Chapter 5: "Glargle, tragle, gurg?"

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Bretna and Grit were led to an area underneath the platformed hub above and that was situated roughly where the government building was. The funny thing about this planet is, the government building sees little to no traffic due to certain governing ideals of the Drekk. That makes this the perfect spot to hide. The creatures had them stand in the middle of the landmass in the area and they all began to surround Bretna and Grit. Grit found himself feeling understandably uneasy. It's never a good sign for a human to be surrounded by aliens. Once the creatures finished arranging themselves 3 of them emerged from the group. One of which holding a large stick it used to help itself walk, it was missing a leg. The other two had more spear-like sticks. The one with the missing leg sort of spoke, "Glargle, tragle, gurg?" The one on his right then said, "Who are you?" Grit looked over at Bretna hoping she would respond. Bretna looked about and then wet her lips before saying, "It's obvious, isn't it? We're escaped, slaves." The one-legged one made more gurgling noises and the other one, assumedly the translator then spoke, "We assumed as much, we are the Garents. I go by the name Ga, the one translating by Ro, and the one to my left by Ba. We hold no joy towards the Drekk and assume you do not either. So, we have a proposition for you. If you wish to hear it." Bretna looked at Grit, surprised as he was, "Well of course we would, just one problem, we're fugitives and we need fuel. Don't know if we can help you." Ga chuckled or made a noise that could be understood as a chuckle and then made more talking noises for the translator, Ro, "You seem strong enough for the job. We need you to blow up the fuel depot near the military outreach establishment. As luck would have it, you could take some of that fuel before blowing up the depot." At this, Grit knew what had to be done, but trusted Bretna over himself on how to answer, "I see, well my friend and I need some time to think this over I'm sure you understand the need to deliberate." As the translator relayed this an argument amongst the crowd broke out. It seemed not all in attendance agreed with the plan being discussed. Ro shouted angrily at the crowd and it quickly quieted. Grit noticed that the crowd gave Ro a certain level of respect, perhaps he is the next in line after Ga? Ro turned back to Bretna and Grit as Ga spoke again, "Many in the Garent clan seem to think that we have no hope and this small act of rebellion will spell our doom. I agree that it will spell our doom, but there is no life left on this planet for my people. We are no longer enslaved, but instead cast out and forgotten by our Drekk overlords." Bretna contemplated his words for a moment, Grit could see it in her eyes, "We will accept this job, but we won't be able to do it on our own. We will have to work with you." _______________________________ Ro was furious at what the human just said. We have to help them! No, they do the job no questions asked. They go off and die. He was contemplating speaking ahead of his father when he heard him say in Gare, "I suppose it is cowardly for us to not involve ourselves." He looked at his father incredulously and repeated what he said in the Galactic standard language. The one human, (perhaps female?) nodded at what his father said and looked at her friend and spoke in a whisper. The other one nodded and replied still too quiet to hear and then she looked back at his father, "What's the plan?" The group gathered seemed to also want this answer. His father looked at Ro and said, "Yes, what is the plan, son?" Ro took a step back from surprise and then began to pace, he then stopped and began excitedly explaining his idea. ________________________________ Derek couldn't believe it, his leg was no longer the ugly purple color it was when he left Drakkna. It seemed he could also actually put weight on it. The serum seemed to be more than a numbing agent. He stretched his leg in a sitting position for a bit. Hut watched him and looked at him strangely, "Did your leg heal up?" Derek nodded. He finally stood up and began slowly pacing the shuttle wondering if this was permanent or not. Hut posed a question as he was feeling the strength of his bone, "Do you think that you've got a bit of Vehnu in you?" Derek looked at him, a bit disgusted at the thought, "There is no way that is possible." Hut shrugged, " I didn't think a human bone could heal on its own either so, don't know if we can talk about understood possibilities." Derek shuddered at the thought of having a piece of sociopathic squid in his leg. He wondered if it was perhaps better off left broken? ________________________________ Ga's Garents were not the only Garents left on the planet, but they were the best organized. There were still ways to get the word out and Ro used these methods to amass a larger group for the plan to work. More hands meant more fodder. For there was no denying blood would be spilled. The idea was to make sure they did not fail no matter what the cost. Ro certainly thought the endeavor wasn't the best they could have put their hearts into but knew something was much better than nothing and was finding purpose in planning this. He just hoped to live to see it succeed. ________________________________ Jort had one directive, capture Human Slaves 54738, 45678, 32423, and 98008. At least that's what the voice in his head kept saying. He kept trying to go back to his shuttle, his feet seemed to have other ideas and took him to a Parked Drekk fighter craft, the autopilot was set for Garentor. He pressed the ignition and saw his hand, one of his fingers didn't look right, seemed almost mechanical. Horror dawned on him as he realized what those tentacled freaks had done to him. He wanted to roar out in anger, but all he heard come out of his mouth was, "Moving in to capture assets, Dr. Noro." ____________________________________ The Frentro forgeworld saw the first finished piece of the Vehnu order, and it was unlike anything any of them had ever made. They were in awe of the craftsmanship they had to use to get the engravings just right. They felt truly proud of this work but were not even close to down. They had many more pieces to finish before the job was done. The furnace was still hot and the heat beckoned them to continue their work. The forge master looked upon it and gave a stamp of approval and then ordered them all to get back to work. A work that was now in their blood. A work that they felt destined to do.

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