Chapter 34

1866 Words
"What Mathew, you are not telling anything about it and you were very silent writing some thing on the book ?", Benjamin asked "Yes Mathew, tell us some thing as you are leading this team and your ideas are going so far working out. I mean you are thinking in a right way ", Mack said "Yes Mr. Mathew, what they said is correct. Come on speak out what are your thinking about this Jaisalmer and what you are thinking that what step do you think would be the best ? ", Mr. Richard said "No, I am not at all thinking any thing at the moment because I don't know exactly what was there in that place and what to search in that place. So I could not tell you the best step to proceed further ", Mathew said "So, what to do now and what are you going to do now ?", Benjamin and Mack asked at once "First of all we have to go there and search around the city and the temple as per the map I think some thing was hidden on the temple itself ", Mathew said "Yes, you are right Mr. Mathew ", Ricard said "I heard some where that there are some hidden secrets in the temple of Jaisalmer ", Richard said' "Ok then we will start our journey tomorrow morning by traveling towards the Temple ", Mathew said and on the other hand Mathew keep observing the Map very seriously by holding it with his hands since the discussion started between them and thinking about the Map some thing seriously . .  "Mr. Mathew, may I know the reason why you keep watching the map continuously with out moving your head here and there while we are speaking with you also ?", Mr. Richard asked after observing him sine starting onwards "Sir, if Mathew was looking into it seriously means he was going to solve this mystery of Jaisalmer very soon and I am sure about it as we are watching him since our acquaintance ", Clara said "Oh, then you understood him very much ", Ricard said "Yes Mr. Richard ", Clara said "No, nothing like that. I am just checking the map to continue our journey tomorrow morning and how to start it, that's it nothing more ", Mathew said "No Mathew, we trust you. Take your own time and plan it perfectly we will follow you exactly ", Mack said "That's ok, enough for now. Let's go for Dinner I am very hungry ", Mathew said All of the them went down the stairs and enquired the receptionist about the best hotel around there and moved towards the Hotel which guided by the receptionist. They have went inside the hotel, sat down near the same table by asking the waiter to club two of the tables by one and arrange the chairs all at the same place and said that they all are same family and want to sit all together.  The waiter done the same by their request and all of them ordered food and waiting for it. After a while food came very hot and the waiter served them very neatly and leaves from there. All of them were having their meals and keep discussing about their personal things except about the treasure hunt as they were sitting on a public place thinking that if they have discussed about the hunt, they fall in trouble if any one here that . . .  Few minutes later every one completed their meals and asked the waiter for the bill. He brought the bill over the table and standing out little far from the table and waiting for the payment. "Hello Mr. could you please tell me the details that how to travel to the temple from here ", Mathew asked the waiter in a very respectful way "Which temple sir ?", The waiter asked very innocently as they did not know what the waiter was thinking about them and why did he asked like that also. Every one had blank faces and looked into their faces each other . . "Which temple means, how many temples are there here ?", Mathew asked him "Usually every one visit the Jain temple situated on Meru Hill also knows as Trikoot Garh and it was a famous historical place ", The waiter said "Ok, then what about the second one ?", Mathew said "Usually no one knows about it and it was very older one and an Ancient ruined temple and also the temple is very well known in the ancient times. But now a days the people living here do not know anything about it as they were forgetting our culture. I don't why but I feel like I have to tell you about this and if you look at it, there is still a myth that there are still treasures that have not been discovered and those are still unknown since so many years that have been guarding that treasure by unknown dark secrets. ", Waiter said By hearing to the words all the five were shocked to hear that their lives are again going into risk and also going do an another adventure . .  "Can you please tell us more information about the Temple ?", Mathew asked "Even me too don't know that exactly but I heard when my grand parents told us about these like stories ", waiter said "If you don't mind can I speak with your grand parents by chance if they were alive ?", Mathew asked "No sir, unfortunately they were not alive ", waiter said "Do you know anyone who knows all these things clearly ?", Mathew asked "I think no, but if you visit the temple you'll can know about these details as all the stories were written on the ruined walls of the temple. But you have to understand that language ", waiter said "Ok, how to travel there ?", Mathew asked "It's very far from the city outskirts. When you reach the city outskirts you all find a desert that is very big and you have to cross it, lend camels to travel over there and it takes almost 2 hours to go there. Don't forget to lend camels as you all can not go there by walk or by vehicles . . ", waiter explained them in detail "Ok thank you for your information ", Mathew said and all the five leaves from there . . Every one reached the Hotel rooms went inside, locked the doors and fell asleep but Mathew was still sleepless as he thinking about the journey of tomorrow and eagerly waiting for the facts to know what was hiding behind the temple . .  Every one woke up early in the morning, got ready and went out from their respective room's and gathered at the waiting hall outside their rooms except Mathew. Clara noticed that Mathew was not there with them and she went to the room and knocked the door. By then he woke up and while opening the door itself he saw Clara standing outside eagerly waiting for him to know why he was not came outside till now. . . "Good Morning Clara ", Mathew said "What happened you have not woke up till now ? ", Clara asked "What happened Clara, I slept late night so I have not woke up ", Mathew said "Ok, come on here everyone was ready and waiting for you to start our journey ", Clara said "Oh sorry, I'll get ready and will come outside with me 10 minutes ", Mathew said "Ok come fast ", Clara said Mathew immediately went inside and freshen up very fast and came out with holding his back bag with him by arranging some thing in it and zipping it . . . "What Mathew why are you so late today ?", Mack asked him as he know that he was very quick and will be the first person to get ready and start their journey . .  Mathew with out saying a word to them, moved towards them where the all three except Clara sitting on the sofa which was placed in the waiting hall of the Hotel and sat beside them . . .  "What happened Mr. Mathew why are you so late ?", Mr. Richard also asked him as he did not answered Mack's question "No, actually I was sleepless last night and so I wanted to know the facts hiding behind the Temple ", Mathew said "So what did you do last night ?", Benjamin asked "I studied about the Jaisalmer City over the net on my Laptop and came to know about the City and the Fort which was in the center of this Jaisalmer City ", Mathew said "Then why don't you call us when you woke up and studied about this City the whole night ?" Mack asked "Yes Mathew, You should have called us too when you woke up all the night. If you call us we will also join you in studying about the city and know the facts behind it right ?", Benjamin asked "Oh I am really sorry, I thought all of you are very tired and so you all could fall asleep quickly. I came to your room and knocked the door too Mack, but you have not opened it. So I returned back to my room and started studying about the City ", Mathew said "Oh really, I have not opened the door !, what I really did not hear the door knocking and what am I so intoxicated ? ", Mack asked "May be so and so I have not disturbed any one else ", Mathew said "So kind of you Mathew ", Richard said "Ok, ok will discuss every thing afterwards, first let's have our breakfast ", Mathew said "Ok that's a great idea even we all are so hungry and waiting for you to go to the restaurant ", Benjamin said Every one leaves the hotel the next moment and moved towards the restaurant to have their breakfast and suddenly Mathew asked every one that whether they were carrying something for their safety as they were going for a long journey and they even don't know that when they were going to return back from the ruined Ancient Temple . .  "No ", all said at once "Every one please be prepared for the next two days for the journey as a safety, if every thing set we will be back in a day and can come back very soon. But think once if it was late what happens, so go pack your bags and come fast already it was too late . . . ", Mathew said "and also hold all the water bottles what ever you have with you as much as possible in your bags ", Mathew said again while every one moving to their rooms. . . "Why water bottles ?", Benjamin asked "As there was a very high humidity and water is not available there at the desert ", Mathew said
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