Chapter 57

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Every one outside the Island felt very sad about him and they were thinking about his family that what they would going to tell them about him as his family was already feared about him and warned him about the treasure hunt not to go and not to find out any thing about it. As his life is important to them and not the treasure, now what his family was going to happen when they heard about the mortality of Mr. Benjamin and how did they going to live with out him . . . Every one sat on the ground over there crying for him and Mathew was thinking very deeply about whether is there any option to relieve him from the curse of the ghost and the Island. He would rather wanna ask the ghost about the release of the curse but the ghost already disappeared from there and no chance to ask her, but he strongly decided to release him from the curse at any cost by any chance . . .  "Ok, now let's move forward with out delay as we are already late and the person who gone can not come back even though we cried here for him ", Jack said "Yes we got to move now and we will try to release him after when we complete this quest of finding the mystery behind the temple ", Mathew said "Are you sure Mathew, Mr. Benjamin will come back to us ?", Mr. Richard asked "I am not sure about that but we will try as hard as possible ", Mathew said Every body been silent for a while and started moving forward towards the journey with out having any thing to do for Mr. Benjamin except to pray for the god to relieve him from the curse of the Island and the ghost. Moving forward there are so many human skeletons lying there on the ground over there that they can not step on the ground that means no free space on the ground filled up with human skeletons and some of them were scattered over there by dividing into several parts. i.e., by piece by piece, hand by hand, leg by leg etc.,  By seeing those skeletons every one scared because they were thinking that still there are problems yet to face and looking around and checking the place if there is any danger surrounded by them . . . "We have to very careful here also as there is much danger here I think so ", Mathew said "Yes, but what do you think it was ?", Mack asked "I don't know, I too came with you for the first time here but can guess that there is some thing danger is hiding behind this ", Mathew said "Not mean that Mathew, you are able to see through the pendant right, so I am asking whether you saw any thing in this area ?", Mack said "No I could not found any ", Mathew said "But Mathew what kind of area is this, too much of bad smell that I could not bear this smell and having vomiting sensation and feeling drowsy here ", Clara said "Yes for me too ", every one said one after the other "Even for me too feeling the same but we have to escape from here as soon as possible. I think this smell kills the humans and these skeletons belongs to them who smelled this and gone into unconscious. By so the warms and the insects ate up the skin of the humans with out knowing them ", Mathew said "O my god, then what is the position of ours ?", Clara asked '" But where this smell is coming and what is this hell ?", Jack asked "I think this smell belongs to the trees over here which are very weird, greedy and dangerous trees, to say in a simple words these trees are poisonous trees ", Mathew said "How can you say that these trees are killing the humans here ?", Mack asked "Every one look at here ", Mathew said by showing a tree bottom place which was some thing written on it with the help of the blood of a human . . . "What is that ?", Jack asked "I think some one written with his blood while at the moment of his mortality by having sense, so that the next person who arrives here can know the reason behind of their mortality and can be escaped from here quickly with out be killed by these trees ", Mathew said "What was written on it, can you please aloud for us ?", Jean asked "Yeah sure, I will explain you clearly rather than reading out what is written over there. These are Poisonous trees and it will split poison from the end of the roots like a snake and one who comes here will smell it, goes into unconscious and fells down here. After the human who fell here will be eaten by the roots of these trees as it contains both eyes and mouth as like a snake and it can not be visible to the eyes of humans unless it splits the poison on us and the one who fell unconscious. So one has to escape from here before these splits poison on us and one more thing this poison is very dangerous and it can be pretty toxic that we could even imagine too . . ", Mathew said "O my god, then we can we escape from here, already we are feeling some drowsy here ", Clara said "No . . don't worry, still the trees are sleeping and not split the poison yet. We have some more time to escape from here and be quick and move forward by catching each others hands before the trees woke up. Come closer to me every one, I am going to open the protection shield so that no poison enters us ", Mathew said and took out the pendant outside from his shirt As per Mathew instructions every one moved closer to him and grabbed each others hand very tightly with fear and Mathew showed the pendant towards the sky.  The Protection layer was not complete like it was protecting them for some time and going away for some time and it was appearing like a current waves coming from a loose connection because the sky is not clear to the pendant as the leaves of the big poisonous trees are covering all over the sky and a little sky is visible.  "Every one run, quick don't stop any where ", Mathew shouted suddenly  "What . . . what happened ?", Mack asked by following Mathew while running "The Poisonous big trees woke up from the sleep and going to split poison on us, look at the roots of the trees, they are moving like snakes ", Mathew said by running continuously and very quickly  Every one looked at the roots of the trees on the top of them and shocked by seeing that it looks very dangerous and magical that the roots are moving like snakes and coming down towards the ground that they smelled the human bodies fresh and woke up from the sleep. They wanna going to split the poison and eat the humans to satisfy their hunger . . . The roots like snakes are slowing coming down and screaming towards the Mathew and the team very angrily as they are escaping from the place and they could not move much longer from the trees . .  All of a sudden one of it came forward towards the Mathew straight on to the face and looking into his face. The snake was screaming on him by opening its mouth very wider and anger . .  Mathew and the team stood still by fear and they could not do any thing except surrender for them. Clara hold Mathew's hand very tightly with fear and every one thought that the present moment is the final stage for them and they are going to live no more as they could not escape from there and from the poisonous snakes like roots of the tree . . . Suddenly Mathew got strikes an idea and slowing took the pendant with his right hand and shows it to the snake like root. Suddenly the snake became very frightened and screamed loudly as if it was shocked by something and suddenly fell on to the ground and died over there . . . . Everyone was amazed to see that the snake fell on the ground and dead. They could not understand what happened to it and looked at Mathew to see what had done to the snake like root. Every one surprised to see him holding the pendant with his hand . .  "What did you do to it ?", Clara asked "Let's run first, will explain it to you all later ", Mathew said and grabbed Clara's hand and ran towards the destiny with out stopping a while and the team too followed him . . . Every one keep running since half an hour and finally they crossed the poisonous trees as the whole area that means almost 3 kms are occupied by those trees. After crossing the area every one over there were sat down on the grass with fatigue to regain their energy back and some of them lie down on the grass as they have no more energy to sit or stand . Mathew too lie down on the grass behind Clara to regain his energy back and suddenly the golden rays came out from the pendant and suddenly he woke up and sat on the grass like he got shock . . Every one saw Mathew and came closer to him to see what happened to him and accidentally every one saw the future on the golden rays as they all touched Mathew at the time and it was very horrible to them to digest what they had seen in their imagination of the golden rays . . . One who touched Mathew fell down unconscious for few minutes and woke up after some time and rewind the past what happened to them and every one scared by remembering it and looked each other into their faces . . . "Mathew what is that we had seen in the golden rays ?", Jack asked "It was the future we are going to face it now ", Mathew said "But . . . but it was horrible and could not see properly ", Jack said "Yes, it will be like that only and I am facing it since I worn this pendant ", Mathew said
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