poor daniel

1016 Words

"Daniel... Can you please tell me what happened to you?" Charlie asked again while his voice cracks.  Daniel tries to smile and looked into Charlie, "Remember the time when you accused me that I am cheating on you?"  Charlie nodded slowly, "Yeah."  "It happens when we were in 2nd year level in college." Daniel started.  [flash back]  "Hey, Daniel! Do you want to come to Liam's party later? I'm pretty sure it will be the biggest party ever." Austin asked him while they're fixing their books since their last period just ended.  "No. I have to study. I think I'm failing. I need to catch up." Daniel replied, "Come on. Just this time, please. I'm so lonely. Alex is in Amsterdam for that stupid business of his family." Austin rolled his eyes.  "Fine. I'll get going now. I will see you to

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