Chapter 24

1133 Words
Mathew is waiting since one and half an hour there sitting on the rock waiting for the Mack and Clara. After a while the two had arrived there and stopped the car in front of him. Immediately Clara get down from the car, ran towards Mathew and hugged him tight as she was missing him very badly. He moved her little far away from him and said it was road and I am ok, don't be emotional.  "Before all this, let's go to the room then you both can talk each other very conveniently and can love each other after wards, present we are still in danger. Come on let's go", Mack said "Stop it Mack", Mathew said with smiling on him The three of them get into the car and started traveling towards the Hotel room which Mathew was staying. In the meanwhile Mack asked Mathew about the adventure he faced in the underground tunnel.. "It's a very big story and big adventure, it will take so much time to explain about it in detail", Mathew said "It's ok Mathew, we have lot of time", Mack said "Yes Mathew, we have so much time. Tell me in detail about the adventure you have faced it", Clara said Mathew said ok and started explaining in detail.. "I first heard Clara voice from the tunnel and so I went inside thinking why Clara came inside, when I asked her to stay outside and go away from there. But I can hear her voice and so I went inside to see what was there in that and I found nothing in the tunnel. After a while I found a big gate like rock and it was opened by a special mix of characters forming a word which was a historical name. When I opened it I heard a lot of screams from inside and further moving there I found a Prison like room and inside tons of skeletons laying there. And I heard there screams too very terribly and all of sudden ground under my feet began too tremble like earthquake and I ran from there as something was happening there. Finally I found a small lake like passage of water and I did not understand from there where did it was coming. Also I found a great explosive TNT there which the floor there was very slippery and found this box far from there shining like a pure gold. Suddenly I heard 1000's of ghosts screaming and like they wee coming towards me as of they wanna eat me like anything. When I saw in the dark, there are thousands of ghosts eyes are watching me as if they wanna kill me. Then I ignored those and tried to pick the box, then all of a sudden some rays have came from it, so that I can't see through it, I closed my eyes very tightly and after a while I opened my eyes again and there was no rays seen from it and then I picked the Box. When I picked it there are no ghosts too surrounded me and I accidentally saw a map on the rocks where sculptured there. I think it was sculptured some 1000's of years back and it was the map for the way outside. Finally I followed the Map to the way outside and I was there which was outskirts of the city. That's all this is my adventure, but it took so much of time for me to achieve this mystery and the key to open the Jewelry box which was with me", "O My god, this much happened?", Clara asked  "If I was there in your place, then I would have definitely fall sick and fell down there unconscious and I would have definitely not achieved this mystery and the key", Mack said "If I was there in your place, then I would not enter into the tunnel itself", Clara said And suddenly all the three where laughed at once and finally reached the hotel room of Mathew. The three of them went inside the room and locked the door. "You two wait for a while, I will go fresh and come. Just give me a few minutes of time", Mathew said "Yeah sure, off course we will wait. Take your own time Mathew", Mack said "Do you want any help Mathew?", Clara said "No Thank you", Mathew said and went inside the washroom to freshen up himself After a while he came out from the washroom and sat beside them, opened his bag and showed them the key and another jewelry box which was different from the one they had with them. "What was that?", Mack asked "I found this box there beside the key, I thought it was important for us and I picked this also and came out from there", Mathew said "But where is the key for this?", Clara asked "I don't know, may be we have to find out", Mathew said Mathew picked the key and trying to open the first jewelry box, but he could not open it as the key was not related to that box. The three of them were in big confusion that if the key is not related to this, then why did they done this much of adventure?. Then Mathew thought for a while deeply and tried to open the second box with the key he found in the tunnel. Unfortunately it opened and found a different key and an old Map which contains different drawings that they could not understand anything. Mathew then tried to open the first box with the key found in the second box and it was opened. In the first box, they found some medals like lockets and three of them worn those in their necks and felt that they were now completely safe. Clara accidentally looked into the second jewelry box and found a secret self in it and informed them, "Hey, Mathew and Mack look into this once, there is a secret self in this box", Clara said "What a secret self in the box?", Mathew and Mack asked at once Three of them looked into it at once and found some piece of paper and some thing was written it, but with a different language that the three of them could not understand it. "What was it would be?", Mack asked "I too don’t even understand what that means", Mathew said "I think it looks like instructions for some thing", Clara said "How do you know that these are instructions?", Mathew asked "Actually I am studying the Harauti language so I can understand that this was belonged to Rajasthani which was used in olden days, I think some 1000's of years ago", Clara said
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