stealing the cake

1652 Words

"Oh f**k. What the hell happ-- What the f**k!" Daniel yelled as he tries to escape from the chair he's tied to. His hand and ankle were tied, "Let me go! Whoever did this, I swear you will never see the light of the day!" He added. "Oh really?" A guy with a black mask walked in front of him while dragging a chair. He put on the chair and sat, facing Daniel. "Show your face, dumbass." He demanded. "Okay, okay. I will." He removed his mask and Daniel's jaw dropped and eyes went wide "Alex?" "Yes. Good thing you remembered me." "What the f**k, Alex! What kind of games is this?!" He yelled. "Easy tiger. I want you to side on me," he smirked. "Are you f*****g insane?! What are you talking about?!" he yelled and tries to getaway.  Alex grinned at him and told him everything from his amne

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