Chapter 38

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After a few minutes, one by one going into their tents to sleep as they were very tired by having too long journey since morning onwards. Firstly Mr. Richard went by saying  "Ok, I am very tired and restless, so I will have some rest for now ", Richard said "Ok ok sir take rest, we have to continue our journey early in the morning ", Mathew said "Good Night ", Mr. Richard said "Good Night ", remaining said all at once After some time Benjamin stood up and left the place to sleep as he was also tired by the long journey while greeting Good Night to the remaining and went inside his tent . .  Mathew, Mack and Clara were now sitting around the fire place by closely and talking each other. All of a sudden Clara got strike a doubt in his mind and started asking about her doubt to Mathew with out any hesitation . . . "Mathew can I ask you some thing ?", Clara asked "Yes ", Mathew said "But you have to tell us with out hiding any thing ", Clara said "Yes Mathew I too had so many doubt in my mind, can you please clear those all ", Mack said "I can understand what doubts are having in your mind and it's ok I'll clear those all, come on ask me what are all the doubts one by one or all at once ", Mathew said "Can I ask those first Mack or will you ask him ?", Clara asked "Not a problem at all, you can proceed as doubts in our minds are very common for both and if you missed any I'll continue those ", Mack said "Come on guys, what's wrong with you both, ask those or else I'll go for sleep as I also feeling very tired and restless ", Mathew said "Ok ok, I will ask first ", Clara said "Go ahead ", Mathew said "Actually, what happened to you, what are you thinking about continuously and very seriously. We saw some change in your face, as well as noticed that your face glows with golden light while you spoke about the temple and the surroundings in the desert when ever we talked about the journey and what is it actually and we would like to know the changes happened in you after you came outside from the underground tunnel on that day itself. You are not telling us in any way while we are asking you about these changes and the place where we are going to go ", Clara asked all her doubts all at once with out giving a gap to speak for Mathew . .  "O my God, so many doubts that too all at once, do I need to clarify all these at once and tonight itself ??", Mathew asked "Please Mathew, don't divert the topic. Tell me what was going on around us and what was the struggle you facing with. I think you are suffering with some thing, we can understand it by seeing your face, please tell us Mathew ", Mack asked "Ok, I will tell you every thing ", Mathew said by taking a long breath and looking into the air by holding his legs and catching those by his hands sitting on the sand, but he was in complete silent for a few minutes . "Come on Mathew ", Clara said "I have hided some thing important and very dangerous thing from you all ", Mathew said and again became silent for a while "What was that ?", both asked with excitement  "When I went into the underground tunnel on that day, I found an another locket on a skeleton which was buried on the walls and it came out when I hit the wall with angry at the time I am not able to open the big  gate which was in the center of the tunnel. I am trying to open the gate with great difficulty and searching for the key to open it, at that time I'm so tired and I'm just knocked on the wall very hardly with anger next to me, by the force of mine one of the coffin in the wall hidden on the wall broke and fell on me. I am so feared at time and closed my eyes hardly by placing my both hands on my face like to protect myself. Few minutes later I opened my eyes and saw what was happened to me and the skeleton on the coffin fell on me and it facing its face straight to me and the scene was very horrible at that time. After a while when I recovered from the scene and started clearly the skeleton from me which fell on me and all of a sudden one of the pendants on its neck fell on my neck and I have not noticed it until then . . . . ", Mathew said and suddenly stopped explaining them  "What happened next and how did you noticed the pendant. What happened to you next, is every thing ok by then ", Clara asking doubt again one by one continuously with worrying about Mathew "Yes Clara I am perfectly alright and so I am here with you ", Mathew said "Ok then what happened next ", Mack asked with great anxiety   "I have noticed the locket in my neck when some thing happened around me that all the ghosts or souls I don't know exactly but all of those at once came at once towards me with force and I thought that my life was ended by then as they were going to kill me by breaking my legs and hands into pieces and bite me into pieces. But . . . . ", Mathew said and stopped again "Mathew please don't give breaks, So we could not bear to stop in the middle. Please continue ", Clara said with lot of worries in her heart and mind "But all of a sudden stopped in front of me in a distance of just half feet. Just imagine once 1000's of ghosts are looking into your eyes with a half feet distance angrily with skeletal bodies and big red eyes with torches around you then how would you feel at that moment !!!. I just thought that my life ha ended, but I did not get the answer why those had stopped half a distance far from me and those did not harm me and just looking t me very angrily. Later they looked at the locket angrily which was in my neck. Then I noticed the locket in my neck and recollected what happened and how did it came into my neck. By then I got the answer that the locket was in the skeleton body and while it fell on me, the locket was transferred into my neck with out knowing me . . . I thought to remove it and tried it too, but the ghosts are coming towards me when I am trying to remove it. So I came to a conclusion that I removed the locket from my neck, then those ghosts will kill me to the peaks so that not even a single piece of my body is going to found near by there and so I keep hold the locket with me till now and hear is the locket which was transferred to my neck from the skeleton ", Mathew said and showed the locket to Clara and Mack . . . The two hold the locket with their hands and looking at the figure carved on it. As soon as they touched the pendant, a lot of rays coming from it went into them which was shining like gold and with that the two remained as statues for few minutes . . . "Clara . . Mack . . ", Mathew was calling them by placing his hands on both them shoulders and by giving some jerks so that the two will get into the realm Then the two came into realm and realized the surroundings and asked Mathew that "What was this feeling Mathew ?", Mack asked "What happened and what do you feel ?", Mathew asked "I . . I don't know exactly but I can see some thing in front of my eyes ", Mack said "Yes Mathew, the same feel to me also ", Clara said "Yes, happening the same for me too ", Mathew said "But how and why and what was that, that we are seeing in our eyes but it was not clear ?", Mathew asked "I also don't know, but I can feel these changes in me, when I entered into the last room and while I was trying to pick the second jewelry box and the key, the golden rays came towards me by then I could not see any thing around me and I have covered my eyes and face with my hands and after a few minutes I have opened my eyes feeling that nothing had happened to me. By the time the rays also disappeared and I picked those and saved in my back bag. I came out safely talked to you both every thing perfect and until then that night while I was going to sleep then those golden rays came out of me and showed something like a magic in front of me . .", Mathew said "What did it showed, did it was clearly visible for you ?", Mack asked "Yes ", Mathew said "What did you saw ?", Clara asked "Our journey ", Mathew said "What ?", Clara and Mack both asked at once "Yes, our journey I saw our journey what was happened till now and I can able to see what was happening in the future. Not much clearly but I can feel it so that I can be very careful while choosing our destiny. I mean when I am thinking about our destiny, I am closing my eyes and recollecting the scenes that what I had see on that day ", Mathew said and became silent for a while . . . "O my God ", Clara said with fear "So what was going to happen the next moment and where should we go now ?", Mack asked "That I don't know and all of a sudden the golden rays are coming out from this pendant and showing me the way when we are in confusion. But not showing it in advance and I think it was trying to say that we have to guess the future and find out our destiny but it was warning me when we are in danger and also when we are in wrong track ", Mathew said "O really, then what have we seen while we touched it ?", Mack said "What did you saw ?", Mathew asked "I am not clear at all, what about you Clara ?", Mack said "For me also not clear at all, but I saw something like old ruined temple which was very big and it looks very dangerous and some thing coming towards us ", Clara said "Yes yes, I can remember when you are saying these all. I have seen the same I think so ", Mack said with lot of excitement and fear in their hearts . . . .
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