The biggest day of your life

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2. The biggest day of your life! 4 years later   'HIGHER' my uncle yelled as I kicked his raised hand. He looked at me with a smirk, 'You're getting stronger, but your kicks need to be higher how do you expect to kick a 6ft guy in the face when you can only reach 4 ft?' I rolled my eyes, 'Are we done? I have s**t to do' I said irritably. 'Yes, we're done, now get to school you have a big day today ragazza' I didn’t need to be told twice, I bolted up the basement stairs and through the wooden door. I casually made my way to the kitchen where I fixed myself a black coffee just as I’d finished making it my brothers came in the front door. 'SORELLA' Sal yelled to me before giving me a huge hug. 'Hey, I didn't think you were coming today! Uncle Vince said you guys were in Japan?'. 'We got an early flight yesterday.' said Don without so much as a flicker of human emotion. 'Okay, I love you both, but I really got to get ready, I’m already super late!' I rambled. With one last look at my brothers, I ran upstairs, coffee in hand to my room. As I entered, I saw my gown had been hung up on my door, no matter how ironed out the creases where it was still ugly as sin. I pulled on a modest navy-blue dress which stopped just after the knee and then the gown over the top. I looked in the mirror and sighed, why did we have to wear these stupid things anyway? It is just a diploma...   My family were waiting at the bottom of the stairs, when i reached them I realised they all had their phones out filming and taking photos. This immediately caused me to go a flattering shade of beetroot. 'Eurgh can you not?' I whined. With that comment my uncle appeared from behind his phone with a scowl ‘Your father would never forgive me if I didn’t document the graduation of his little princess! now smile please you look like someone just died.' The words cut through me like ice, my mom and dad weren’t going to whiteness my graduation; I felt my head lower slightly thinking of his words then i lifted my head and gave the nicest smile i could.   I put my cap on and headed out to my jeep, it was old and banged up but I loved its charm. I turned on the engine and drove absent mind idly to my high school. I was early so I didn’t have to que in the carpark, the place was deserted which was eery, I was so used to it being so busy I could barely move. I got out of the car and headed towards the main building, now it was really starting to feel eery... I opened the main door to find all the lights were off, and there was no sign of any movement. 'Hello?' I stupidly called out. I'd seen enough horror movies to know how this would go down, I shook myself out of it and made my way to the cafeteria. As i approached i heard raised voices, I edged toward the door window to spy when my stomach dropped. Every single one of my teachers were blind folded and tied up, surrounded by huge men in clean cut suits. 'I will give you one last chance to tell me where she is, and if I’m not satisfied with your answer people are going to start to lose limbs' I could only see his back but his accent told me everything i needed to know. Mexicans. i pulled out my phone and texted my uncle 'MESSICANO, CAFETERIA, 12'. He replied almost instantly with a car emoji, i started to turn towards the exit when i bumped right smack bang into another thug dressed in a suit. He grabbed me instantly by the hair and dragged me into the room with the rest of the teachers. My head throbbed at the pulling and when he finally through me to the ground i looked up to see my gym teacher lying in front of me in a pool of blood. 'Eaves dropper sir, I don’t know how much she heard shall I get rid of her?' said the man who had dragged me in. 'No no no, senorita I have some questions could you answer them for me? If you do, i'll kill you quickly'. I looked up to see who had spoken, he was short and tanned with shoulder length dark hair. In all honesty he looked like a Mexican Johnny Depp. 'Do you not have a voice senorita?' he purred at me as he crouched to my level. 'I do, i'll help you just let the teachers go please?' when i finished my sentence he let out a booming laugh 'Senorita, I cannot simply let them go, they have heard my voice they must all die'. My teachers started to sob hysterically. 'What is your name?' he asked 'Lana.' I lied. 'and tell me Lana, do you know of a girl named Andrea who goes to school here?' 'No, nobody in my class has that name' 'You are lying.' he said simply. He stood back up and i analysed the situation, time to put the training into practice... Without another warning I lunged and grabbed his legs, so he fell to the floor with a loud thud, the sound of surprise had come from everyone. I grabbed his gun from his belt and grabbed him by his hair while twisting him around so he was facing his men while I put him in a tight head lock. I held the gun up to his temple. 'nobody moves or i kill your don' i said blankly, as if unphased. 'drop the weapons' they did as i said. 'which one of you shot my gym teacher?' looking at each other shocked at my question the tallest of the group raised his hand. Without batting an eyelid i raised the gun and shot him straight through the eye. lesson one, do not hesitate.   'Let the teachers go.' I commanded. One by one the teachers were untied, and their blindfolds removed. 'Let them leave'. They ran towards the entrance and bolted out of sight. 'What now little girl?' The man who I had as my hostage spoke with a chuckle. I didn’t even think I’d get this far, where the hell was my uncle?! 'There are 13 of us and one of you, I’m tired of playing it your way' With his words a million different scenarios rushed through my head, all of which involved me getting killed. Before I could decide what to do, i pulled the trigger. but nothing happened. My eyes widened in shock as i realised there were no bullets left in the gun. The men around me erupted with laughter, and for the first time in a long time, I was scared.   