Chapter 20

1110 Words
"ok, is there anything out there to help me?", she again asked "Yes Clara, could you please help out in fixing this dress for me?", Mathew asked "Mack you too", Mathew said Mack and Clara moved towards Mathew and asked him what to do. "Clara please tighten this suit from backwards and Mack, you help me out in sticking this jewelry box to my hand with the help of the tape", Mathew said "But, why like that?", Mack asked "By wearing this suit, we can not hold this jewelry box continuously. It may fall down, if I hold it on my hands or I keep it in my pockets. If I have stick this to my hand then it will not fall down by any chance and it's completely safe to my life",  Mathew said "Wow Mathew, what an idea. I have not thought about this and in fact I am thinking how you can handle this box by wearing this suit as there is no grip to hold this on your hand", Mack said "yes, exactly I thinking this since I saw this suit and at last I got this idea", Mathew said "You are a genius Mathew", said Clara "Not much, Ok ok come on speed it up, we have no much time, we must hurry otherwise it will be dark again", Mathew said Then the three had hurried up by arranging the items in bag and making over Mathew and informing him at what place what item was placed not to confuse while he was in the underground tunnel.. Finally he was all set and now the time is 10:00 am, leaves the room and moved towards the abandoned school by lot of fear in their minds. The three reached at the tree where they used to go inside the building since last two times and looking into their faces each other with great fear. All of a sudden Clara hugged Mathew very tightly with tears in her eyes and said, "Mathew be very careful and promise me that you will return to me by any chance. Do not be careless at all and take care of every step you take",  "Sure, you two also be very careful until I return back with these lockets and don't step out from the worshipped area. Don't wait here by any chance and give my phone, I'll call you when I returned back, then you come here", Mathew said Both said ok and Mathew was trying to climb the tree to go inside. Then Clara again moved towards him very closely and called him, Mathew asked her what happened then she replied "I have to tell you one thing, I don't even know if this is the right time to say it, but it's scary that I can not say it anymore if I do not say it now",  "Come to the point Clara, what do you want to say?", Mathew asked "We do not know what happens when you go inside and we do not know what happens when we are outside, so", Clara said "so, . . ", Mathew asked "I think I am in Love with you Mathew", Clara said Mathew shocked by hearing this words and asked Mack to take her from there with out saying a word to her.. He then went inside the building by climbing the tree. He all at once jumped from the wall and be prepared for the situation he was going to face.  He was looking same as Astronaut with white color suit that fits exactly to him by sticking the jewelry box strongly to his right hand wrist as like a watch and so many lights fixed to the suit around him, as 100 watts of light comes from it. But something missing to him as he required, it's helmet. It was not arranged as they have no time to arrange, but everything else was perfectly arranged.. He suddenly remembered Clara and her words, what the words she had said the minute before and could not understand why she actually expressed her love towards him and why did she actually like him so much? He sat on the big stone lying beside the big tree and thinking about the Clara and the girl who he was engaged with. He suddenly heard a scream of the Clara,  "Mathew, what are you doing there, come inside the underground tunnel I am waiting here. Come on, quick", "Clara, Clara, what are you doing there. I said go away from here and why did you went inside and how did you went there. I said don't wait outside also and why you there?", Mathew asked In the meanwhile Clara and Mack also heard the voice of Mathew outside from inside the building,  "Mack, Clara help me. I stuck here, come inside this ghost is torturing me. Help me, help me",  "Mack, did you heard that, it's Mathew. He is danger inside, come let's go", Clara said "Yes, I heard too but.. ", Mack said "What but?, let's help me come on we'll go inside", Clara said "Wait, It makes a difference to me why, he doesn’t shout like that", Mack said "It's not the right time to think, whether he will ask for help or not. We should help me as he was taking utmost care and risk for us", Clara said "Mathew, Mathew", Clara shouting from outside the wall In the meanwhile, Mathew can able to hear both voices, one from inside the tunnel and the other from outside the wall of Clara. He was not able to decide which voice is correct and responded for the outside voice, "Clara, Clara, where are you?", "I am outside the wall. What happened to you, why are you screaming?", Clara asked "Me, screaming, No... ", Mathew said "But, we heard your voice for help Mathew", Mack said "No, I have not screamed. Instead I heard Clara voice from inside the tunnel", Mathew said "What?", both astonished from outside the wall "Ok, ok, you both just go away from here. I think it's completely a fallaciousness of the ghost, don't bother about this and go away from here immediately even myself asked for help", Mathew said "But..", Clara said "There is nothing else to talk, go away from here Clara", Mathew said seriously  Mack grabbed her arm and forced her out of there. Both immediately went into a worshiped place to save their lives. While traveling also they heard a lot of screams from inside and outside of the car. Ignoring what it was, the two went away from there. . . .
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