Chapter Four- The Rare Wolf

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I slowly returned to consciousness, and I regretted it. The small amount of light coming from the curtains could have been the sun inside my room. It burned through my closed eye lids. My head was spinning and throbbing. I felt the nasty taste of vomit in my throat. I considered staying in bed, but then I felt the sudden urge to throw up. I jumped out of bed and dashed to my bathroom. I didn’t even bother to turn on the lights. I felt my way to the toilet and lifted the lid; I kneeled down and put my head down into it. After all the contense of my stomach was emptied, i got up and turned on the lights, regretting it immediately. The bright lights caused the room to spin faster and my eyes felt as if they were being burned in the socket. I was still in most of the clothes I had on last night, except for my pants and shoes. I couldn’t remember how I got home. My memories stopped from the time I danced with the fourth guy. I looked at my reflection and noticed how horrible I looked. My black eyeliner was smudged down my face, and my hair was up in an unruly bun which looked like a birds nest. I made my way to my shower. I stripped and pulled back the curtains ready for a nice hot shower. I ran the water hot and let it turn my skin bright red. It was soothing. I scrubbed myself down, trying to get rid of the smell of tequila. I hopped out and dried myself off with one of the plushy white towels and rapped another on my head. I slowly walked back to my room trying not to stumble on any thing. I opened my closet and shuffled through my clothes. I got dressed in a plain t-shirt and leggings, and I also put up my hair in a ponytail. I wasn’t in the mood to eat anything so I let myself fall face first into my bed. I groaned as I heard my phone vibrate. Val sent me a text. *Time for you to get up! It’s almost 1pm!* She must be at school. It probably wasn’t a good idea to have taken Rachel and Val out on a Wednesday. Speaking of Rachel, I wonder how she is doing. *Rachel, how do you feel.* I texted then I closed my eyes in hopes the room would stop spinning. She texted back and I picked it up. *Gross, I got my wish, I don’t remember a thing and my mom called the school and told them I was sick* *Awesomeness* I proceeded on trying to drown out the light with my pillow by burring my head in it. My mom was probably planning out the trip, the thought of that made me groan even more. At least getting drunk let me forget about if for a while. I flashed in and out of consciousness for an hour before deciding to get some food. I put on my slippers and a pair of sun glasses so that the light wouldn’t hurt as much. I took a couple of steps out of my door before a strange smell caught my attention. It was wolf, male wolf. I inhaled slightly; it was a woodsy smell, mixed with spices. It smelt slightly like Old Spice, mixed with forest. It was so intoxicating. I was so lost in the smell that my wolf frightened me. ‘Mate’ she screeched in my head. It caused my head to throb more. ‘What are you talking about? I can’t tell my mate from his sent, or can I?’ ‘Mate, it’s our mate!’ she screamed at me. I couldn’t risk it, I ran back to my room. I slammed the door shut and hid under my covers. This can’t be a female isn’t capable of smelling her mate. Well then again I didn’t know much about the mating recognition. All I knew is that once you made eye contact, the bond strengthened to a point where all you could think about was your mate. Also, last time I checked, one of the mates has to be 18 to be able to trigger the mating identification process. That meant he was older than me. ‘Our mate is waiting!’ my wolf said aggravated. I didn’t respond all I could do was bring my knees up to my chest and hug them with my arms. I rocked slightly back and forth making sure that my wolf wouldn’t take control. She was fighting me. A little while later I heard a car pull out of the house. I ran to the window, making the covers fly off me. I peeked through the curtains that I slightly moved away. He drove a red sports car, with black lines on the side. It looked expensive. I waited until he was long gone before walking to the door. I slightly opened it and inhaled deeply. His scent was still here, but it was fading, he was gone. I couldn’t let my mom know I thought I found my mate, no one could know! (Unknown Male Wolf’s POV) I had just finished settling things with my beta. And while I was here, I could meet with the Stardust alpha who wanted to discuss a few things. I had no idea what she wanted to talk about. I had taken a flight to get here and I was eager to return home. I also borrowed my cousin’s car without his knowledge. I had a few people waiting for me at home, if you catch my drift. I pulled into a long drive way and up to a medium sized pack house. It looked like a regular house, it was while with many windows, it had a forest behind it, and a few cars parked in front. This pack was made up of all women and from what I heard they were going to decrease in numbers. The Order had ordered them to find mates. Their current alpha called me to talk business, so I agreed courteously. I walked out of my car and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps approaching the large white door. It opened slowly. “Alpha Leo, it’s nice to meet you. I am alpha Lolani.” She extended her hand out to me and I took it and we shook them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I responded politely. She looked around 30, but then again we had slow ageing. She wore black dress pants with a white blouse. She looked very