Chapter 24

2036 Words

Sue sat on the bed when a knock on the door made her jump, why she didn’t know. “Who is it?” “The bogey man” Came the reply along with a bout of machine gun laughter. Sue opened the door smiling “Enter lord of the snot” Atom bowled in “Alright luv” “Yeah I’m good” “It’s not the same when he aint ere is it” she watched as he sat himself down without asking. “Aint got a beer ave yer?” “Sorry no I could go and ask if you want?” “Nah water will do” Sue got Atom a glass of water and sat down herself, thinking should she ask him about Matt or would that be like cheating on him. She took a moment to consider Atom’s situation and how shitty it was and why do some parents always use their kids as ammunition. “Sue between you and me...Do you really think the Boss can change the law?” “The

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