Chapter 13

2034 Words

Butler slowed to stop “We have some unfinished business” Butler swallowed he’d thought it was all over he should have known Matt would return. Matt put his hand inside his jacket; Butler took two steps back with his eyes wide open. “I should have known you’d come back to kill me” Matt sensed he was about to attack and pulled the pay as you go Mobile he’d brought earlier. “I want you to call Barker and arrange a meeting; tell him you’re interested in working for him as you’re in need of some quick cash.” Butler now relaxed slightly Matt had a phone not a gun in his hand “And what if I don’t” Matt’s eyes told him everything he needed to know. “You owe me for your life yesterday, now it’s time to pay the piper” Butler nodded and took the phone “My wife told me about the visit for Barker las

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