Chapter 5

2019 Words
“Why don’t we go and sit down and have a chat” all four of them went into the front room Deny looked around nothing special although he did like the wall paper but hated the polystyrene ceiling tiles, cheap nothing but cheap he thought. “Matt not here then” Deny asked “No he’s out training, should be home soon you sure you don’t want a tea” “Go on then white no sugar” “And your mate” “Same” said Jono Deny was not one for small talk so they sat in silence until Matt walked in. “Alright Deny, Jono” he said Deny smiled and turned to Jono “He looks better than the last time we saw em” he nodded Jono was not a man of many words. It was Emma who spoke first. “Look what’s this all about is he in some kind of trouble” Deny spoke to Matt which really pissed Emma off. “Did you threaten to go back and do Ray Smith?” “Yep that’s right this is not over Deny he’s having it for what he said about my Granddad” “Son you’re not big enough to come out with rash statements like that” Matt’s face hardened “He’s having it big style when I get bigger and stronger and I’m training for it now” Deny nodded slowly then held Matt’s stare “I understand the way you feel but there’s a time and a place I thought you was smart enough to know that” Deny saw the look of anger in Matt’s eyes he could remember being that way when he was young. “You’ve got to have more savvy son, aint that right Deny” said Jono. George spoke to Matt. “I thought we had an agreement that we’d do this together next time” “We have when that time comes”. Emma was still angry and spoke with that in mind. “So what’s this got to do with us then” Deny had never liked Emma even though he hardly knew her, loud women were not for him. “Smiths got wind of this and he has put the word out to get yer and Matt that is something you’re not going to be able to handle” “Let him come I’m not afraid” Deny smiled again he could so much of George and himself in Matt “Smiths are the type that will hurt your whole family Matt not just you, that’s unless we can get you away somewhere because the next fight you have with him is going to be to the death. He’s stated this and will stick to it, but if I put it about that you’ve moved away then he will lose interest in say six months or so and he knows you could go to Germany and you know what these gypos are like they’re got family all over Europe” Matt knew Emma was looking at him. “So my kids would be hurt is that what you’re saying” asked Emma “Yeah that’s it in a nut shell; even if I took Matt with me I could not guarantee his or your safety” Matt stood up “I fight him now if it stops him coming here” “ there has to be another way” said Emma Jono the man of few words said “Aint he got anyone in Australia everyone knows someone who lives there don’t they” Emma shook her head then it hit her Dan and betty they lived in the America and she knew Dan would love to have Matt for a while she was sure he’d take Matt for good if he could. “What about Dan and Betty they live in the States that’s far enough isn’t it” George agreed Deny and Jono nodded as well “What do you think Matt doe’s a trip to the States sound good” said George Matt was still standing and looked at his dad. “And what if he turns up when I’m away” “He won’t I’ll put it around that you’ve left we have a good contact in his gang right Jono” said Deny Jono nodded “Right then that’s that sorted George you call Dan and see if it’s alright me and Matt will go down town and see about some flights” “And who’s got the money for the flight there not cheap you know” said George Deny put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of cash. “Here’s £800 sov’s if you need more let me know” Matt stepped between Emma and Deny. “I don’t do hand outs” “It aint a hand out it’s a repayment of a loan now paid, your granddad lent me this years ago and now I’ve paid it back” Emma moved him aside and took the cash. “okay Matt let’s go and get you a flight” Matt thanked Deny and Jono then for the first time he smiled, Deny smiled back “do you know Matt your Nan could smile for England and your aunt as well, I miss all of them” “Me too” The phone rang in Dan’s bedroom it was 3.24am and he was not happy “God dam it do you know what time it is” was his opening remark. “It’s George have you got a minute” “If I hadn’t I have now can’t you tell the time George” “Look Dan Matt needs to leave the UK now and Emma thought he might be able to stay with you for a while” Betty lifted her head still half asleep. “Who is it?” “It’s George he and Emma want to know if Matt can come and stay with us for a while that’s all” all Betty wanted to do was go back to sleep “Sure why not, can’t George tell the time?” “That’s what I said” George went on to quickly tell Dan all about the fight and the reason Matt needed to get away for a while. When George had finished and hung up Dan went down stairs to make a coffee as was now wide awake, shortly Betty came down by the look on her face he knew she’d woken up fully. “Why does he want to come here? He’s in trouble isn’t he?” Dan knew Betty took her sisters side when it came to Matt even though she knew how Dan felt. “He’s a good kid you know that” “what’s he done” she said in an accusing manner “Nothing much just had a bit of a difference of opinion with another bloke that’s all” he sort of lied, Dan never told Betty everything he found it worked better that way. Matt was driven to Heathrow by Emma and went into the terminal alone and headed for the check in desk, only carrying his granddads old glove bag. Matt handed over his ticket to the girl on the desk and she asked. “Travelling alone” Matt replied “Yes going to stay with my uncle for a while” “Very nice, you’re not packing much” she replied as she gave him his boarding card. “That’s because you’re looking in the wrong place” he smiled “Cheeky” Matt left smiling he had