Chapter 95

1567 Words
So every one started walking very fast as much as they can as the main aim of them is reach the city as soon as possible before the sunset, because they have to stay again that night in the deep forest if they were late and could not see any thing after the darkness enters into the forest . . . Few minutes later they heard a loud roar of the lion very nearer to them, by hearing the roar every one over there were scared a lot and started running one after the one following Mathew as per his instructions . . . " Mathew why can't you use the power of the pendant as before instead of running like this, because the lion can run faster than us and catch us very easily ", Jack asked " I can use it but I don't know whether it may work or not ", Mathew said " Why so ?", Jack asked " Because I used all the powers of the pendant to lock the treasure door, so I don't know exactly whether the powers may work on the lion or not ", Mathew said " O My God, now what should we do, if it reaches here ?", Jean asked " Will see that later, first run as soon as possible ", Mathew said " Mathew, I have a doubt ", Clara asked " Yes dear, ask me but no one should stop running ", Mathew said " Why can't you test the power of the pendant by using now as a sample ?", Clara asked " I can do it, but here also there is a problem ", Mathew said " What is that ?", Clara asked " If I used to test the power, then the remaining power if any thing left in it may loose now. We need to save it if it reaches here and in emergency. That too the other problem is . . . ", Mathew said and stopped in between " What happened, why did you stopped in middle . . continue . . . ", Clara said " If I used the power of the pendant, then I might loose the power as before nor even I may loose consciousness and I could not run too ", Mathew said " Yeah you are right, what you said is absolutely right, and we have seen the problem too in the past ", Jack said " Now what should we do if it reaches here ?", Clara said "Will think it later, first run ", Mathew said " No Mathew . . we should be prepared what should we do in emergency, because our minds will not work in emergency ", Mack said " Yes you are right, if we planned it before also our brains may not work if the dangers comes and stand in front of us ", Mathew said " That's also a point ", Jack said " Please do it some thing Mathew, we have trust on you, and you need to think about it ", Jean said " Ok . . I got an idea ", Mathew said " What is that ?, tell me so that we can be prepared for that ", Mack said " No nothing serious, I will use my knife to attack the lion, in the mean while we have to disturb it by surrounding it and attacking the lion from all the sides and I will give one of you my knife to attack it and others try to find out some other weapon in the surroundings as soon as possible when it reaches here and every one should be very alerted ", Mathew said " Ok sure, we will do it, but how could you manage the lion in the mean time with out attacking ?", Clara asked " I have some powers with me to stop the lion in the emergency, so don't worry about it, just do it what ever I said ", Mathew said Every one said " Ok " by continuing there run . . all of a sudden as they thought the lion came in front of them and trying to attack them from the front side by roaring very loudly . . . Mathew then immediately took out his two knifes and handed over one of it which was collected from the idol was given to Mack and trying to stop the Lion and the rest were searching some thing suitable to attach the lion all over the surroundings in the mean time as Mathew instructed them . . . One of them that is Jean found a big iron rod and handed over to Jack as she could not handle it as it was very huge to handle it and attack the lion, if she handed over this to Jack means he could handle this easily as he may have strength to carry it . . . The rest two found a little big logs which they can carry easily and handle it to attack the lion, as per Mathew's instructions, total team that is the five people surrounded the Lion and started attacking it by one by one from all the sides . . . All of a sudden it suddenly jumped on Mathew with great anger and trying to attack, but suddenly Mathew holds his two hands in attacking mode, so that the knife in his hand touched the pendant in his neck and gained a some strange power . . . Mathew feels it and asked the rest to move away from the place immediately . . after the rest moved away from the place, Mathew suddenly used his powers like blasting the surroundings with his power only after conforming that the rest were vacated the place, so that the power should only touch the lion . Every thing sets perfect and the lion was attacked by the power of Mathew and all of a sudden the lion fell on the ground with lot of wounds on it's body and finally it was in his last breath. By taking the last breath, the lion saw the face of Mathew and cried by seeing him and then smiled lastly when it was going to loose it's life . . . Every one looked at their faces each other by confusion that why did the lion did so, that means in the last moment why did it smiled at the last moment by looking into Mathew's face . . . Few minutes later the Lion leaves it's body and became a soul as a woman by lightening power and looked at the Mathew's face and said . . "Mr . . . ", She asked by looking at his face "Mathew . . my name is Mathew ", Mathew said " Ok . . fine . . Mr. Mathew, Thank you so much for relieving me from the curse of what I am having since so many years ", She said "Curse ?, what type of curse ?", Mathew asked "That I could not explain it to you now, but I will definitely do it later when you are in trouble. Just call me once in your mind, I will appear in front of you and do it needful for you in any circumstances ", She said "Ok, what should I call you ?", Mathew said "Just call me Sofia ", She said "Ok, sure Thank you ", Mathew said " No . . I should thank you and I have to thankful for you life long and I am going to give you a blessing now, please ask me what do you want ?", she asked Mathew " But I don't have anything right now ", Mathew said " But you have to ask me right now, what do you want ", she asked " Ok . . ok . . I will ask ", Mathew said " Ok . . go ahead ", she said " What ever we are doing or going in our path, no one should be harmed nor dead in our team, because I could not see any one if any thing happened to them, so every one should be safe in my team, because we are going to move on a journey that would be more dangerous and harmful ", Mathew said " Ok . . good, I like you and I am impressed for your thoughts and ideology, and you are a great person, I am giving you the blessing to you and to your team, nothing will happen to you or your team in any circumstances and more over I will be helpful to you when you are in need of some thing ", She said "Thank you, Thank you so much for your blessing ", Mathew said She smiled and disappeared from there like a angel and every one looked each other and again started their journey towards the city as they were already late and being late and the sunset is going to happen in few more minutes  . . so they decided to talk or discuss the remaining things when they reach the city and after taking some complete rest, so they speed up and moved towards the city with out stopping any where . . . .
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