Chapter 16

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Mathew slowly moved towards the bag and unzipped the bag. Three of them found a book and a old style jewelry box looks like it belongs to 1700 bc, but it was locked. Three of them tried to open the box one by one but it does not opened. Then Mathew picked up the book, opened it to study what was written on it. On the first page, some drawing like building plan appeared in it, but they are not able to understand what it was and trying to understand. Then Mathew turned the next page and start studying the book. "This is a building plan of my school, an underground tunnel situated under the ground in the middle of the play ground outside of the school building. But it was very dangerous to go inside it, as there are many ghosts keep protecting it. Without proper guidance and rules one can not go inside. And there are so many tunnels inside it, we have to select a proper way to go inside other wise we may mislead from there and lead to a separate way that may lead to danger to our life's. Wondering why the original sounded that way?, It's a way to find out the key for the jewelry box which was on your hands right now. There are some lockets in it and if we wore that locket in our neck, then no ghost can harm us, it will give us complete protection from the ghost's and even it cannot touch us or come through us, but it may threaten us like fearing from far. That's why we may face some problems in my personal room when you are trying to open the secret locker in the room and in my guess when you are near to the secret locker the ghost will not come near you, it will come to you when you are away from the locker only. Even the ghost can not do harm to anyone, if they hold the jewelry box in their hands. But they cannot hold the box in their hands continuously, so they have wear it on their necks only, in my view it's mandatory. So one has to go inside the underground tunnel to find out the key. There may be so many problems and hurdles inside it, one has to face such circumstances and go inside with great courage. One has to be very courageous and should not fear to go inside it. If any one feared inside the tunnel, then one may went into unconscious as the dark forces may lead to it and those dark forces will take one's life into their control. Why this because we may loose our sense in our brains and goes into the control of the dark forces. Once you go inside, they may not have sense of the outer world even we can not know if it was morning or evening or not even the midnight too. Keep moving forwards without turning back as the dark forces inside the underground tunnel will try to scare you in many ways to disturb you and loose control over your body and brain. So one has to very careful while entering into the underground tunnel. One who entering into the underground tunnel have to hold the jewelry box with their hands and under no circumstances one should not let that box slip from their hands. So in my view, better to go inside only one person who was more courageous, daring and dashing. One may lead to death, if they went inside the underground tunnel without holding the jewelry box in their hands. And most important thing is that, just a fraction of seconds time is enough for the dark forces to take one's life with them when they have dropped the box on the floor. So be very careful while entering into the tunnel. I have only this much of information about this, and I came to know that when we reach the approximate place where the key was situated, may found the full details of the mystery that where we should go and how to find out the treasure and more details.. And one more thing, if we enter inside the underground tunnel with out the jewelry box and if one drops the box, they may not leave their life immediately. The dark forces inside it may enter into our body, keep control on our soul and bring us outside the tunnel, leave us at our home without knowing us. Even we can not remember what was happened to us, only we remember is entering into the tunnel. But how we came back and how did we went to our house or anything else. The dark forces follow us and after few days those dark forces will kill us and they will die by vomiting blood from the mouth and through nose. My all students where dead in the same way as all of us tried to go inside the underground tunnel without holding the jewelry box even me too. When I entered into the underground tunnel, I have learned the inscription placed on the walls of the tunnel, then I came to know about the secret of the tunnel. That night we all went inside, but no one don't know how did we all came out from there and we woke up morning in our respective houses. Immediately the next day I have written all this information on this book and hide the jewelry box on my personal room secretly why because the next time no one should loose their life's by the dark forces. It was very very dangerous area, one who are going inside should be very careful and I don't know when the dark forces will take my life. My worry is only about my daughter, she loves me so much. If anything happens to me, she could not bear it. One who was learning this, please be aware of the dangers surrounded over them. The dark secrets will follow you where ever you go until then you wear the locket on your neck. Most important thing, don't be alone at any time, those dark secrets will take your life's when you are single, be in groups at least two persons in a safe place may be worshipped places until then you wear the locket. Immediately find out the key of the jewelry box as soon as possible.  Those dark forces could not enter into our bodies while in the day time and in a group of people. They can have the absorbing power lasts only on the nights and the best time to enter into the underground tunnel is the day time because the powers of the dark forces will be less on the day time and can find out the key easily.  One who was going inside the underground tunnel has to carry a huge light with them like 1000 watts supply light as there will be totally dark inside and if you have such light it will appear as day and those dark secrets will not come to you easily", . .  Mathew was turning the pages continuously as there was nothing else written in the book and the three of them looking into their faces each other and thinking how dangerous situation they have entered. . .
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