Twenty Three

2452 Words

As we talked about, Fin dropped me off at the corner by Mr. Farden's house. When I climbed out of his car, he bid me good luck and drove away. I found Gareth impatiently pacing in front of the coffee shop where we agreed to meet. When he saw me, he let out a frustrated breath and said, “Dana. You’re late.” “Sorry, Daniel was—” “Daniel approached you? What did he do?” he asked in a panic, searching me for any signs of trauma. “Gareth,” I sighed. As much as I appreciated his concern, we had little time to waste. “I’m fine. He just talked to me and Fin managed to scare him off.” “Fin? Your friend, Finnigan?” he raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Yes,” I said, pulling on his arm. “Come on, now. We don’t know how long it would take for us to search for the scroll.” Gareth sighed but agreed,

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