Chapter 77

1990 Words
Every one except Clara and Mack got frustrated and felt very sad when they heard that the treasure is belonged to Mathew, except him no one can touch it nor gain access on the treasure to take over it to their homes and to experience . . . "For us this is all waste of time right ?", Jack said "Actually, I think Mathew knows these all every thing before started the journey might be so, only for his accompany he brought us with him until here ", Jean said by little anger on his face "Hello Mam, please mind your words, other wise I would not spare you ", Mack said with angry on them "Mack . . please control yourself, you see Jack and Jean, for god swear I really don't know about this any thing and I wanna tell you some thing that, I have not requested you to join in my team for the help and support right, you alone joined in my team and came behind with us and now why are you blaming me. It's not fair on your path. Please be calm, I'll give you the treasure and you'll can enjoy it with out any disturbance ", Mathew said with very cool "My Lord, but remember one thing, they could not touch your treasure with their own hands, if they touched it, immediately a snake will come to them and spread poison on their eyes and hands, by so they would immediately die with out any delay, it was designed to protect your treasure, so except you no one could touch it ", Tiger said "Ok, but who did it like that ?", Mathew asked "It's me My Lord, on that day, did you remembered your words ?", Tiger asked "What did I say ?", Mathew asked "You asked me to protect your treasure in any way, so that it would not go into the hands of enemies and it should be useful to my future generation or else it should be useful to the poor who are in need of money and help ", Tiger said "Yes, I remembered that ", Mathew said "So, I protected this like wise so that no one can touch it or to own it ", Tiger said "But I also said that it should be useful to the poor who are in need of the help right ?", Mathew said "Yes my Lord, that's why I designed this like when you have given your treasure with your hands then it would be useful to others who are in need of it ", Tiger said "Ok that's better, but what happens, if I have not born again ?", Mathew asked "It will be remained there even through years passed and even after 1000 years passed also ", Tiger said Every one remained like statues when they heard the conversation of the two and got confused that these are really exits in the real world too . .  "Mathew, what is the next plan for us ?", Clara asked "Yes My Lord, I will tell you every thing, first you need to take the sword and you have to kill the Seronina and after that you need to go to the temple which was locked since so many years due to no passage of the humans, clean it neatly and go under the underground tunnel. And here is the real question for you all. There will be several doors present over there and you have to choose the correct door's for the treasure to gain access on it ", Tiger said "But, how do we know that which door to select for the treasure ", Jack asked "I will tell you, but no other person should open it. Only my Lord should open it by using his pendant ", Tiger said by looking into the face of Jack "Using pendant ?", Mathew asked "Yes my Lord, your pendant is the key for the doors to open ", Tiger said "Ok, then why to kill that Seronina, instead we go directly to the temple right ?, I mean it's a waste of time and there would be some danger to the others while fighting with her ", Mathew asked "If it is possible, then it would be the best idea. But she would not let you all go with out killing her, and she may disturb you all in several ways and also might lead to dead if she is alive ", Tiger said "Ok, now I understood clearly that what I need to do to reach the destination ", Mathew said "Ok My Lord, it's time to hand over your great Sword and need to move to your destination ", Tiger said "Ok ok, before that I wanna know some thing from you, if possible ", Mathew said "Yes My Lord, I am always in your service, please order me what can I do for you ?", Tiger asked "No . . not mean that, there is nothing to do for me but, I wanna know about Mr. Richard that whether he was still alive or . . . . ", Mathew asked with lot of sadness on his face "Ok My lord, give me a moment, I will check it using my powers ", Tiger said "Ok ", Mathew said Tiger closed his eyes and went into a deep trance to recollect the past about Mr. Richard that whether he was still alive nor loosed his life some where . . . Few minutes later he suddenly opened his eyes followed with lot of tension and fear is visible in his eyes very clearly . . . Mathew observed it and asked him the reason of his fear . . . "My Lord, there is lot of danger in front of you by Seronina. She already started doing her acts to disturb you and she is planning to kill you at any circumstances and take down your pendant. ", Tiger said "But what was she planning could you inform me that ?", Mathew asked "Yes, sure my Lord. She captured your team member that is Mr. Richard and punishing him severely so that he could not able to bear it as he was a human and old too. By simply, her plan is to t*****e you and to surrender you using Mr. Richard as you are so humble towards others and you may became calm down by seeing others suffering. So be very careful about her, please do not surrender her, if so the world would end when the pendant reached her. ", Tiger said and warned Mathew and the others about the danger . .  "Haa, My Lord Queen this is for you, please take care of your husband, now it's just in your hands that not to surrender King to the Ghost. Please stop him in any circumstances because he may melt down for the sake of Mr. Richard that by seeing him how he was experiencing the t*****e by the ghost ", Tiger said and begged Clara to take utmost care of Mathew as he was in danger in the next moment . . . "Ok, sure I will take care of him you don't worry or other wise your soul may not rest in peace my minister, Please calm down ", Clara said "Yes, my hope is on you only Madam to save him by the Seronina ", Tiger said "Don't worry Minister, I will surely take care of myself and I promise you I will not surrender to her in any circumstances ", Mathew said "No My Lord, the situation is gone out of control, you should not listen to her words and mainly you have to loose his life to her ", Tiger said "Oo no, there is no other option to save him ?", Mathew asked "Possible, but only if he was still alive until you reach there and she might not cause any danger to him. But I have trust that she would cause any harm to him until you all reached there because there is some thing to there to black mail you so he will be alive until you reach there. And remember one thing she could not harm him because she can t*****e you only if he is alive, so there will be a chance to save him ", Tiger said "Ok, I will take care of it then ", Mathew said "Ok My lord, it's time to hand over your magical sword and remember your powers will be doubled when your sword reach your pendant in a particular time ", Tiger said "But how do I know when is the time ?, you used to say me in the past birth when the time is, but now who will guide me ?", Mathew asked "Don't worry my Lord, every thing will be normal and the God will surely help you in this, I will pray for the God when I reach him after my death ", Tiger said "But I miss you my dear ", Mathew said "Me too my Lord ", Tiger said and started disappearing slowly into the air and his form slowly making into a sword. It was very shiny and it was made of completely pure gold, it was twinkling like a star and slowly it moved towards Mathew hands and settled in his hand.  Few minutes later, after the magical sword reached and settled in his hand, Mathew too shined like gold and seems to be gone more powerful than before and going into some trance . .  By seeing that Clara gave jerks to him so that he may come out of the trance into the realm . . after doing so he came into realm, saw Clara and thanked him . .  "What did you saw in the trance ?", Clara asked "How she was torturing Mr. Richard ", Mathew said "So, did you saw him ?", Clara asked "Yes, do you wanna see it ?", Mathew asked "Yes, yes . . ", Clara said "Ok then touch the Sword and come closer to me, and Mack please wake both of us, if we have not came into realm within few minutes ", Mathew said "Sure ", Mack said Clara moved very closer to Mathew and holds the Sword, immediately after he touched it both went into the trance and the two had the dream of their past birth that how did they lived in their dynasty happily and finally what circumstances they have faced at the end of their mortality . . Mathew also saw how his Queen's life was ended in the trance . .  Few minutes later Mack giving jerks to Mathew and Clara so that they may come out of the trance, but they are not coming out instead some thing was happening to them that they are behaving like they are getting some heavy current shock or they may loose their life's  . .  Mack worried a lot and tried to separate the knife in his hands with the help of Jack and Jean. . . After a while his trail gone successful and the two came out of the trance and became normal . .  "What happened to you both ?", Mack asked "No . . nothing to worry, I went into my past birth and I saw every thing about what happened to my dynasty . . ", Mathew said "Are you ok now right ?", Mack asked "Yes, I am perfectly alright. What about you Clara ?", Mathew asked by turning towards Clara after finishing the words to Mack Clara was still in the trance that she was looking at him deeply and worrying about him and also she had tears in his eyes and thinking about some thing that could not be described by her words . . .
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