Chapter 108

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Now the time is 08:00 am and the morning is very pleasant for every one, even through they did not woke up but still they can feel it and dreaming some thing beautiful and a beautiful smile on their faces with out knowing them . . . Over to the Jean's room where Julie is sleeping with her . . . She woke up very freshly and after woke up she immediately picked up her mobile phone and started calling to her brother that now the time is already 08:00 am and he did not came yet to the place where the team is resting and she is waiting for him very eagerly as she was very much feared about him due to the words of the Mathew last night . . . . Calling . . . calling . . . but he did not picking up . . Julie was getting feared more and more while the time is passing. Now the time is 09:00 am, but still he had not arrived at the hotel room nor lifted the phone call nor he called back to her . . . she is very tensed and informed to Jean about the situation . . . " Ok Julie, come with me, we will inform to my husband and to Mack ", Jean said " Ok ", Julie said and the two moved towards the Mack's room and Jean knocked the door Mack opened the door and saw it was Jean and Julie was standing in front of him and welcomed inside both of the them, but he noticed that Julie was in tension for some thing and he want to know the reason behind it . . . " Julie . . . is every thing ok ?", Mack asked " No Mack, I was very tensed ", Julie said " Why, what happened ?", Mack asked " you know, my brother went to our house last night even though you and Mathew informed the danger surroundings to us but he did not listened to it and went away right ?", Julie said " So . . . . then what happened ?", Mack asked " He did not came yet nor lifting the phone call, when I am trying to call him ", Julie said " It's ok, cool down, may be he went to her girl friend right, may be it got late night and so he did not woke up yet might be so ", Mack said " No . . . no chance of it, because my brother always used to wake up early in the morning even though he slept late night ", Julie said Mack did not spoke any word at that moment and thinking about some thing very seriously . . . " What are you thinking about, come on, do it some thing ", Julie said " ok, first we will inform Mathew and later we will go to your house to search for your brother ", Mack said " Why to disturb them, come we will go and search first later we can inform them ", Julie said " Ok, let's go ", Mack said While moving forward towards the door to step out from the room, he thought some thing and turned back and said to the two . . " Jack, please take care of Jean, I will be back soon . . ", Mack said and moved towards the door, but some disturbance was surrounding in her mind and thought it was not correct to move towards her house with out informing Mathew . . . and so he decided to inform him and went outside the room and suddenly turned towards his left which he had to move right to go down to the downstairs . . . " Why, what happened again, you are moving that side ?", Julie asked " No . . . it's not the right part that we are taking the decision right now . . . ", Mack said " Then . . . what should we do now, you mean we have to leave it like this with out searching for my brother ?", Julie asked little angrily " not mean that . . first we will inform to Mathew, that he warned us every one not to go outside single nor with out informing to him ", Mack said " What !!, he is a god ?, to know every thing ?, I said my brother is not responding to the phone calls and you are thinking in this way ?", Julie asked " Don't get angry, listen to my words and please don't blame nor misunderstand him, in my view he is god for me not only for me but for the rest too, so if you believe in him then your life will be stable or otherwise you may loose your life too ", Mack warned her by her behavior . . . " Ok . . ok . . I am sorry, I was in little tense ", Julie said " I know that, that's why I am telling you in a very cool manner ", Mack said Mack grabbed her hand and pulled towards his room and knocked the door, surprised by the Jack and Jean who is knocking the door and opened it by with out knowingly . . . " Mack . . what happened ?, why did you returned back, did Watson lifted the phone call ?", Jack said " No . . you too come with me ", Mack said " Why, what happened ?", Jack asked and Jean was looking at him very strangely that not knowing what he was going to do now . . . " Nothing . . we should not move from here to a far place single nor with out informing to Mathew . . did you forgot that and I don't want to leave you both like this here, we should always together to have a lot of power in us, if we are separated then any thing could happen ", Mack said " Yes absolutely, I too did not thought about that, by seeing the tension of her ", Jack said " Ok, come with me ", Mack said and every one moved towards the Mathew door and knocked his door by Mack . . . Mathew then opened it in a few minutes and saw that every one in tense and inquired about the situation by sitting on the sofa inside the room . . . Julie then explained about the situation and Mack explained about the scene happened just before that he decided to go out with out informing him . . . " Good Mack, I appreciate you in this, what ever we are going to do, that should be done by discussing with each and every one, please don't take your own decisions, it would be harmful for