Chapter 12

1121 Words
Then she is trying very hard to catch the stalk and climb up, but it is not going to happening by her as she had no experience on climbing the tree because she had not played the games of such type since childhood ever. On other hand Mathew was giving support and trying to explain her how to climb. "With both your hands catch the stalk very tightly, then place your leg on the gap which is in between the two stalks", Mathew explained her She done the same "Good, now hold it very tight and push your body upwards as you feel like you are pulling the stalk downwards with utmost force", Mathew said She done the same and climbed a little but she was trying to fell down as she had no grip on her hands. Mathew immediately hold her tight by not falling down around her waist and pulled her up. She then successfully climbed up where Mack was waiting on the big stalk which is beside the school boundary wall. Then Mathew climbed up in the same way and three of them stood on the boundary wall. Then Mathew and Mack jumped inside from the wall, but Clara stopped jumping as the wall was little bit high. "If you don't mind, can I hold you?", Mathew asked "Yes please", Clara said Then he placed her hands on her waist and grabbed her at once towards the ground from the wall as she sat on it. "Sorry for what I have done with you", Mathew said "Its ok, I have gave you permission right, it's not a big deal", Clara said "No, actually I should not have done that but surely there is no other chance to help you get down", Mathew said "Hey, come on I said no problem at all", Clara said "You two of you please stop that topic for a bit and here we have to focus on it in what to do next. That too it's not an ordinary place, we have to be very alert", Mack said "Ok sorry sorry, let's go", Mathew said Three of them moving forward slowly by looking back and forth, as Mack and Clara were shocked by seeing the building and scared very much. Something suddenly goes off the side where they are running and it feels very scary around the scene.. It was horrible to hear foxes screaming somewhere in the distance while everyone was moving forward with so much fear. "What is that?", Clara asked "Before the demons came I heard the fox's or dog's howling like this", Mack said "You mean now the ghost will arrive now? Clara said "Yes", Mathew said "Are you sure? Now the ghost will come?", Clara said "Yes, what happened?", Mathew asked "I am so excited to see the ghost in live, I have never seen it before ever", Clara said "Are you crazy?, If it arrives here, it will not let us go away with live. Its more dangerous than we thought, why because I saw that and I am aware of that very much", Mathew said Clara was in shock by hearing to the words of Mathew. She moved forward very silently with out any words with lots of fear.. Finally they have reached the locked room in the building where the Head of the School used to rest and he hide all the confidential matters in it. "Clara give me the keys now", Mathew asked "Haa wait, . . here take it", Clara said with searching in her pockets Then he tried to open the door and trying to go near to the door, placing his left hand on the door lock and with the right hand he hold the keys and trying to open the door. Suddenly he flew in the air very high and fell on the ground far away from the door in the garden opposite to the room as if he got current shock.  Mack and Clara went in a hurry went to Mathew and asked, "what happened, what happened?",  With lot of hard try he sat on the ground and said, "See if there any current passing on the door, I felt like current shock",  Then Mathew went near the door and slowly giving jerks to the door to see whether any current is passing to it. But he feel nothing like that and the same said to Mathew.. He stood on the ground slowly with the help of Clara and moved slowly again towards the door. He again trying to open the door by placing the keys in the hole of the door where the keys were placed. This time three of them hold the door very tightly and opened it as the two caught him tight by not to flew again as before. Finally they opened the door and peeped into the room to see what is inside it. It looks like very creepy and full of dust, powdery mildew and there was moss patches here and there surrounded the room. The three of them slowly moved towards the bench and suddenly the door was closed with making a creepy sound. Three of them got worried, ran towards the door in one jump and trying to open it with fear. But it was not opening as if some one closed from the outside. "What to do now, door was not opening?, I am so scared", Clara said with a crying face "Oo cool down, we are with you, don't worry first lets have a look in the desk and find out what was there in it", Mathew said "Mack, Mack", Mathew called him But there is no response from him and so Mathew switched on the torch on his mobile phone and searched around for him, but they can not see him and then he searched for him on the ground and noticed that he laid down on the ground unconscious. Mathew went near to him and trying to wake him up.. "Mack, Mack. . wake up, what happened?", Mathew said "Wake up Mack, wake up", Clara said Mathew then giving jerks to him by holding his chin and moving left and right side. But he was not woke up and then he slapped on his jaws a little harder so that he thought he would come into conscious. After few minutes of trying hard he came into conscious and opened his eyes slowly, asking him where I am. "Mack, what happened to you, come into realm", Mathew said Then he came into realm and stood up and said sorry "You gave courage to her, teased her and now what happened to you, fell unconscious  like this?", Mathew asked..
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