Chapter 64

1914 Words
The three while trying to make back steps by looking towards the monster creature, they feel some thing behind them and it's very huge in size for there presence and shocked for some thing behind them . . They wanna turn back wards to see what is there on their back, trying to turn but unfortunately the monster creature which was eating leaves of the trees turned its head towards them and looking to them angrily. After a while it turned it's whole body and started moving towards them . .  The three got scared very much and Mathew said, "don't panic, look both look at the monster and I will turn back to see what is there on our back ",  "Ok Mathew, take care ", Mack said, but Clara has no words to say with fear and her body is shivering like she seems to be in the snow area Mathew then slowly turned back wards by breathing heavily and taking care that the monster creature would not notice him turning back . . While he turned back he got scared by looking into it and he had no words to speak any thing with fear. In the mean while Mack asked him what was going on on our back, but he did not responded as he was shocked by seeing it . .  "Mathew . . Mathew . . ", Mack called him very slowly . . . Mathew still did not responded . . . Mack then gave him a little jerk by placing his right hand on his shoulder very slowly and called him again. By then he got into conscious and turned his face towards Mack with lot of fear in his face . .  "What happened Mathew, why you are so scared after turning backwards ?", Mack asked "Hmmm . . haa . . . ", Mathew thinking a lot to say what he saw on the front of him and back on the two "What happened, is every thing ok or we have another problem ?", Mack asked "Yes ", Mathew said "What is that ?", Mack asked "I am not able to understand, how to say this. It's a . . . it's a . . . ", Mathew said "What Mathew why are fearing me like this ?", Mack asked "There is another monster creature which is more bigger than the one which we have seen now on your back side and in front of me ", Mathew said "What ?", Mack panicked and trying to shout, immediately Mathew stopped him by closing his mouth with his right hand and said "Shhhh !!!! ",  In the mean while Clara got into conscious and turned her face towards them by their words and asked Mathew what happened ? . . . "Where have you been till now Clara ?", Mack asked "I have been in shock till now and I got conscious just now by hearing Mathew's voice that shhhh ", Clara said and she tried to turn towards Mathew completely. By so he stopped her turning as there was danger in both front and back. And those may harm them even if they did a small mistake too . . . "Why, is there any problem ?", Clara asked "Yes off course and don't panic please ", Mathew said "What happened Mathew ?", Clara asked "Don't worry and come on hold my hand ", Mathew said and raised his pendant towards the sky and the protection layer occurred around them "Ok, now you both turn back side and see what was there in your back ", Mathew said The two turned backwards and shocked seeing the more bigger monster creature and all of a sudden the smaller monster started running towards them with anger and the three were scared very much . .  "Come on it is coming on our way, you both raise your pendants too and hold my pendant to become more stronger than the monster creatures ", Mathew said The two did the same as per instructions and the more powerful protection layer occurred around them and waiting for the monster to arrive as they could not do any thing rather than that . .  But suddenly the smaller monster creature jumped on the bigger one and started fighting with it. The two were fighting very seriously for some thing strange that the humans could not understand the cause and the fight between them was going more and more worse. The two monsters were creating a lot of damage to the island that one of it hit the monster and fell down on the ground. By so the earth cracked and the pieces of the earth came towards them with huge speed, but they were saved due to the protection layer. The one which was fell on the ground stood and it plucked the tree over there with huge force and hit the other one on the top of it's head. Then the monster fell down with unconscious and the water in it's mouth came out like the blood and formed like a pond in the front of the human's eyes . . . "Come on the water came out from it's mouth. Come on quick we have to collect it before gone ", Mathew said and started moving towards it . .  "Mathew wait for a while, the other monster is still alive and it may harm us ", Mack said "It's ok no problem, we have protection layer with us. Come with me quick ", Mathew said "ok, but take care ", Mack said The three slowly moved towards the water and while moving towards it, the water which was appeared like a pond are shining magically, by looking so to the pond Mathew and Clara were shocked to see that the water was shining like a star and astonished by it . .  "O my god, what a shiny pond it is ?", Clara said "Yes, it's very shiny rather than the water which we filled in the water bottle ", Mathew said "Yes Mathew, when I first saw the pond before too shined like this and I got confused by seeing the water in it that why the water is shining magically, at that time I did not think much as you are in danger and unconscious. So I just filled the water in the bottle and came running towards you ", Mack said "Mathew . . Mathew . . . ", Clara shouted a little with fear "What happened Clara ?", Mathew asked "Look there, the monster creature is coming towards us ", Clara said "Oo s**t, come on quick. Mack you take out the water bottles and fill the water in it quick, in the mean while we both protect the layer. Come on quick we have to escape from here as soon as possible ", Mathew shouted on Mack to be quick Mack done it very quickly that took out the water bottles form the back bag which is with Mathew and filled out all the water bottles and saved it back in the bag very quickly, hold on his back and formed a group with Mathew and Clara by holding their hands. . .  So that again the protection layer became stronger and in the mean while the monster creature too came very nearer to them by seeing the protection layer which was shiny to it's eyes and tried to destroy them . . "Come one guys, it was trying to destroy the layer, hold it tight and try to generate more power from inside your bodies ", Mathew said "But how Mathew ?", Mack and Clara asked both at once "Haa like . . take out your energy from inside like if you are trying to pull or lift some rock, then how do you generate more power like wise try to increase your power and push it to the pendant, so that the protection layer will become more powerful and the monster creature could not destroy the layer ", Mathew explained them clearly The three started generating more power by taking out more power from inside and the protection layer becomes more powerful and when the monster creature came very closer to them and tried to destroy it, The Monster creature got blasted at once and the pieces of it's body spread all over the Island with the combination of blood and the shiny magical water. At least they could not found the evidence of the second monster creature with great difficulty and all of a sudden their energy falls down and the three fell down on the ground with fatigue . . .  Mathew then stood up with great difficulty by gathering all his energy and took out the water bottle which the magical shiny water was filled and drank the water . . Surprisingly he gained his energy back and became more powerful. He then went to the pond filled the water bottle back, moved towards Mack and drank him the water, so that he too became stronger and the same did with Clara too . .  The three became more powerful than before and again filled out the water from the pond and started moving towards the team where they were waiting for them very eagerly . .  Few minutes later, the three reached the team very actively, took out the water bottles and hand over the water bottles for each of them as Mack filled out three bottles for each of them . . . By so the rest drank the magical shiny water and became powerful and Mr. Richard is very happy to have it and went near to the tree and started testing his energy as of like Mathew and Clara . . . Surprisingly Mr. Richard too became powerful like Mathew and Clara, felt very happy and thanked them heartfully for the help, but Mack was very anger on Mr. Richard as he kept their life's in danger for his personal use and for his selfishness . . . Jack too very happy, moved towards Mathew and Mack, hugged him very tightly and thanked them for their help to become stronger like them. Jean too moved towards Clara and hugged her and every one started discussing about the monster creature . . . "So what happened there Mathew, is every thing ok and the same was happened like before ?", Jack asked "No, it was not happened as earlier. It's completely different and this time two monster creatures appeared and more bigger than the before one, we got scared that our life's will end there. But surprisingly the two fought with each other and the bigger one killed the smaller one. That becomes little easier for us and we are so lucky on what happened and also the second one attacked us and it also died due to the protection layer formed by us ", Mathew explained to them and they were listening to him very eagerly that they have taken more risk for the rest of them. But Mr. Richard even did not came to them to know what happened to them while fighting with the creature, he was just involved in the strength which he received by drinking the magical shiny water, the rest got very anger on him and his behavior and felt that how selfish is he . . . 
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