Chapter 35

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Despite her efforts, Amelia found she couldn't behave like an adult and feel sophisticated about Archie and the way she felt. The sensation arousing through her suffered a far from subtle transmutation into a rising tide of anticipation. Trying to suppress it, she asked. “ How old were you when your parents met with that accident?” “Ten.” he gestured her to follow him and headed up the steps and onto the tiled floor, which looked so enchanting. Amelia was shocked and followed behind him. . She had read about his parent's accident when she was trying to find out about him. When she was sixteen and had seen him frequently coming to visit Harry as they studied in the same college and she had met him once when Harry’s dad had invited her for Harry’s eighteenth birthday party as she was Harry’s best friend and she was immediately attracted towards him but had stayed far away from him as she did not want to make a fool of herself. And so she had done a research on him and that's how she came to know that his parents  were murdered and it was very brutal and later on she came to know that it was a conspiracy against them to take over the throne. And before she could formulate some meaningless comment. Archie looked at her. “Don't worry it's over the people who were responsible for my parent's death have already been punished and the kingdom was taken over by the government just like yours but the rights to my companies were in my hands so my dad's right hand man took care of all the affairs till I was fifteen but he died all of  sudden so I had to take over. And  yes,  I had to take care of my little sister who was just six when they died so it was a difficult time for us. I sent her to boarding school when I was sixteen as I had to handle the whole business and that is why I was never close to Kristine. The only time we spent with each other was on holidays, I am very happy that she found a man who loves her and will never break her heart.” Amelia felt bad for him as had been a small boy who lost his parents at a very tender age and was taken care of by the Butler and his family . He had to take over his business when he was just sixteen. It must be have been a very hard time for him. She said softly, “Well, both of us have gone through the same phases in our life but differently. I was not that old enough to take care of my brother but at least I had my aunt and uncle who supported us but you just had your housekeeper and the Butler who took care of you.” “Yes but it was alright it was not that bad it's just that I missed my dad and mom a lot but I have grown up into being self-sufficient and I had Kristine, so I always kept myself grounded knowing that I have to take care of her.” Amelia's heart was touched anew and she said softly. “I am happy that she found Harry and I can tell he adores her just as much as she loves him.” She wondered then if she thought she was hinting about being someone like that for him. Oh my God, she thought you are actually being ridiculous again Amelia Alexandra! Archie said calmly. “Yes, I believe they will make each other very happy.” Amelia observed the white high ceiling in the hall and it was superbly furnished with antiques most of them looked quite old and stylish. The staircase was built with wood and it looked very elegant and sleek.   “This is your bedroom.” He said once they had climbed the stairs and he opened the door standing back to let her go in. The room was big and airy dominated by the white bed, on the corner there were beautiful vases filled with fresh flowers and the room had a balcony that overlooked the beautiful garden outside. After a quick glance around Amelia smiled. “I can see why you decided on this room for me. You are determined to make sure that I like your country aren't you?” “Not exactly but women I know like beautiful scenery, so I have placed you in this room and I'm happy that you like it and by the way, this was my mother’s bedroom as even she liked beautiful scenery.” “Then I am very privileged to be in her room, thank you, Archie.” Amelia said genuinely. But when she looked at him she caught a glint of amusement in his eyes and laughed up at him trying to ease off the temperature which was soaring at a rapid speed around them. “Do you know how infectious your laughter is?” Archie asked looking at her with his Smokey eyes. Something had happened and an unspoken exchange of potent meaning that drove every trace of amusement from her and for him as well. A heady awareness sizzled between them, blocking the breath in her throat. Amelia's eyes widened as he came towards her with a purposeful stare as if he was hunting for his prey.
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