30. Off to seek help

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DECLAN I was still lying flat on the ground, probably hadn't moved an inch since the fairy left. I was tired and weak and I couldn't push myself to do anything though I knew there were quite a few things I should start doing. I watched a zombie keep hitting his head on the fence of the building, over and over again. It just kept banging its head on the fence and I wondered when it started and when it would stop. It was hard for anyone to see the world as it was. Almost everything was destroyed and most of the life on Earth had perished. I knew the world was always a f*cked-up place, but damn, it didn't deserve this. My mind took me back to when I was sixteen years old. I can't remember anything more important happening to me at that age apart from losing my virginity. The reason was, that I had always been a private person and truly, I wasn't into any of the vampire girls. I had gone into the city to just enjoy seeing humans move around like every single thing in their lives was perfect. It was very normal for me to do this throughout the day since I had known that I had to be in the territory by 7 pm if I wanted a place to live. Mostly, I walked around with no destination in mind. I would just enjoy watching cars and people— especially kids. It was both fun and pain since I knew I could never have what most humans had and didn't even appreciate. On most days, after walking about, I would go to a coffee cafe called Fill-it’. I would get a coffee with a lot of cream and sit there for a while before heading ‘home'. On this particular day, I didn't sit in silence as a girl whose name was Tanya joined me at the table and we began to chat. She looked pretty decent and kept finding ways to talk about s*x though we had only met. . . uhm, ten minutes before? After talking to her for five more minutes, I knew—like boys usually say—I was going to hit it. This was particularly unusual since I hadn't “hit” anything before. I vividly remembered when her friend came into the cafe and sat at the table with us. This friend of hers was way more beautiful than Tanya and seemed to get second-hand embarrassment from all Tanya said. Also, she liked me immediately. I could see it. But then Tanya also liked me and probably every guy who had a d*ck. I remembered that it got late that day and I left them, though not before getting their numbers. That night Tanya, chatted me up, telling me that “I could come and have fun at her house if I wanted”. I remember asking her if Emily, her friend, would be there and she said Emily was a bore but she would try convincing her to come. The next day came and I went to Tanya's home as planned and I recall that I was quite excited. Being a virgin then, I felt I could have s*x with Tanya and it seemed like the most wonderful thing to me. I remember meeting Tanya's parents and thinking maybe I got the wrong idea, well, until Tanya assured me in whispers that her parents would go out in no time. And it happened that way. Also, Tanya had succeeded in convincing Emily to join us, even though she seemed a little uncomfortable. Without wasting any time, Tanya sat on my lap and we began locking tongues. I slipped my hands into her blouse and began fiddling with her n*****s and then sucking them roughly. Emily watched for a while as we kissed and then she got the courage to join in, or so I thought. We exchanged glances even as Tanya was all over me, her clothes were scattered around the room. Tanya fit my d*ck in her hands and slowly began sucking on it and she did this for quite a long time. All this while Emily just stared, afraid to come closer though she had taken her blouse off and a green bra was all that hid her breasts. Emily put on her blouse and skirted out of the room. This made me sad because she was the one whom I liked most. I tried not to bother myself too much as Tanya was not bad at all. While it had been my first time, I wasn't sure if Tanya could find a man who would satisfy her more. I remembered how she yelled as eight inches of me went into her and moved with such a speed no human could think of matching. “Can we do this like every other day?” Tanya had said, as we lay naked after we were done. “I mean I feel very sore down there but it was the best thing ever. You are different, very different.” Tanya made me promise that we would keep doing “it”. She wanted to know where I lived but for her own sake, I kept that information hidden. That was also the last day I saw her. I blocked her number and never communicated with her again. Why? I wasn't sure but I guess s*x wasn't reason enough for me to keep in touch with a stranger. I kicked the fence of the house I was in. I had done enough thinking and remembering of “fun times". Now it was time to get things done. I had to find Ashley and Rochu. While I had been mostly unconscious, I remembered that the witch and her friends took me to the house where Ashley and Rochu were supposed to be. For some reason, they weren't and the old man we had earlier seen was dead. “Ugh," I let out as my fist smashed the head of the zombie that had been hitting on the fence for hours. I stood there in utter silence and confusion. Where would I go? I didn't even know where to search or if they were alive at all. The hard truth was Rochu and Ashley were probably no more and that meant I had nothing. Not to mention that I had to be incredibly careful with my movements because demons were probably on my tail. I didn't want to think about Ashley and Rochu. It was futile crying for them now because those tears won't bring them back or help me at all. Would I cry and feel horrible for months to come? Yes. But not right now. That is if they were dead which, if I was being sincere, wasn't a big ‘if'. Life couldn't possibly get worse for me. “Dammit," I said softly, as I saw three zombies come my way. “Thank God it's only three." The sound of the fence falling attracted the zombies and it was good news that it was three and not three hundred. This was it. I had come to a position where I had no more choice. I had to seek help from the werewolves. Perhaps they could help me in the search for my friends or figure out what else to do. They definitely wouldn't want to help me and that was expected. But I had to try. I wasn't going to die and leave someone like Landon in this world. I wasn't going to die and leave the virus to keep eating the world up. I had a lot to do. I had a lot to make up for. Having those thoughts both warming and burdening my heart, I began moving. Of course, after putting the three zombies out of their misery.
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