every one ", Mathew said " Ok . . . leave that, first think about my brother first ", Julie said " Yes coming to that, did you make a call to his girl friend ?", Mathew asked " Hmmm . . . no . . . ", Julie replied " Then do it first now ?", Mathew said She picked up her phone and started calling to her, later after few minutes she lifted the call and asked that " who is this ", "It was me, Julie ", Julie said " Oh Julie, how are you ?, may I know the reason of calling me ?", she asked " No . . nothing . . please don't get tensed . . yesterday my brother came to you to meet you right ?", Julie asked " Yes, what happened ?", she asked " Did you made a call in the morning ?", Julie asked " Not yet, he said that he was going to a trip that there would be no no signals and no phones call too, so please don't worry about me . . so I have not called him ", she said No words for them by listening to the words and thinking very seriously as Julie switched on the speaker mode so that every one would listen to the words . . . " Julie . . Julie . . ", she called her twice " Yes . . yes . . ", Julie replied " He said, you too are going to trip . . why you have not went with him ?" she asked " No . . actually my brother did not came to me and I am waiting for him since morning on wards. I am so tensed and that's why I called you to know the details . . . ", Julie said " What are you saying Julie ?", she asked " Yes . . ok wait, I will call you back ", Julie said " Ok . . ok . . . please take care and please don't forget to inform me the situation ", she said " Sure . . . ", Julie said and ended the phone call " Now my tension gone into peaks, please do some thing ", Julie said to the rest " Ok . . ok . . rest assured, we all go to your house and let's check the remaining details over there ", Mathew said and every one started getting ready to move to her house Few minutes later, in a very quick moment every one get ready and moved towards the downstairs . . there the same taxi which was dropped them from the shopping yesterday was waiting in the outside for the Mathew . . . While seeing Mathew itself, the driver inside came out and wished Mathew " Good Morning ", " Hello, how are you ?", Mathew asked " Very good enough because of you sir ", Driver said " we want taxi now, could you come with us please ?", Mathew asked " Yes sir sure . . I am waiting for your service since morning itself ", driver said and the total team get into the car and Julie informed the driver the address of her house and the car moved towards the direction which she said . . . Few minutes later . . the house was arrived and Julie get down from the car very quickly after reaching the house and ran towards the door . . . later the rest of them get down and followed Julie . . . After reaching to the main door, Julie and the rest observed that the door was locked, that means he was not in the house . . Julie sat down near the door and started crying for her brother . . in the mean while Mathew looking for the surroundings and he found the neighbors came out and he inquired about Watson that whether he came to the house last night or not . . . they said he did not came not only he but her sister also not came to house since yesterday . . . Mathew said " Ok " and went towards Julie and said that he did not came to home yesterday night it seems, come with me we will go to police station and complain about the situation . . . So every one moving towards the car, in the mean while, some one came running towards Julie and said " Julie, where did you went last night, your brother was laid dead over the abandoned building at the end of the city, come fast with me ", Julie by hearing the words, she collapsed on the floor, Clara and Jean waked her up, gave support to her until the car and let her sat down on the car . . Mathew asked the driver to follow the person and he did so with out asking a question . . . Every one moved towards the scene where Watson laid down dead and trying to move forward to the body, but the police over there stopped them, Mathew said we are relatives of him and by so the policemen allowed to the body to touch it and by looking to the body of the Watson, Mathew, Clara and Mack was shocked . . . Julie was continuously crying by seeing her brother's body like that in that position and she could not bare that, in the mean while Mack raised a question Mathew that " Mathew . . . did you noticed any thing about the dead body and the way he died ?", " Shhh . . . Yes . .  but don't speak out now ", Mathew said " But Mathew . . . ", Clara said and Mathew stopped the two while speaking and asked Clara to go to Julie and take care of her . . Mack saw the face of Mathew that he was thinking about some thing and he decided not to speak a word any more until he starts speaking about it or later in the hotel room as he trust him that if Mathew said anything nor stopped discussing about the situation means there is some thing hidden over there . .  so he stopped immediately with out speaking any more . . . the two then moved towards Julie . . " Did any one informed his girl friend as she was very much worried about him while Julie asking the details about him ?", Mathew said Julie then got strike and picked her mobile, made a call to her and informed the situation about Watson while continuously crying, over there she collapsed by listening the words of the mortality of her boy friend and she could tolerate the news . . .
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