very intriguing

1061 Words
Maxon POV I sank in a deep breath, my body trembled, especially when I arrived at the hall, I don't want people to know who I am where I came from and why I decided to be a prisoner. but I noticed many prisoners, have a way of intruding in my affairs and it's annoying. time went by and no one bothered me, I closed my eyes as I shoved a huge piece of meat down my gullet, I hate to eat this, but I don't have many choices. I noticed other prisoners were eating as well, I let out a sigh of relief and I was grateful that I was not attacked today, given the fact, that I looked feeble and malnourished. when I thought everything was settled, I noticed a young woman, who seemed to be in her twenties, she had brown curly hair and brow eyes that were scanning my entire being, and she smirked when she caught me looking at her. She was wearing old baldie clothes, that are meant for prisoners. she's new here, I can't decipher her expression, it made me let out a husky sigh. I sank in a deep breath, my body trembled, I didn't want a fight right now, she then came closer to me and sat right beside me. " I must admit you are not bad," she said while giving me a scrutinizing look. I let out a sigh, wondering why she came here in the first place, knowing full well I had never set my eyes on her. she brought her lips closer to my ears, and then she whispered, " I want you to tell me who you are because I can see it in your eyes, you are hiding something". she's good at scanning the real people behind their innocent facade. I was silent, I didn't respond to her, her smirk turned to a frown, and then she stared at me, her eyes searching. she then let out a defeated sigh, while looking at me, "Why do I feel like I can trust you". "I'll advise you not to trust anyone in this place, not even me," I tell her. "I know, there is something about you that I can't pinpoint," she said. she then took the strong alcohol before she gulped it down her gullet. she looked at me and said something I least expected, "I'm also on a mission like you". I was silent, I don't want her to know much about me, how the f**k did she know I'm on a mission? "I came here to look for information about something, but I want us to be partners..." " what?" "in your quest " she continued. I was silent for a while. my heart was beating so fast, it took a lot from me, not to show it on my face. " I'm not on any quest, I'm a prisoner like you," I said to her, almost yelling, but I had to withhold myself. then she came closer to my ears, she was closer than before," I know who you are....I can smell you ". my eyes opened wide in shock, sincerely I didn't fully know myself, could it be she was here to use words against me? Maybe she's trying to source information from me. I didn't utter a word, only for me to notice a bulky man, he was muscular and chiselled, and his deep black eyes bored into mine. but before I could understand what was going on here, I was roughly jacked up from my seat, firmly gripping my neck, I groaned in pain. " what the f**k were doing with my girlfriend". I was silent, I wouldn't give him satisfaction, by saying a word. " I said what were you guys talking about" he snarled. "f**k off..." I snarled back, knowing full well that it wouldn't end well, but this big guy named Bobby had been getting on my nerves for as long as couldn't remember, not that I was not strong enough to fight back, but I was being careful so as not people should know how strong I am. I noticed the countless guards that surrounded the building, they were always eager to see a fight break out, in other to be certain who would be good enough to display a good show in the arena. but this fool Bobby, thinks, acting strong would always let him join the arena so many can cheer his name. I was silent while giving him a deadly glare, I was enraged by his actions and the way he treats weaklings, the way he always wants to show how powerful he is. with a groan, I sniffled a breath and attempted to calm down. my heart was beating so fast and I needed time to calm down. then he threw me on the ground, like a bag of sacks, I fell on the ground and let out a groan of pain. "beat him," he told his boys, so without a word, they started walking towards me, I closed my eyes and waited for a bruised body. for how long do I have to endure to eventually find what I was looking for? I felt several hands and legs throwing punches and kicking me, and I groaned in pain. I just wished to yell and scream at the top of my voice, And to show how strong I was, but I knew that I needed more time alive in other to achieve my mission here. but before I could black out, I heard groans of pain, the boys, or should I say Bobbie's puppets, were groaning in pain. I closed my eyes, expecting another kick, I was thinking someone stronger had come to finish the already-started work. but before I could completely close my eyes and blackout, I felt soft hands carry me like a weight of nothing and she gently kept me on the sit I opened my eyes to see who it was. it was a beautiful young lady, those blue eyes kept me there, her long peach-black hair, made my breath hitch and she was curvy with the desired shape I want in a woman. she curved her juicy, kissable lips into a thin line. ' she's mine' that voice in me said. the voice I couldn't understand.
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