no fun

1002 Words
'A fiancé?!' Alex looked at the couple in shock and in confusion. He was standing at the edge, staring at his Boss and his fiancé when she noticed him, "babe, is he your assistant or what?" She asked. Austin then looked at where she is pointing. "Ah yes. He is my personal assistant. I hired him yesterday. His name is Alex and Alex this is Olivia, my fiancé." He answered with a smile.  "Well then, Uhm, you should fix yourself first. You looked like a mess and I don't think daddy will be glad seeing you like that." Olivia said looking at Alex in disgust. Alex nodded and rushed into the bathroom. He washes his face and stared at the mirror in confusion.  'I never thought he had a fiancé.' Alex thought. He decided to fix himself and get himself busy at work since he doesn't want to interrupt his boss's private moments. After he fixed himself, he decided to go down to the office to get himself some fresh air and to be alone. He decided to walk into a cafe which is on the ground floor of the building and ordered himself a cappuccino. He sat at the window while waiting for his drink. He thinks about his new boss who acts really really weird. Is he having some psychological issues? Bipolar or something? How come you slept with someone knowing you will get married soon? well, not sleep actually. "Uhm, hi." Alex came back to his senses when someone greeted him. He looked up to see who is it, "uh hi." He said giving him a neutral face. "Uhm, can I seat here? Every table is already full and it looks like you're alone. But if you're waiting for someone, I can go. I'm so sorry to bother you." He said. "No, no. I'm alone. It's okay. We can share the table." Alex said insisting the guy to seat, "have a seat."He added. The guy nodded and sat across facing him. Awkward fills the air between the two, nobody wanted to talk. The guy played his fingers while looking around and Alex's attention is in the view outside. "My name is Daniel, by the way." The guy stated. Alex looked at him and smile, "I'm Alex." "So do you work in this building? Because I do. I'm sorry, I'm new to this place. I'm not really familiar with everything." He said looking down. "You work into this building too? So am I. And don't worry, I'm new to this office too." Alex smiled. "Yes. I've been working here for a week now. How about you?" He asked again,  "I just got the job yesterday. As a personal assistant of the CEO." Alex replied. Daniel's eyes went wide when he hears that Alex is the personal assistant of their CEO, "what's the matter? Are you okay?" Alex asked in confusion, "whoa, my office mates told me that the CEO is really scary. Yes, I met him, and damn, he really is. Those cold eyes. How come did you become his assistant? Does he scold you every day? Did he yell at you? Did he try to throw a pile of papers at you?" Daniel asked in shock. "Whoa, calm down. One question at a time. He's nice. Maybe he's not in the mood when you met him." Alex answered. Any minute, their drinks arrived. The two spent their break laughing and talking when they finished, they both went to their office. Daniel is walking together with Alex in the hallway since the way of their office is the same. Daniel says goodbye to his fellow colleague while Alex did the same. He entered Austin's office and the CEO just took a glance at him. He looked around wondering where is his boss's fiancé. Austin notices his actions and suddenly spoke up.  "She went outside. Don't bother to look for her." Austin said as his eyes were on the computer typing something. "Oh." Alex said, "I didn't know that you had a fiancé," he added. "And why would I tell you that? Keep your nose out of my private life if you want to keep your job." He replied giving him a glared and cold tone. Alex mentally slapped himself looking down and murmured an apology. Time passed, it's time for them to go home. Austin doesn't say anything to his assistant while Alex is behind him, fidgeting his fingers. They both went home to the penthouse without saying a word in the elevator. When they're home, Austin immediately went to his room upstairs, and Alex releases a heavy sigh. 'Damn it, Alex. You shouldn't have said that. be thankful you still have this job.' He murmured and went to the kitchen to grab some cold water. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  It was 10 in the evening and Alex still can't sleep thinking that his boss is mad at him. Good thing he didn't lose his job after sticking his nose to Austin. He decided to call his best friend Charlie when he suddenly remembers that Charlie is overseas taking a vacation with his family. He took a deep sigh while laying down staring at the white ceiling thinking what will happen tomorrow. A new day.  He jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face again. He looked at the mirror and wiped his face, staring at his reflection again. He went back to bed again hoping he falls asleep this time since he had to wake up early tomorrow morning. He turned off the lamp beside his nightstand and covers himself with the duvet trying to fall asleep when he felt something on his bed. He removes the duvet from his face when he saw Austin sitting beside him and immediately hover on top of him. "A-Austin..." "Ssshhh."  
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