sophisticated with her hair up in a bun and glasses. “Well please come in, we can discuss business in my office.” She said and ushered me into her home. I could smell many different females. The alpha began to lead the way and I noticed a certain scent masked my tequila. I couldn’t make out the underline scent so I forgot about it. The house was very clean, it had a large living room and there was a flight of stairs leading up to rooms. We proceeded down a hallway passing the stairs and not going up them. Lolani took me to an office with red carpet, white walls, bookshelves covering most of the walls, a mahogany desk at one end with a computer on top of it, and on the other side of the office there were two love seats with a small round coffee table in between them. “Please sit, can I get you something to drink?” she asked politely as I slid down the very comfortable seat. “No thank you.” She sat in front of me and proceeded. “Well alpha as you know, my pack will be almost entirely split up.” She waited a little and I nodded. “Most of the young females will find their mates and the mothers will wish to join the pack their daughters are in. So our numbers will be very low.” She paused and I nodded again. “I fear that the numbers that are left won’t be enough to be a pack, so I would like to join your pack.” She said. I had a very large pack. Most of the time other packs would ask to be trained by the fighter we had and we did business with almost every pack. We did have many different people join the pack after the war. I considered her request and weighted the options before responding. “It would be great to have your pack join mine.” I said. “Great, so I think we should discuss the joining.” She said. We started to talk when I heard mattress springs jump upstairs. Someone must have a hangover. Whoever it was, they weren’t taking it very well. Lolani and I discussed the process for about an hour before we settled on an agreement. She would join her daughter when she was to visit my pack, her last stop, and then integrate with my pack. “I’ll walk you to the door.” She offered as I got up. She led the way and we made small talk there. But before I reached the door a scent caught my attention. It smelt like Jasmine, mixed with vanilla and apples. It was very faint but I still caught it. ‘Mate?’ my wolf asked. ‘I don’t think so buddy. We would have noticed earlier.’ I responded. He groaned in sadness. I had yet to find my mate and I was just about to turn 20. I said my fair wells to Lolani and then drove off. Finally I got to go back home. (Eva’s POV) It was Thursday so that meat we had our first mating lesson today. I was hoping I could discreetly ask Tina about being able to scent your mate as a female. I had spent most of my day in my room, I wanted the scent gone. My wolf kept repeating mate, over and over again. It was driving me insane. The shock of possibly finding my mate made my hangover almost disappear. It was almost five, so I made my way down to the kitchen. The eager girls were already there chatting away about their day. “Hey you guys.” I said and they all responded hey, back. I sat at one of the bar stools at the island. Everyone that was going to accompany me was here. Rachel came and sat next to me and so did Valentine. Rachel had her head down on the table; her curly hair covered her head and most of her arms that were being used as a pillow. She wasn’t taking the alcohol well either. Val on the other hand, looked like she had just come back from a vacation. She was all happy and bright just like any other day. She had her blond hair down, and was dressed in skinny jeans and a yellow off the shoulder cropped t-shirt with a purple cardigan underneath. She was smiling at us all too happy to be here. Finally Tina walked in. Her hair was cropped short, and dyed a dark red. She had a plain t-shirt on and jeans with sneakers. “Sorry I’m a little late; I was helping out at the shelter.” She said and sat in front of the group in another bar stool. “Alright, so where should I start. Okay, so, it is said that we have mates so that we can make stronger cubs.” She said and looked at us. The kitchen was packed with a bunch of girls from the age of 15 to 22. Some of the girls had refused to come along for the trip. Lucky ducks. “A male will usually recognize his mate by her scent.” I froze when she said this; it was my turn to ask a question. My hand shot up and everyone looked at me. “Err, yes Eva?” “Can a female recognize a mate by his scent?” I asked trying to seem bored. “Um, well yes, if the wolf is in high ranks or is rare. Like a white wolf! A female wolf can smell her mate if he is white or any other type of higher power or rareness.” She said. My wolf purred at the thought of having a mate in a high rank. She was proud of a guy she hadn’t even met! “But usually, as soon as a couple makes eye contact, the female starts to feel all the same things the male does. And we have found out that, for some odd reason, the male wolfs have started to recognize their mates earlier, around the age of 16.” She said and I was stunned. I didn’t know that. “That is why they have asked us to take girls around the age of 15 as well.” She continued. I stopped paying attention after my question. I was trying to think through all of the rare wolfs. Most of them had their own little packs and there were few. Maybe he was an alpha, a STRONG alpha. Either way I was going to stay away from any rare or alpha’s for the entire trip. I had to look around for that red car, it could be the one thing that would allow me to tell where he was.
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