I started to back away when I realised, they were surrounding me, nothing else to do I decided to do the stupidest thing in the world. 'I'm Andrea DeLuca, and I bet your boss is gunna be pissed if you murder me here.' As if I’d muttered a magic password they immediately backed away, that’s when the leader approached me once again 'Finally...' his grin stretching from ear to ear. 'The Elusive young white pup reveals herself to us, take her!' He ordered. Young White pup? what the hell was this guy on? must be a Mexican thing... The men started to head towards me, each of them holding various equipment to tie me up; before i could even think my entire body began to shake violently. As i fell to the floor the world around me went dark, the sound of gunshots filling the empty cafeteria as i slowly slipped into unconsciousness.   Darkness. That’s all I could see/hear/sense. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, i looked down to see i was still in my graduation gown but it was now covered in blood. 'Am i dead?' I say out loud. 'No Andy, you’re not dead' whispered a voice from behind me. Instinctively I turned around to see who had addressed me, only to be greeted by a beautiful gigantic white wolf.  'What the f**k?' I muttered.  'Andy, listen to me we don't have much time...' the wolf spoke, the wolf SPOKE?! 'Were in our subconscious right now, I had to take over when I thought we were in danger. I'm sorry I haven’t reached out before.' I could hear the wolfs voice and see her communicating with me through her eyes, but her lips never moved. 'okay okay, stop talking! what the hell is going on and where am I?! Who are you? how can you talk? Jesus I’m finally cracking...' the words tumble out of my mouth like vomit, my mind racing at 100mph. 'Andy, I need you to get a grip right now because your entire world is about to change.' The wolfs eyes hardened as she spoke. I didn't know what to say, I was frozen in shock. 'My name is Akeliah, I'm your wolf. I've been here inside you lying dormant for our own safety, but I couldn't let those guys take us, I had to do something so I forced my way to the front of your mind and you shifted into a wolf. Into me. The shock on your body took its toll and you fainted which is why you’re able to see me right now.' 'S.. so I’m like a werewolf or something? ‘I stumble. 'Yes Andy, we are joined in everything. Your uncle will explain more about where we come from and what it all means.' 'He knew?!' The wolf nodded apologetically. 'And my brothers? are they like me?' 'Yes, they are.' 'And they never thought to mention that I’m a f*****g wolf?! I've been lied to my ENTIRE life!' Tears start to escape from the corners of my eyes, and I run my hands through my hair in frustration. 'But werewolves aren’t even real?' 'I like how you just shot a guy in the eye and this is what you’re upset about? Andy I’m sorry but you’re waking up, I’ll talk to you sooner than you think'   My eyes opened suddenly; I was still lying in the cafeteria. Once I had registered what the hell just happened, I started to look around the room to see my uncle and twin brothers surrounding me. 'Andy can you hear me?' I heard Sal's voice. Without thinking I immediately stood up and punched his square in the face. As my fist contacted with his face, I heard an awful crunching sound I could not tell if it was my hand or his face that was broken. 'YOU LYING SON OF A BI..' but before I could finish my body caught my eye, and to my horror I was completely naked. My face instantly turned my signature shade of beetroot and as I attempted to cover myself with my arms, my hand throbbed. It was broken- Great. 'Let’s talk about this at home, shall we?' mumbled my uncle as he covered me in his long trench coat. Once I was covered, I turned to the three of them stood there looking guilty as sin, apart from Don who just looked amused. 'So, it's true? I'm a wolf?' Silence echoed throughout the room. Which infuriated me, I felt a burning rage like never before rising through my body. 'ANSWER ME' I boomed. My voice echoed around the now empty room, as it did the atmosphere changed. I could feel the power radiating off me. My family’s eyes all averted down, submissively as if by some unknown force.  Salvatore was the first to break the silence. 'Yes, it's true. Now can we please go home and talk about this? We will tell you everything and anything you need to know.' I nodded in agreeance, and quickly turned on my heels towards the doors. My family walked behind me, as I descended down the corridor to the entrance of the school. 'What the f**k is happening' I thought to myself. 'You're changing, you felt our aurora back there. We are strong, stronger than they ever thought' said my wolf in the back of my head. A smile crept up to my lips. 'So this is how we can communicate?' I thought. 'Yes, all you have to do is concentrate and ill come to the front of your mind. We can also mind link with other members of our pack.' 'Pack?' 'Our Family Andy, those who are loyal to us and care for us and… oh my god wait until you find out about mates!' 'Information overload Akeliah!' 'Okay okay ill stop, its just so nice being able to communicate with you now! By the way, that Ashley girl... totally deserves a punch to the throat’ My wolf growls as the bully in question comes into sight. 'Woah, chill Kei, can I call you Kei?' 'haha! wolf rage, sorry! Yes if you'd like' I felt my wolf curl up, contented and happy with our conversation. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel alone and to know that I haven’t been alone all this time fills me with so much happiness. I can feel my happiness radiating off me. 'Wow, bipolar much?' muttered Donavon. I rolled my eyes not even bothering to look at him, before I knew it we were back at the car. I hopped in and we sped away back home.
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