Chapter 6

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After thinking for few minutes he got an idea that there was a big tree lying beside the school wall, so he wanted to climb the tree and jump into inside. So he slowly went to the big tree, climbed on it and jumped inside. There was all over the grass grown till his knees as it was not in use for long time and no one to take care of the building. He remembered his old days that he and his friends played under this tree. Few minutes later he came into realm that he came here to find out the clues but not for old memories that too its not the right time to remember all these, he has to be very careful, If he was not in alert then he may loose his life here itself. Thinking the same he moved forward very slowly looking back and forth. But he don't know where to find out and how to find out the Camera that where did the two of them went inside. He then switched on the phone torch and started searching all over the place very carefully that he don't want to miss this chance and knowing that he may never get another chance to enter into this building. With lots of fear he was moving forward looking here and there and enters into the building, when he enter into the building he knows perfectly that starting the Head of the School's room will come and tried to open his room, but its was locked. So he thought that there will be nothing in that as if it was locked means the two of them have no chance to enter into this.. He slowly moved forward towards the steps to proceeded to the first floor. He know that there are 10 rooms in the first floor. He was trying to open every door starting from the first room, but all the doors are locked. So he moved forward towards the steps to proceed to the second floor.  While trying to enter into the first step, suddenly a big wind came towards him that trying to stop moving forward towards second floor. He closed his eyes as dust entered into his eyes, few minutes later wind stopped, rubbed with his both hands and opened his eyes.  He was thinking that from where did the big wind came there were also no signs of rain too. He stopped there for a while in fear and heart pounded and moved forward to the second floor stepping on to the next step. As he climbed halfway up the stairs, he heard a woman crying very nearer to him. At once his heart stopped beating and he thought that the ghost was real. Now he fell into a dilemma of whether to go up or go back. After thinking for a while, he moved forward so far as to say that if anything happened it would be have happened.. He then entered into the second floor and the big wind came again and this time all the doors to the rooms there in the second floor all began to slam all over them. He could not understand anything, stood freezes with fear and seeing it. After few minutes all the doors were closed automatically and there were complete silence over there. He still stood there watching the situation how scary it was whether again the doors slam, but there was nothing happened around him. He moved forward a step and again the doors started knocking itself as if someone behind the doors knocking them, then he closed his ears and eyes very hard so that he can not hear the sounds. Few minutes later again stopped knocking the doors. He was able to understand what was going on and filled with lot of guts in his heart moved forward, trying to open the first door to check whether he can find anything. But unfortunately he found nothing in the room and it was completely vacant not even the tables and chairs as the class room consists of. He came out from the first room and he stepped forward for the second room and opened it, again same he found nothing in it and returned back.  He then moved to the third door, he touched the handle of the door with his left hand and holding the phone torch with right hand, he felt someone stood behind him. He stopped moving as of he got freezes. His body was completely sweating, a drop of sweat drips from the head due to the tension. In the meanwhile it seemed as if someone had placed his hand over his shoulder, his heart rate increased further very fast... He then slowly turned over to see who stood behind him, nothing found but he feels the hand on his shoulder as if his shoulder weighs strong. He searched his shoulder physically with his hand but it looks empty that he could feel the hand but when he touched nothing found on his shoulder. He was much terrified and decided to go further and unfortunately his phone torch focused on the door and saw that the room no is "13". He heard some where that the number 13 is very dangerous and it mostly belongs to ghosts, that too the ghosts likes the number and he also heard that lots of people have a superstitious fear of the number 13. From Fridays that fall on this date to buildings that skip the 13th floor or 13th room, what’s so scary about this number? Plenty of people suffer from phobias, but it might seem strange to fear a number.  Now he was going to fight with the same number might be so. He got started with phobia without knowing him. However, if a fear of the number 13 prevents him from going to move forward or otherwise makes his life difficult and he stuck over there without opening the door. His hands are shivering, with his shivering hands he slowly moved his hand towards the 13th door handle and he slowly opened it....
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