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Sandra pov I dressed up as I was ready to go to my best friend's house, I am not going there all because I miss her but so that I get to see her father. “Sister, I am going to visit Hannah” I shouted on top of my voice so that she can hear “You don’t need to shout; I am right here” she came out with a novel in her hand “I did not know, anyway, don’t miss me” I smiled as I nudged her shoulder “You are only going there so that you can see Tyler” she teased My sister is the one person I never hide anything from. I told her about the crush I had on Tyler who happens to be Hannah’s dad. She always disapproves telling me how inappropriate it is because of the age gap but I was not going to give up. I know I can never tell him about my feelings because he will only take me as a daughter and that will devastate me. I dream of him every night. “Hey, let your mind wander back” she brought me back to reality “don’t wait up for me in case I come in late” “Have you told Hannah about the feelings you had for her dad” she queried “I can’t, she will never talk to me again and I will never have excuse to see her father again” I replied “More reasons you have to give up, it’s going to ruin you guys’ friendship” she said “I am ready for whatever happen as long as he wants me too” I replied “Okay, just stay safe” she told me and I waved at her as I left the house. I happily ordered a ride as I got outside as the image of Tyler flash through, the one I saw him wearing a boxer and I smiled hoping to see him in his boxer again today. The ride to his house was splendid. I have made up my mind that I was going to tell him how I feel about him on my 18th birthday. He won’t see me as a minor again. I rang the doorbell of the house and Hannah came to open for me “hey bestie, you didn’t tell me you were coming” she said If only you knew I wasn’t here for you but your father, I said inside my head “you know my birthday is coming up and I have come here to plan it with you” I replied instead “You are right,” she led me into the house, I look around and I couldn’t see her father “Are you the only one at home” I asked hoping I was wrong “My father went for exercise” she came with a bottle of juice and pass it to me “I see” feeling down a little “That give us time to plan your birthday, are you still planning on using here” I have begged her to tell her dad to let me use their house “Did your father agreed” I became alerted “Yes, he couldn’t say no to my puppy eyes” she said with such much excitement and I couldn’t help but to join her “I look forward to my birthday, it will be so much fun” I jump up with so much joy. That moment, the door to the entrance open and her father entered, I couldn’t take my eyes of him, he was sweaty and his vein was popping, he stops dead in his tract and sniffed the air, he does that around me very well and then his eyes landed on me “you are here Sandra” Opportunity come but once, I hurriedly went to hug him “thanks for allowing me to use your house for my party:” I squeezed him more tightly He seems taken aback but manage to free him “no problem, you are also my daughter” The words hurt me so much that tears threatening to fall, I came up with silly excuse to leave there that instance “I have forgotten I promise my sister to help run some errand” “But you just got here” Hannah whined “I will be back” I said, I looked up at Tyler and I could see that he looked hurt too but I didn’t care as I left the house. I went home straight, I let the tears flow as I entered my room and crawled up on the bed. The day of my birthday finally arrived. I have tried as much to avoid him since I will open up to him on my birthday, I already told my sister that I was going to confess my feelings today. She tried to talk me out of it but I didn’t listen. I dressed up in my beautiful gown and even try makeup for the first time. I went over to their house so as to get there before my other guests since it was my party. Hannah welcomes me with a gift in her hand “you shouldn’t have” I said as I collect it from her “using your house is the best gift” I hugged her Music was blasting in the house as I smiled as I looked around the house in search of her father but he wasn’t here. Guests soon start storming in, I know they are here because of the free food and drink and not because they came to celebrate with me. In the evening, her father came back from wherever he had gone too and my stomach somersault at the sight of him, he was wearing an Armani suit which makes him look more handsome, our eyes met and he smiled at me. That was the first time I have ever seen him do that, he always carries a serious expression every time I see him if he is always sniffing the air. “Happy birthday” everybody that passes me by says to me and I thank them politely. I was on my way to search for Hannah’s father when I heard a moan coming out of one room, out of curiosity to see who can be doing such in someone else house, I wish I never did because right in front of me is my crush and my sister suckling each other face out “Riley” I shouted They separated from each other, she looks shocked while Tyler on the other hand looks sad, he shouldn’t be sad, I am the one that caught them “how could you” I cried “Sandra, I can explain” she adjusted her clothes and start coming after me but I didn’t wait as I stormed out of the party Hannah caught up with me “why did you leave your party like that” she said holding her chest as she inhale and exhale “No, it was a lovely party but I am just tired and need to go home” I replied her “Are you sure you are okay, what happened in there” she inquired “Nothing happened” I half yelled “I need to go now” I ran off and this time she didn’t followed me. I didn’t leave my room for three days because I wasn’t ready to talk to her, she didn’t even try to talk to me meaning she must have done what she did on purpose, she doesn’t care about me, she was only concerned about herself and wanting my man for herself. I picked a school that is in the same state with my cousin and also far away from here, I was ready to leave everything behind, he will forever see me as a daughter and I don’t want to. I packed up my bag the last day, left my sister a note before going to Hannah house, I owe her an apology and I wanted to see Tyler for the last time before going away. Luckily, I met Hannah outside her house, she was reading a book on their pouch “Hannah” I made my presence known to her “Sandra, are you going out, what’s with the bag” she drops the book in her hand as she come to greet me “I am travelling and I am not sure I am ever coming back here” I told her truthfully “You can’t do that, I thought said you will be going to the university here with me” she said with sadly that I felt my heart knot in guilt “I changed my mind and I have to go now if I did not want to miss my flight” “Okay but promise to call me everything” she commands “I promise” I know it was a lie, I will never call, I am leaving everything behind including her. My heart saddens as I didn’t get to see her father for the last time, I hugged her for the very last time, I am going to miss her, she has been nothing but a wonderful best friend to me. I got into my car as I said goodbye to everything forever, especially to my sister who betrayed me, I will never forgive her.
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