Forced to be his maid

856 Words
“Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.” –Anonymous If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't Happy reading..... Aamal p.o.v " No " Gasping for air, I woke up breathless from a nightmare that felt all too real. I look around in panic only to close my eyes in relief . " It's a dream Aamal " I murmur to myself . " It's just a dream " " How did you come here " I heard my aunt voice . Instinctively my eyebrows automatically furrowed together . " Who came ?" I ask to no one . " Escaping them " my eyes widen realisation when I heard Ibrahim bhai voice . " Ibrahim bhai ..." Happiness jolt my body , quickly uncovering my blanket I wore my head scarf and ran downstairs but my feet halt when I heard a deafening gunshot . Terror sucked the very breath from my mouth. I took two small steps backward. I wanted to run for safety, but my feet would not allow me to do so , instead I ran towards Amira room only to find the bed empty . " Amira " I whispered . The color quickly drained from his face. Slowly with tiptoe I went to living room and hid behind the wall . A cold wave embalmed me as the hairs rose on the back of my neck and my mouth ran dry to see the sight in front of my eyes . Aunty , uncle, Amira standing on the side of the corner on gunpoint . While Ibrahim bhai was on his knees , one man with face covered only eyes can be seen . " Pl- please leave my son " My uncle beg helplessly . " Do you know what he did ?" The voice was deep and husky, it had low tones that scraped like nails on a blackboard and a hiss on the letter. " He came to me , took my money and didn't return " his voice was menacing sending down shiver my spine . " SO YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HIM " I couldn't help but jump in the situation without thinking about the consequences. Big mistake! " Aamal go inside " my brother shouted but it felt like my feet refused to listen . Slowly a man came and murmur something near his ear and boom my eyes widen as realisation dawn on me . He is the man who killed Mr. Khurram !! I could no longer control my hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm " Ohh... You " he clasp his tongue. " What a fateful day for this family " he made a tsk tsk sound . " Two members of this family on my target" though his face is covered I can see the amusement in his eyes . He is enjoying all of this ??? What kind of devil he is ?? " What do you mean " my brother tried to stand up but one shot from the back of the gun and he fell unconscious . " BHAI !" I shouted . Everything went silent I stood for a couple seconds, stomach churning. " Now your turn '' he pointed the gun at me . " I have a solution " suddenly a man step up . " What Sohaib ?" His voice held irritation . " His brother took our money , so takr this girl make our maid till then the police investigation will be over and no blood will be in our hand " I felt his solution was worse than my death idea . No blood on hand ??? They already killed someone . They stare at each other , felt like having an eye competition . " Fine but if she tried to open her mouth I will kill her with my own hand " his piercing gaze directed toward me . " No... You cannot take her " my uncle object when men tried to take me . " You want your son stop breathing " he raised his one eyebrow mocking . " No... No.. no " Everyone scream and even the little Amira who didn't deserve any of this cruelty . " Then stay quiet , your girl will be with you in a year " Sohaib spoke , the devil guy was long gone . He gave side eye to one of the man who came behind me and put something over my mouth and in a blink , darkness overwhelmed my eyes . Present time.... Sitting down on the edge of the bed , I thought of how my fate kept playing with me . Everytime I think everything falling into places it shatter all over again . At this point I cannot blame anyone . My life has a habit of slapping me hard without sparing me a second . All I know in the end with every hardship there is ease . _____________________________________

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