Chapter 113

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" Actually, by seeing the gift of yours  I came to a conclusion that you all were treasure hunters and I would like to join in your team . . please accept me in your team ", David said " By hearing the words, I remembered my brother's words Mathew bro . . my brother also always used to speak like this only, as we are hard workers since childhood, we used to think in the same way that we don't want any thing freely, to achieve any thing we have to do very hard work ", Julie said " Here in this city, every one is like this only ?", Mack asked " I don't know whether you asked it as a comedy, but it's true, every person in this city thinks in the same way and there is no frauds at all here. This is a very peaceful city but the only problem is that there is no sufficient money with us to lead a happy life and suffers a lot with depth's and sorrows ", Julie said " Ooh . . I am really sorry, I don't mean that Julie ", Mack said " It's ok Mack, I am super cool now, I just remembered my brother by his words and looks same as my brother too, so I became little emotional ", Julie said " Yes Julie, you are true, he looks like a little Watson ", Mathew said " That's ok ", Julie said " Ok David . . what are you going to tell us finally now ?", Mathew asked " I would like to join in your team Mathew ", David said " But there are so many hurdles and problems in this journey and that too those are very very dangerous, even those may take our life's too in our way ", Mathew said " I am ready for any thing Mathew ?", David said " why so ?", Mack asked " Because I wanna see my family live happily in the near future ", David said " But David . . remember one thing if you are alive then we could take care of them, but if you loose your life in this journey of treasure hunt then who will take care of your family ?, think once again and think wise ", Clara said " Miss . . please understand me . . if I was alive then I could see their only sorrow and poverty with my eyes and if I loose my life in this journey, I am having a great hope that Mathew sir is going to take care of my family at least he would give some treasure to my family members on the sake of my hard work on this journey ", David said " O My God . . . ", Clara said " So . . David, how do you believe me like that very blindly, why don't you think that after the journey we won't return here and the whole treasure would be taken by us who are alive at that time ?", Mathew said " Yes . . yes . . . that's correct, why don't you think like that ?" Mack too asked him " No . . that's not true and I observed you and your whole team very closely, by seeing me itself you thought that I am in a very poor condition and you helped me by giving out this gift and the whole team of yours did not have objection in this, then how could I think that after this journey and after achieving the treasure you all will escape from there with out crossing this city nor staying in this city later ?", David said " So . . . you have a lot of faith on Mathew and us too right ?", Jack asked " Yes off course a lot ", David said Every one in the room looked at their faces each other in great confusion that what to say to him and whether to join him in this team or not . . . . Every one still based on the Mathew's decision that what ever he takes the decision would be a correct one and it would not hurt any one of them . . . " Ok . . first listen very carefully about the journey and the hurdles we faced till now and more over we don't have expectations in the near future that is in the next journey towards the destination, it would be very hard, dangerous and it may be pretty harmful too . . so please take decision after listening to the whole story and how did some of our team members loose their life since starting on wards up to yesterday that is Julie's brother . . because we are suffering a lot if some one loose their life after joining in our team and they are becoming sinners too with us ", Mathew said very straight forward and confidentially that he don't want to loose another life because of them as the whole team is in guilty at present . .  " Sure Mathew . . explain me every thing so that I would become more stronger enough to face the future journey and I will be be prepared for it ", David said " So you are almost ready for it before listening to the story right ?", Mathew asked " Yes . . when ever I saw your gift, at that moment I decided to join and to achieve some thing bigger even what circumstances I faced ", David said Mathew been silent for few minutes and later started explaining the whole journey not to miss any thing because he wanna warn him the dangerous ahead and how did they over come those in the past . . . and it takes a few hours to complete the story telling to David as it was very huge and very long journey . . . Few minutes later, after listening to the story, David reaction was like awesome and he was very much excited to start the journey of danger . . . " What David I expected a fear on your face, but I think you are very excited after listening ?", Mathew asked " Yes . . exactly Mathew . . you are awesome, how did you smell the inner feelings of every one ?, actually I like this quality most in you ", David said with lot of excitement and he wanna start his journey immediately . . . Mathew has no words after seeing his excitement, not only Mathew but the others too . . . " Hmm . . . haa . . Mathew . . I had a doubt ?", David asked after thinking about some thing while every one are in silence " Yes please . . you have to clear all your doubts before joining in our team ", Mathew said " You are you team had safety measures like the monster creatures saliva and the potion made by Miss. Clara except Julie and me right ?, then how could we be in safe if any thing serious came towards me ?", David asked " Superb . . . that's a good question . . even we have the immunity with us, we are in danger too if we went any where singly and the question of yours is absolutely correct and we are fearing about the same, how to safe guard you while we are facing any danger ", Mathew said " How come you will be in danger, when you have a lot of immunity ?", David asked in confusion by scratching his head with his index finger . . " See David . . this is not a game . . . remember that it's real life and there will be no immunity powers will be used in real life and more over we are not super human's ", Mathew said " That would be great if we are super human's and if we have super powers right ?", David said " That enough David . . it will not possible in real life ", Mack said " Hmm . . Mathew . . ", Clara said " Yes dear ", Mathew said " Can I say some thing ?", Clara said " Sure ", Mathew said " I think we all are super human's ", Clara said " What ?", Mathew and the rest too amazed by her words and asked " how ", at the same time with same expression in their faces " Actually you have a super power to see the near future in your dream and you have a special power in your hands, we saw on that day while fighting with the cursed angel, do you remembered that ?, you have used some amazing powers with your hands and by so the earth was shaken like a earth quake and also we all fell down on the ground due to your powers ", Clara said " Yes Mathew . . we too saw your powers and we got an idea after Clara's doubt ", Mack and Jack said at once " But I could see the dream only if all the lockets are filled in every one's neck and it's just because of this locket not mine ", Mathew said " I think, it's completely our feelings ", Clara said " That means ?", Mathew asked in confusion still not understanding " I think you can try it even with out the locket may be so, if you want try it once. But I strongly believe that you have powers in you ", Clara said " But Clara now we could not advantage of removing the locket at this moment right ?", Mack asked " Yes off course you are true, but I am not saying to remove the locket and test it ", Clara said " Then how ?", Mack asked " Now we have less lockets filled here right compare to yesterday, now he can try to go into the future with out the help of the locket ", Clara said Every one started thinking about the words of Clara and asked Mathew to test it once . . .
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