Open bar

1366 Words
Bison threw his head back and laughed "Good one boy!" He said and slapped Arno's back hard. Rebecca headed to the back of her table and Blake went to hers "The lot of you will be transported to the north hunting grounds, there you'll spend the night" Rebecca said nodding at Blake who picked up a phone dialling away. "Tomorrow at first light you'll report to Jade, she's in charge of managing that section, and will inform you of everything concerning the lost field team. Once again, thank you for joining me, I hope you'll enjoy your stay, and I wish you all the success" Rebecca said and sat down behind her table. Blake put her phone down and walked over to them "Get your bags, we're heading off" The lot followed her to the elevator and inside she pressed a very high button, Arno felt the lift go up again. "There's an even higher floor than this one?" "Yes, the roof of course" Blake smiled as the doors opened. A helicopter stood ready to depart, it's rotors already spooling up, they ran crouched to it and hopped on "Northern grounds!" Blake called to the pilot and he nodded lifting off. "Fucksakes, beats taking a fokkin taxi that's for sure" Arno chuckled. "Yeah, yellow cab for rich guys right?" Bison said. "Definitely" Arno looked at the two other women, they were both looking out the window and paid no mind. As the helicopter approached Arno saw the jungle just beyond the large building, it was wide and deep, seeming inside some sort if massive crater. They landed and headed in, following Blake with pace as she was again on her speedy strides. The lift up wasn't as long when the doors opened again to a large office, this one had the whole back wall made of glass, looking out on the jungle inside the crater below. "Geez Louise! Another hefty office" Arno gasped, but next to him Genevieve also gasped when she saw the woman named Jade stand up from behind her desk. "Blake, this the team?" Jade asked coming around the table. "Yes, please cater for them?" "Of course" The tall woman with sleek black hair and also with these dark brown eyes smiled at them, her gaze stopped on Genevieve, and her smile widened. "Ha, I knew I'd get you busted sister" Genevieve's eyes widened "You did!?" Jade shrugged holding her hands up "Who do you think gave the task force the info? A rogue navy seal dealing with diamonds? That's totally worth their time" Genevieve glared at her, but both Bison and Arno gave a snort. "Shut up! f*****g both of you!" She yelled at them but they ended up bursting out with laughter. "Is she your older sister? Or younger?" Bison asked. "I'm her younger sister" Jade said "See I wasn't very fond in becoming a military grunt like Genevieve was, but I was good in the intelligence sector, I worked in the seals as intelligence for a while when Rebecca approached me with this job opportunity, I couldn't resist" She slowly strolled down the steps to them with her hands behind her back. Arno couldn't help noticing all the women here are good looking, he glanced at Blake who stood one side, she takes the cake so far, Blake saw him look and gave her usual soft smile again. "When I heard Rebecca wanted a select crew to go help our lost field team, I suggested my sister Genevieve, they needed some bad rep right? And Genevieve fit the bill almost instantly" Jade said and looked at Blake, she smiled at her sagging her shoulders. "I'm sorry Blake, you worked pretty hard these past few weeks" Blake shrugged "It's all part of the job I guess" Jade gave her hands a slap "Well Blake, you know where you can sleep for the night, I'll take over from here" Blake nodded and left. "As for all of you, follow me, I'll get you settled" Jade said leading them off to her left. They followed her through a door which lead to a long hallway, she stopped not far in and pointed at the doors "There are four rooms, one for each" Jade said then held a hand formally up "Just farther off to the right is the bar section, the drinks and meals are on the house, remember, tomorrow at seven I will be waiting in my office over there to brief you on the situation, sleep tightly" She said passing them, but her eyes and Genevieve's eyes never left each other "Enjoy the stay sis" "f**k you!" Bison and Arno bellowed with laughter again but Genevieve disappeared into the first room she could find, Helga left into the next. "Well, I'm gonna rest up for this one brother, I'll see you in the morning" Bison said getting his room. Arno nodded then watched Jade disappear behind her office door, then his eyes slowly went to the opposite way down the hall "Open bar hey?" He wanted to move but Genevieve suddenly came out and bumped him out of her way making him hit the wall. "f**k out of my way Mallcop!" She said loudly heading to Jade's office. Arno knew she was knocked hard back there, he didn't need to say anything, after watching her burst into Jade's office, he went to the last room open and dropped the bags on the bed, then quickly headed out to the bar. Coming in to the posh red and polished wood themed bar he found a bartender behind a long table who sat up, the first male he found here so far other than the chopper pilot. "Barman, I hear we get free drinks?" He said. "Indeed, pick your poison boet!" He said holding his hands wide. Arno sat down frowning at the man "Boet? Where are you from?" "South Africa" The man replied making Arno's smile broaden. "South Africa!? Me too man! What's your name?" "Greyling Meyer, and I take it Brandy and cola for you then!?" He said shaking Arno's hand. "Arno De Sousa, make that a double! And geez boet I hope you're gonna join me!?" Greyling took the bottle out and placed it down, then filled two glasses with ice "Of course! You know how fokkin boring it was here? Geez since this place is still not operational I was here polishing tables and glasses every day, you're the first customer I got since I got this position!" Arno laughed picking up the glass of brandy and cheersed him "No fokkin wonder this place is shining like this! Bliksem I can eat my food of these counters" "I'd say this was like a punishment, the ultimate punishment for someone like us boet, think about it? I'm here every day, I keep the place clean and tidy, and all this alcohol but I may not take a drop of it" Greyling said making Arno buck his head laughing. "Geez you're right, I'd consider that a punishment, but why drink now then?" Arno asked. "I'm allowed to take a drink if a customer asks me to join them" "Oh! So I basically saved your ass!" Greyling held his glass to him and they clinked again "Yes indeed!" "Man I'm glad I get to speak to someone on my Plainfield, I felt like guineafowl scat in a jam jar between all these people" Arno said downing his glass. "No s**t hey? Have you seen management?" Greyling asked pouring Arno another glass. "Yeah! What's up with that!? All hot chicks!? I mean seriously!?" Greyling chuckled "It's for advertisement purposes is my guess, a sexy girl at the front desk or on the front page always draws the eyes of a man, even the married ones, so it's either that, or the big money pumper of this island is a perverted fokker and wants only sexy chicks to work for him" "Then what of you boet? How'd ya get here?" Arno asked. Greyling shrugged "I was a Koevoet back in the day... So in case you might not have realised that all the ones working here have some sort of bad history behind them"
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