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Alex took a peek from the living room when the bell coming from the private elevator rang. He closes his laptop and stood up from the couch when he saw Daniel carrying Austin by the shoulder, drunk. "Oh hey. Let me help you with him." Alex insisted. "No no. It's fine. I can carry him." Daniel said as he laid down Austin on the couch. "Wow, you two seem had a great night. You never mentioned to me that you two were close friends." Alex said. "W-what? Oh! No. We're not friends. We had an urgent meeting together with his dad and his dad told me to take his son home." Daniel lied and he smiled. "You should have called me then. In the end, I am his personal assistant. I shouldn't have to bother you in this mess." Alex tried to smiled because he felt guilty for not taking care of his boss. "I don't want to bother you, Alex. And I didn't want to call you in the middle of the night. It's like one in the morning. By the way, why are you still up?" Daniel asks. "Well, I'm reviewing some documents. The boards need to signed this so I'm only checking if there's any typo or what." he responds.  He slowly nods, "Anyways, I gotta get going. We still have work tomorrow. Have a good night. Bye!" Daniel said as he rushes to the elevator. Alex looked at him in confusion and suddenly remembers that Daniel left Austin on the couch and not in his room. "Now what." Alex mumbles. - - - - - - - - - - - - - "I'm so sorry, Austin. I know who you are when you're drunk. I can't let this happen... again. You're not hurting him. again." Daniel mumbled to himself as he leaves the building. - - - - - - - - - - - - - "U-urghh... Daniel... Y-you *hiccup* d-d**k!" Austin mumbled as Alex helped him walked to his room upstairs by his shoulder. "Hold on, please. We're closer to your room." Alex said struggling. As soon as they're already in front of Austin's room, Alex opens it up and puts Austin in his bed. "Damn..." Austin mumbled. Alex release a heavy sigh and removed Austin's shoes and covered him with a duvet. While Alex is fixing the duvet, Austin suddenly pulls Alex closer to him. The younger's eyes went wide when their faces are only centimeters apart. "... I miss you so much..." The drunk Austin mumbled. Alex tries to escape but Austin hugs little Alex as tight as he can. "Uh... Please let go." Alex said pulling himself away from the older. He can smell the alcohol breathe that comes from Austin's mouth.  "I miss you... So much..." Austin said as tears fell from his eyes. He held Alex's cheek and rub his thumb on it. Alex doesn't know what to react since it is really awkward and he doesn't know why his boss kept on saying I miss you. Maybe he's just dreaming. "I'm so sorry... I love you so much..." Austin said as he slowly closes his eyes and tears fell on his cheeks. "Aw, I love you too, baby." Alex was startled when someone spoke behind his back. He turned around and it is Olivia. Austin's fiancé. He suddenly stood up and Olivia walked near Austin and sat beside him. "I love you too, baby." Olivia smiled and kissed him on the forehead in his sleep. "I'm sorry for letting you do this, Alex. Austin is not on his self when he's drunk that's why he speaks nonsense towards anybody. I'm sorry that you have to witness all of this." Olivia said. "It's okay. I'm his assistant anyway so I don't bother." Alex smiled, "why are you here this late, by the way?" He asked. "Oh. Daniel texted me that my fiancé is drunk. So as his future wife, I came to rescue." Olivia chuckled. Alex smiled in replied, "tea?" He asked again, "I'd love to." The two were having tea together at the kitchen counter. Laughing and talking about their life. They feel like they've had an acquaintance since they're comfortable with each other. "You know what, Alex, since Austin hired you, I've never seen him so happy. I don't know what did you do to him but good job." Olivia smiled. "Huh?" "I know right. He's really grumpy and cold and stuff but when you got your job, he's kinda... Cool. He can control his temper. Maybe he changed because he's not alone anymore. He already has someone to talk to. A friend and that's you." Olivia said and sips her tea. "Anyways, I gotta go to bed. I'll sleep with him. I love our conversation tonight. Good night." She said and headed upstairs. Alex was so confused about what the hell Olivia is talking about. When he got his job, he never sees Austin smiled or what. Is she blind or something? After Alex washed the teacups, he notices that Olivia left his phone on the counter. He immediately gets it and went upstairs to give it back. As soon as he arrived at the front door, he was having a hard time whether to knock at the door or just open it without invitation when he heard something. "... I miss you... A lot... I'm so... sorry..." He heard Austin cried again. "I know baby. I love you so much." He heard Olivia comforting Austin. He leaned on the door with the phone in his hand. Suddenly, he heard kissing and moaning from the room. He walked away since he doesn't want to disturb them. He entered his room and put Olivia's phone on the table. He sat at the edge of the bed feeling low. His heart breaks with what he just heard but he can't help it since Olivia is Austin's fiance. he can't do anything about it. He doesn't know what he really feels but there is one thing for sure.   jealousy. 
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