Chapter 4

1463 Words
Sam's POV I sighed. How many times should I heave a sigh? I leaned on the veranda as I watch the calmness of the night. The memory of the guy at the parking lot rush vividly on my mind. I can still feel the goosebumps I had a while ago, I can still feel the intensity he has on his eyes. I honestly don't know how did it happen, that guy was just looking at me but it scared me a lot. He doesn't look like some gangster or a goon, he doesn't look bad at all. Infact, he's good-looking, he's tall and I think he owns that car where he was leaning. And I'm sure as hell that I don't know him. So what would be the reason for him to stare at me like that? He looks like a serial killer, a professional killer who wants to kill me, who's watching me. Thinking about it makes me go uneasy, it makes me unable to sleep. I don't know why I feel so afraid. I know it's not good to judge someone but there is really something I can't figure out. "Sam--" I was surprised when I heard someone from behind, my phone fell on the ground. My dad also looked surprised when he saw my reaction, he immediately came to me. "Sam? Are you okay?" "D-dad.." I don't know why I stuttered. "Hey, are you okay? Why are you shaking?" He held my hand and that's when my emotions got triggered. I broke into tears as soon as he hugged me. "Sweety? Tell me what happened? Are you not feeling well? Did you had a fight with Sean?" "D-dad.." "Ssshh. Calm down, tell me what happened." He pulled a chair and helped me sit. I can feel my body shaking and my heart thumping loud. Why am I feeling this? Why am I so scared? "Samantha?" I saw my mom peek at the door. Worry is written all over her eyes. She immediately hugged me when she saw me crying. "What's happening?" Dad remained silent, he's just caressing my back. When they realized I'm not gonna say anything they just let me calm down while caressing my hair and my back. "Okay baby, tell us what happened? Did you and Sean had a fight?" They asked when I finally stopped crying. I could have rolled my eyes if it isn't only my mom. How can they ask that thing? Do I look like a weak girl who'll cry over Sean? And over a playboy? Really mom, if you and dad only knew. "Mom, we're okay." "If you two are good, why is he at the terrace and just watching? He could have rushed here when he saw you're crying." I looked at their terrace because of what my mom said and she's right, I saw him watching us through his window. Their house and our rooms are just infront of each other. Is he watching me for too long? I looked at my mom and dad and saw the looks they're both giving me, I sighed. "Mom we're really--" "You should rest now Samantha, you're just too exhausted." I coudn't do anything anymore but to come with them when they pulled me to my room. I didn't bother looking at Sean again. They were about to put me to bed when I suddenly felt dizzy. I held onto my dad's arm for support. "Sam?" I couldn't answer anymore when I totally felt a pang of pain on my head. I heard mom's frantic voice before everything went black. * "Is the doctor sure that this is just overfatigue? Why is she so pale?" I heard my mom's ranting session again. "Misty, he's a doctor how can he not be sure? Do you want to take his position now?" "Sshh! Why are you so noisy? Let's go out and let her rest in peace." I heard footsteps before the door shut. I slowly opened my eyes even though I can still feel my head throbbing. Geez, what happened? Overfatigue? Seriously? I reached for my phone at the bed side table and I saw a lot of missed calls and texts from Sean and from an unregistered number. I opened his first message. | Sam are you okay? What happened? | I rolled my eyes. If he wants to know what happened he could have come here to ask. He could have talked to my mom if I was asleep. I opened the next message. | I'm really sorry. | I felt annoyed evenmore. I hate it when he says sorry without admitting his mistake and without promising me he'll never do it again. How can he just be sorry. I didn't open the rest of his messages anymore. I turned to the unregistered number. From +6392142***** | Hey Samantha, are you home? How are you? What happened there? Can we meet somewhere? | My forehead creased. Who's gonna text me this? I was just about to reply when someone knocked on the door. "Come in," I closed my inbox and locked my phone. I put it back on the table beside my bed and that's when the door opened. A guy came in and I was surprised to see him. "Samantha," "Karl?" He smiled, showing his perfect set of white teeth. He walked near the bed before giving me a boquet of red roses and tulips. I felt my heart leaped because of happiness. "Wow, you still know my favorite huh?" "Yeah, how can I forget? Anyway, how are you? I was waiting for your reply but I learned that you're sick so I went here." I nodded, "Yeah, but it's not that serious. I'll be alright," I smiled at him. I let him sit on the bed while I was arranging the flowers on the vase. "You must be really exhausted," "Yeah, school problems." "I want to invite you to an icecream parlor but I think you should rest for now. You're really pale." I sighed. I suddenly want to eat icecream but I know he's right, I need to rest. "I'll make it up next time." I smiled at him and he smiled back. "By the way, how did you know I live here?" He shrugged, "I have my ways." "Yeah right. So how are you? It's been a while, where do you study now?" Karl Ford is a childhood friend from our village before. We've been good friends but one day I just learned that his family migrated to Canada. I thought they'll be staying there for good but I met him yesterday. And it's surprising that he still know me. "Actually, I stopped schooling after I graduated from grade twelve." "What? But why? I thought you wanted to be an architect, what happened?" He smiled, I noticed he's been smiling a lot. He used to be a snob before, but his looks often makes him stand out the most no matter how snob he is wayback. "When I was in Canada, someone offered me a contract under Pyramid empire. I thought I'll do good that's why I tried. " My eyes grew wide about what he said, "Pyramid empire? The international modelling agency? Wow Karl, just wow! How nice is that?" I can't believe he's a model now! And for pyramid empire? That's a prestigious modeling agency outside the country! "Congrats Karl! I did not expect that. I mean, you're not like that before." I exclaimed. "People change, Samantha. Just like you, you really did mature enough and you look more beautiful now." I felt both of my cheeks heat up with what he said. Yeah, he really changed, he can even say that to me now when he can't even confess to me before. He used to write me a love letter because he can't tell me directly how he feel. It's so gay but I was really laughing that time because this guy likes me since then. "Anyway, I have a meeting with our project team today so I think I have to leave you now." I smiled. I was about to help him outside when he stopped me, "No need, I went here alone and I want you to rest so we can go out next time. I'll come and visit you after our pictorial." I nodded while smiling, "Alright then, I'll look forward for an icecream date with you." I laughed. What he did next really surprised me. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on my left cheek before he stormed out of my room. I was left inside my room, staring at the foor where he disappeared. I don't why I suddenly felt guilty. What is this feeling for? **
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