The Invitation

1552 Words
Present Day  Looking outside of the window, Estelle let out a deep sigh. Another day inside this castle. She had no idea when she had started hating her days in her own home, but now she did. It felt suffocating, but she knew there was nothing wrong with her house. It was simply her, and the way the past couple of months had almost changed her as a person. Maybe the absence of both your parents did that to you, especially when you were the oldest child. Maybe it could really take away your free spirit, tame your heart like you never believe it could be tamed before. Estelle had always been that free-spirited Princess. The one her people adored, the one that with a simple smile could light up the whole court. She used to be carefree, happy, even reckless at times, living her life to the fullest. Right now she was nothing of it. Right now she was the temporary regent of her kingdom, at least until Julian, her younger brother could reach eighteen and be crowned as the Alpha King. Which meant she had responsibilities that once belonged to her father, responsibilities that she had never thought she would once have. And taking care of her youngest brother alone wasn't easy as well. Not that she would trust him to anyone else; now that her father, the King was dead, she had to be cautious. In the end, hadn't he died because somehow, his murderer was able to enter the court alone? Estelle shook her head, almost as if she could get him out of there by doing so. Why did she always end up thinking about him? Why was he always there, somewhere, on the deepest caves of her subconsciousness, waiting to start wandering around her mind again? She hated him, she hated him with everything in her, yet again she couldn't stop it. The dreams, the nightmares, everything revolved around him. Victor. Damn him and his beautiful name, she thought. Not that the name was the only thing beautiful about him. The elf was simply... ethereally gorgeous. Of course, if you were into perfectly sculptured faces and bodies, like the elves were. Which Estelle wasn't. She had always thought her mate would be a wolf, some hot-headed, possessive Alpha who would claim her the first second his eyes fell on her. Not because she was the Princess, but because every part of him would be drawn to her, like it was supposed to be between mates. And thankfully to her, Victor was nothing like it. She could doubt he could even feel, let alone show what he felt. Could someone that was able to rip someone else's heart out and keep it in his hand like it was a piece of art, feel? She highly doubted it. And it was even easier for Estelle, it wasn't like she wanted him to feel for her. It was much simpler to loathe him like this, to someday avenge her father. "Princess." The voice, and the knocking on the door brought her back to reality. It was simple to understand it was Clara, her lady-in-waiting and her friend as well. Yet, she couldn't help but think of the times she thought Evelyn was her friend. Her best friend. When in fact the elf had simply made a fool out of Estelle, with her beautiful smiles and the secret glances she exchanged with her brother. Half-brother, Estelle reminded herself. It was bad enough as it was, realizing that she had had a crush on the man that was her father's son, for probably most of her life. Or maybe she had thought she had feelings on him, because of how close they used to be, because how safe he made her feel. Now only the thought of it was nauseating. "Come in, Clara," she said, searching for her perfume. "Estelle," the brunette she-wolf drew her attention when she was behind her back, while Estelle looked at her using the mirror. She hesitated, biting on her bottom lip slightly. Estelle sighed, almost bored. Recently, she was bored of everything. "Tell me, Clara. Whatever it is." "The- the ambassador of the Elves... He wants to meet with you personally." Estelle narrowed her eyes, giving the girl her full attention now. The ambassador clearly avoided her on court as much as he could, and kept good relations with Julian instead. No one was fool enough to not know that the Princess simply hated that kind now. Or maybe only the future King of it. "Did he add anything else?" Clara shook her head. "He only said it was important. And he had a paper in his hand. An envelope, I think." Estelle walked past her lady, rushing to the guest chamber. However, she made herself presentable by adjusting her hair and her dress before entering. It was no use for the ambassador to think she was impatient of any news coming from the neighbor Kingdom. He reported anything back to his King, that was as clear as daylight. "Sir Bernard, what a pleasure to meet you." Sarcasm dripped her voice. The elf looked a bit uncomfortable, but he still faked a smile of his own, bowing down to her. "The pleasure is all mine, Your Grace." "What important news do we have from your..." She bit on her cheek from inside, "...Court, that you were so eager to share with me?" He swallowed once. "Nothing bad, Your Grace, it's actually very good news. King Victor..." he started, and Estelle tensed immediately, looking away. "King Victor wanted to invite you... and the Princes of course," he added immediately, "On his coronation ceremony tomorrow, as a sign of peace and prospect between our Kingdoms." He handed the envelope to Estelle, hesitantly. "Every member of The Council is invited as well." Her eyes saw dark instantly. Invite her? After everything that happened on the trial, was he for real? Without bothering to even open and read the official invitation, she tore the envelope apart right in the ambassador's face. "Tell your King to go to hell," she hissed between clenched teeth. "And tell him I said this personally." "Stelle, what do you think you're doing?" Her brother's voice echoed the room. She snapped her head at him. "Stay out of this, Julian!" "No, I won't stay out of this, sister," he said, his voice firm and strong. He had grown up so much in just a few months as well. "Victor has invited us for his coronation and we will attend it." Anger bubbled up inside her. How could he even say this? How could he go and attend a damned ball, watching the elf get crowned after what he did to their father? "You're free to go, Julian. But me and Luis won't." "Sir Bernard, you can tell King Victor that we will be gladly attending his coronation ceremony and bring our gifts as well. You may go now," Julian said, totally dismissing her last sentence. "Julian!" She protested as soon as the ambassador was gone. "Have you gone deaf? I said me and Luis won't go there and this is final." Frustrated, Julian ran his hand through his dirty blonde curls that matched hers. "Stelle, please stop acting like a child, you know damn well we will attend it, want it or not. The Council will be there, do you think I have a chance on becoming a member of it if they think we can declare war with the Elves? It's only one night." She knew he was right, of course she did, yet just the thought, only the thought of being there sent her wolf crazy. Estelle couldn't. She simply couldn't, not yet at least. It was too soon. "The Council that let that murderer free?" She said, suddenly her voice becoming sad. "Excuse me if I don't give a damn about them." Turning on her heels, she attempted to leave, determined to do as she said. However, Julian's voice stopped her in her tracks, "You're scared, aren't you?" Her lips trembled, but she didn't turn to look at him. If she did, Julian would be able to read right through her. He knew his big sister too well, after all. "Scared of what?" "Scared of facing him. Scared of feeling for him." "Feeling for him?!" Estelle laughed mechanically, the sound fake to her own ears. "The only thing I feel for him is hate." "Victor's your mate." "I don't care." She turned to face him abruptly, suddenly angry at him, but mostly, deep down, to herself. "I don't give a damn if some Gods decided to make me fated to him or whatever other bullshit you believe, Julian! I'll hate him, forever." "Then what's stopping you from coming to the ceremony?" Suddenly, she didn't know how to answer that simple question. "Come, and prove me you mean what you say. Then I promise I won't mention him to you ever again." Taking a deep breath, she forced that part of herself, that part that knew there was nothing saving her heart if she went there, stay hidden, even from herself. "Then so be it." She shrugged. "I will prove to you and him and everyone else that he'll forever be my enemy."
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