Chapter 88

1176 Words
Clara handed over the piece of cloth where the receipe was written and started studying it by holding the piece of cloth in her hands . . . She was completely silence for few minutes as she was busily involved in reading it . . . At first she did not understand anything by looking it casually, but later after Mathew's words she concentrated again by owning her past birth. Then she able to guess the items in the piece of cloth by his remembrance of her study in the past birth as she is an ayurvedic medicine specialist and used to give treatment for the people who lives in the Kingdom of them . . . "Mathew and Mack . . get ready to collect the ingredients which I am going to say, collect them and bring back those to me immediately without delay, because after collecting those into your hands it should not be late " Clara said "ok " both said at once and be prepared to collect the ingredients Now Clara started narrating the items which looks like and asked them to collect those . . The two moved towards the ingredients in two different ways as the items are available in different different places . . In the mean while, Clara being prepared for the fire in the place located near the destination by collecting the dried sticks and arranging those in the fire place . . . Few minutes later Mathew and Mack returned back one after the one by holding the ingredients in their hands as instructed by Clara and handed over those to her . . . She used the knife and the spatula to cut and place those into the bowl because those ingredients should not be touched with the n***d hands as the power of those ingredients may disappear . . So every thing mixed well with the water in the bowl using the spoon, but now the great confusion for them is how to place the bowl in the fireplace because there is nothing to place in it . . . The three of them thinking and thinking but getting no idea, suddenly Mack saw the piece of cloth and understood something and trying to convey to the two . . . "Hey guys, look over here once " Mack said "What happened ?" Mathew asked and Clara looked at him with blank face that not knowing what he was going to convey them . . "Look . . in this piece of cloth, it was shown in the figure that it was placed on the fire with out any support " Mack said " But how could it be possible ?" Clara asked " ok, let's have a try come on " Mathew said Clara then hold the bowl in his right hand and moved towards the fireplace with lot of fear because if the trial fails then the ingredients in it would be wasted and to. be collected again, if so time will be wasted a lot . . . and more over the ingredients in the bowl would damage the surroundings and the atmosphere near them by blasting like a bomb . . so she feared a lot and the same was conveyed to the two . . . "it's ok Clara, let's keep hope on the faith and place it on the fireplace. Come on believe me and the destiny " Mathew said " Yes Clara, till now since our journey started we are believing the magical things and the magical powers, so now believe the same and go ahead " Mack said Clara then keeping hope on the future and the destiny she placed the bowl of ingredients in the fireplace on air which was 2 feet high from the fire . . all of a surprise it stood on the air like magically and few minutes later it started burning and a different fragrance waas coming out from it. . . It is mesmerizing to them by inhaling the smell of the liquid and feels something like they were going to free. from the dangers ahead . . . Few minutes later it was completely boiled and ready to drink, but they don't know for what purpose it was made and there is no clue about it too . . . Clara took out the bowl from the fireplace with her both the hands, but surprisingly it would not burnt her hands even though she picked out from her n***d hands . . . "Clara how is it possible that you took out from the fireplace with your hands and nothing happened to you ? " Mack asked " That's the magic of this potion, if you drink this potion nothing will happen to you even though you fought with a monster nor you would touch some thing else which should not be touched " Clara said "What did you said Clara ?" Mathew said "That's the magic . . . " Mathew stopped inbetween while Clara is trying to say from starting onwards "No only the last words " Mathew said "Nothing will happen to you if you drink this potion " Clara said " ok . . ok . . got it . . . " Mathew said "what did you get ?" Clara asked "I got the point, why. this potion was prepared and for what purpose is this " ? Mathew said " O really !!! for what ?" Mack asked " Now we should open the treasure door which was in the back side of the idol right and did you remember what happens to the professor who touched the door ? " Mathew said "yes. . . " both said at once "Now we can drink this potion and can be opened the door with out any obstacles and nothing happens to us, if we touch the door " Mathew said " OOO got it got it, so why late, let's go " Mack said "Yes let's go, but remember one thing before going from here, " Clara said "what is that Clara ?" Mathew asked "This potion should be covered well and the open air should not touch this potion or otherwise the power would be gone and we even loose our lives after drinking this " Clara said " You mean there is no guarantee of our life's ? Mack asked "No only if the open air touching this " Clara said "But how do we know the power was gone from this ? " Mathew asked "The vapours coming from this will be evaporated if the power was gone " Clara said "ok . . then how to. cover this ? " Mathew asked "We need a special leave to cover this " Clara said "What type of leave, tell me we will find it ? " Mack asked Clara informed the size and quality of the leaf. and the started searching for it all over the place . .
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