Chapter 29

2554 Words

Drake turned slowly and faced her furiously. If he hadn’t wanted to kill her before he was certainly prepared to do it now. His fingers flexed on the steering wheel as he controlled the urge to wind them tightly around her neck and take her last breath from her. Only the presence of the man in the blue uniform stopped him. Sapphire smirked at Drake’s enraged expression; his dark eyebrows pulled so far up into his hairline it bordered ridiculous. This was much too fun, she thought gleefully. “Could you get out of the car sir?” The man’s fingers nervously tapped the gun at his holster. Drake turned back to face him aware the man’s fingers were itching to pull his revolver. “Yes, I can.” Before he could even put his hand to the handle, his head spun back in awe at Sapphire at her next wor

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