from his family.. I'm not sure.. But to try to help as much as I can in my position, I have made sure to walk with him around the property to give him fresh air and exercise. But to give him more energy, I have been giving him a little more sweets than I probably should. This has also helped put some weight on him as well, so that's good and gives him something to look forward to. But as things go, the more I do with him, the closer we seem to get. It's not s****l by any means, so don't get me wrong, it's just a type of father and daughter kind of connection, at least for me. He really does remind me of my father and makes me feel not as homesick as I was over the years, which is nice. He is the kind of man who makes any room feel bright and always seems to put a smile on my face, so coming into work isn't as hard as it used to be. I walk down the open hallway holding my clipboard close to my chest as I let out a deep breath. Marilyn walks beside me as she pats my back, gaining my attention. I glance over to her exhausted features, just imagining how I probably look the same.. it's been another long shift come and gone as busy nurses. But at least we can say this job keeps us on our toes.. well, in a way. This nursing home is not huge by any means, but it is in a busy part of Florida, so we get a lot of traffic with people coming and going. But most of the people we care for are sweet. Not all but most, I can confidently say. "So, are you heading home yet? You didn't pick up an extra shift again, right? I can stop by and say hi to Walter if you need it, unless if you are done and could be joining us at the bar? Mingling with some hot men. They could be something good and sexy for you." Marilyn tries to nicely convince me as I shake my head with her automatically scoffing at my reaction. "You need to take a night off and relax ever now and then. Why are you always working? I feel like you pick up extra shifts for fun. You need to get away from this place to properly clear your head." she states about my dedication to my work. "I didn't pick up an extra shift, I'm just exhausted and miss my little man." I try to explain to her as best as I can, but she knows I have been alone and not dating this entire 4 years we have known one another. She has been making it very vocal that she is worried about me being lonely forever, when I could be dating and maybe finding something great for myself. I just haven't been looking, and if I find someone I'm interested in, then maybe I'll try, but until then, I'm good. "You should loosen up every now and then, Minnie. It would be nice to introduce you to some of my friends or that cute neighbor of ours.. he keeps coming to the bars with us as well. I have even been seeing a man for a little bit now, and he says he has some friends you might like.. you know, anything to get you out of this place." she suggests, surprising me with this. "I didn't know you were dating anyone.. who is he?" I ask as she scoffs at my question. "Good job changing the subject off of you." She glares at me before continuing. "He is nice and sweet, and we have just been seeing each other when we can, but I think he is the one. But like I said, I think you could be finding yourself a 'one and only' if you come out with us.. to have some fun, if you know what that is.. if not, then I can explain it to you." "I do.. know.. what fun is.. and can do it too." I declare in my defense, but those words have absolutely no confidence behind them. "Sure." She spats as her eyes roll back at my comment. "Hey! I can be fun sometimes.. I just have.. my dog.. and.." I try to come up with actual reasons why I don't do more than work and go home to consume my day.. I have just never been big on going out.. it makes me nervous just at the idea of joining a crowd of people into a small bar filled with other strangers. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, just at the thought of that idea. I have anxiety that goes hand in hand with my introverted nature.. So it's hard for me to take that leap in the first place, not even including my past, which has a lot to do with my decision-making as well.. But the people here don't understand that, because after years of working together we are completely comfortable with one another, so they truly don't believe me when I tell them I'm shy and very anxious about being around people, especially a lot of people. "You can't even come up with more of a reason than your dog.. you should at least throw Mr. Thomas in there as an excuse as well, since you're always in his room.. I have been wondering.. do you guys have a thing going on between you two? No judgment with the age difference, and your preference is your own. I was just wondering." she curiously states while her eyebrows wiggle as I shake my head without hesitation at that thought. "No... not at all.. he is just a sweet older man who obviously doesn't have anyone around since he never gets visitors.. and he is probably the only person in this place that has manners 24/7.. besides, the Australian accent sounds so delightful with every story he tells me about. He is the only person who wants to talk with me genuinely about not just himself but me as well.. it's nice.. He reminds me of my father." I declare as she stares at me for a long moment, as if she is trying to decide to believe me or not. "I do like the accent he has.. and he is only 20 something years older than you.. I'm sure you could make it work with him if you changed your mind and wanted that.. you know, since you spend every second you can in his room anyway." She declares as I shake my head vigorously before gagging. "He is sweet, but the idea of that type of age gap grosses me out.. besides, I just told you that he reminds me of my father." I declare to her as she laughs before playfully slapping the side of my arm. "Ok.. ok.. fine, you don't want to rub on those saggy.." I turn slapping her arm to shut her up as she laughs loudly at my reaction. "No, I don't want anything like that.. at least not right now.. maybe when I get older.. and I'm saggy." I declare as she bursts out laughing even louder if that was even possible. I shush her as she continues to laugh, but for most of the people in this place, they are in bed by 7, and it's almost 9.. So I'm sure most are passed out and don't need to be woke up by the squeaking laughs of our voices that seem to carry in this place like voices in a cave. I sometimes can hear the echo coming right back to me, especially when I talk with Marilyn.. we are both so loud when around one another because of always joking. It's not a bad thing, and I love our relationship, but that doesn't mean everyone else would love it. "I hope you have a wonderful night, and I'm going to make sure to say goodnight to Mr. Thomas." I declare as she wiggles her eyebrows again at me. I quickly slap her arm as she groans out and grabbed the same area I slapped as she chuckled while nodding. "Ok.. have fun.. but not too much fun.. we wouldn't want him to break a hip." She declares as I glare over at her, throwing my middle finger up for her to see, causing her to hop in her toes, skipping away before I kick her ass.
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