not and never would forget his mum but life had to go on he had decided knowing his mum would have wanted no other way. The flight was pretty normal nothing much happened although he did ask if he could go and see the pilot and was grant his request. Matt’s memory went back to time his Grandfather had taken him on his first flight happier days he thought. “Your first time in the cockpit son” said the American pilot Matt had seen enough US TV to know how to reply. “No sir I once went in one on a flight from Berlin to London but this cockpit is way different from that one” “Yep no strings and paper here” he laughed Matt joined him. As Matt was leaving the cockpit with the stewardess the captain gave him his spare cap badge. Matt beamed and the stewardess said to him “That’s one hell of a smile Mister” “It runs in the family” It took Matt forty five minutes to clear customs then he was out into the arrival area, he spotted Dan almost immediately and both were smiling broadly as they approached each other. “Good flight Matt” “Yes...yes it was Uncle Dan and thanks for having me; I take it Betty’s none too pleased” “She’ll have to get used to it won’t she and I think it would be best if you dropped the uncle think you’re a bit old for that now” Matt didn’t think that at all to him it was a matter of respect and told Dan he wanted to keep the uncle. “Okay Matt it’s your call” America was so different from anywhere he had ever been the cars were just huge and there were so many people. Dan watched Matt as he drove it was good to see him smiling again it was almost like the old Matt was back, even though he knew deep down he would never be the same person again all the same this was better than before. “I got you booked into the local school, starts in a week that should be something different” “Sounds good when can we eat a burger” Dan laughed “Put your shades on and I’ll drop the top” Matt looked quizzically back at Dan “Shades?” “Yeah Shades, Dude” Dan roared at the strange look on Matt’s face and showed him his sunglasses. “Shades” Matt beamed back “doe’s everyone speak like that around here” “Yeeep” he said and handed Matt his own pair of sun glasses, “thought you might need these” the ride back to Dan’s house was a sensory overload to Matt the hot air rushed past is head now the top was down blowing his blonde hair around which made him constantly push it back with his hand. “One of the advantages of not having much hair when the tops down” said Dan grinning Matt for the first time he could remember was speechless. “Shall we go to the drive thru?” “That sounds great uncle Dan, what’s a drive thru?” After he’d stopped laughing Dan went on to explain all about one to Matt who was honestly gob smacked, he liked Dan as far back as could remember he’d always laughed a lot and he remembered his Nan calling him “A proper jolly gentleman.” Dan pulled off the road and stopped next to a metal box which then spoke to him, Matt’s eyes opened wide in amazement. “Can I take your order sir” “You hungry Matt” it took a moment for him to answer “Very” “Okay son do me two extra large cheese burgers with an order of fries and two large cokes, burgers to come with everything on and don’t spare the pickles” Dan drove to the booth and paid one minutes later a mountain of food arrived on two separate trays which they hung on the side of the doors by two girls on roller skates. Matt said “thank you very much” and both girls stopped and stared “Your British?” “No I’m English but you were close” he smiled Dan could see one of the girls was attracted to Matt the other not so and she said “Oh I think you all sound the same to me” Matt’s cockney wit now came into play. “Yes so do you Canadians” the girl now looked pissed off and snapped back “From what my dad told me when he was over there in the army, it will have been a long time since you’ve seen a piece of meat as big as that” she said pointing to the burger. Matt replied “Not since the last time I went to the toilet” the other girl giggled her companion never and skated off. The nice girl said “don’t take any notice of her she’s just full of herself, you here for long?” “Not sure probably six months or so, what’s your name?” “Cindy and you” “North Matt North and this is my uncle Dan” Dan interrupted “don’t want to be a party pooper but the foods getting cold” The girl headed inside not before she’d looked back again and waved. “Friendly lot aint they” said Dan. Matt had decided that he’d use his Granddads cockney accent as it seemed Americans liked it. Matt did his best but failed to eat it all and when they arrived at Dan’s house there was a welcoming committee but Matt had only one thing on his mind. “Dan I in need a pony, I’m just about tortoise heading” “First left inside the door” one of his friends who was waiting to see him asked “Why does he need a horse and what’s with the reptile” He explained the phrase and laughed when none of them could understand the meanings. Matt settled into his new room the wall paper was flowery, very flowery and so was the bedding in fact the whole room was flowery like some kind of run wild green house, he unpacked while Betty made tea she was not as offish as she had been but still not that friendly, going down stairs and out into the garden Matt walked around to get his bearings. Dan came out with their tea, “need anything” Matt took his tea and blew on it before replying. “A street map would be a help and some good rope plus a punch bag” Dan called in to the house “Betty bring me that street map from under the phone book will yer” “Lost your legs get it yourself, what did your last slave die of” Dan grinned “Disobedience and back chatting” Dan sat on a garden chair and indicated that Matt should do the same, “Your dad told me about the fight and the reason you’re here”
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