1. Carter

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CHAPTER 1 CARTER “It’s about time you get out here!” Kase shouted, bouncing on his feet and punching the air. “I thought for sure you’d p***y out.” I barked out a laugh as my dad and I made our way to him. “Not on your life, cocksucker.” Beside Kase and grinning wide as we approached was Tyler Rushing, Kase’s father and coach, and former heavyweight champion just like my dad. They used to compete against each other over two decades ago. Now it was mine and Kase’s turn to battle it out. Kase threw his head back, his laugh so loud it was heard above the music in the arena. “Figures. No worries, though. You’re about to get your a*s handed to you.” We fist-bumped, and I slapped his shoulder. “Yeah, keep wishing that, buddy. Let me know how it works out for you.” The s**t-talking was my favorite part with him; I was going to miss it. Kase Rushing had a similar muscular build as his father, and they could even pass for brothers since they had the same blond hair and gray eyes. The same went for my dad and me. We both had dark hair, and our eyes were green, but the only differences were that I was about an inch taller, and my eyes were more of a greenish amber. The similarities between our fathers had garnered Kase and me much attention over the years, mostly from people in the MMA world wanting us to continue with their legacies. It was a lot of pressure, but I think we’d done a pretty damn good job of it. Not only was I about to fight Kase for the UFC heavyweight title, but he was a good friend. Tyler and my dad caught up for a quick few minutes while Kase and I waited for the announcer to call us out to the ring. Kase smacked his fists together and continued to bounce from one foot to the other. I was already warmed up and ready to fight. The heavyweight title was mine. I won it from Jason Abernathy four years ago, and I’ve defended it ever since. I just had to keep Kase from getting it. “We need to get them in the ring for a reunion match,” Kase said, nodding toward our fathers. Looking over at them, they were both still in immaculate shape despite being in their mid-fifties. I had no doubt Tyler could kick Kase’s a*s, just like I knew my dad could put me through a beating. But if I had to bet on either my dad or Tyler Rushing, it’d be my dad, no doubt whatsoever. He was MMA royalty, a legend, the best of the best. I’d spent the past ten years living up to the Reynolds name. Kase bumped me on the shoulder, his sly gaze still on his dad. “What ya think? An epic Reynolds and Rushing showdown?” Even though Tyler and my dad were paying us no mind, I knew they could hear us. “Nah, one of them might break a hip,” I let slip out. “They’re getting kind of old.” Tyler flipped us off, and my dad chuckled, both shaking their heads incredulously. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the main event of the evening!” the announcer shouted into the microphone. “Tonight, here in Las Vegas, we will watch as two legendary fighters compete for the heavyweight title. Are you ready for this!” The crowd went crazy, the ground trembling from the excitement. I loved the sound, craved it even. It was a high that I looked forward to at every fight. Kase held out his fist. “Here we go. Don’t hold back.” I pounded my knuckles on his. “Never.” Kase joined his father by the curtain, lifting his green and black hood over his head. “Coming out first,” the emcee continued, “is KASE ‘THE BADASS’ RUUUSSSHHHIIINNNGGG!” Kase winked back at me and pushed through the curtain as his song “Survival of the Fittest” by Mobb Deep boomed through the speakers. Tyler stopped and smiled at my dad and me. “Good luck, you two.” I nodded, and my dad replied, “Same to you,” before Tyler took off to walk with Kase toward the octagon while the people screamed and cheered for them. My dad squeezed my shoulder. “Give him one hell of a fight. It’s his last one.” After stretching out my arms, I rolled my neck from side to side. “Which f*****g sucks. I was looking forward to the rivalry.” “Yeah, so was Tyler,” my dad revealed, “but Kase made a promise to their family friend. Besides, he’ll be making a whole hell of a lot more money running the club than fighting.” Which was true. Once Kase hopped into the octagon and made his rounds, the emcee announced my introduction. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the four-time heavyweight champion, CARTER ‘THE MAN OF STONE’ RRREEEYYYNNNOOOLLLDDDSSS!” The adrenaline pumped through my veins as I listened to the loud cheers mixed with the energizing beat of my walk-out song, “California Love” by 2Pac and Dr. Dre. Born and bred in California, I had to represent my state. Lifting the red and black hood over my head, I walked out, the crowd wild and cheering for both my dad and me. Even though it’d been over twenty years since he competed, it was great hearing people holler for him. He’d left his mark in the MMA world, and I wanted to do the same. As I marched down the aisle to the octagon, women reached out to touch me, demanding my attention. It was one of the things I loved about winning; I could get anyone I wanted. A beautiful blonde with thick pink lips and a curvy a*s caught my attention in the crowd. I winked at her, hoping she understood the gesture. Most women did when I showed them my favor. After the fight, the sexy blonde would be fun to play with, a chance for a much-needed release. Once I got down to the cage, I took off my robe and handed it to my dad. “Hurry up so I can end the fight,” Kase goaded, waving for me to enter. Stepping into the ring, I pounded my fists together. “I’m here, pansy-ass.” Smiling, the ref walked up to us, knowing it was all said for fun. It was well known that Kase and I were friends. “I see you two aren’t going to play nice.” Kase smacked his gloves to mine, his gray eyes twinkling playfully. “Of course not.” We moved away from each other and the electricity in the air spiked the second I heard the much-anticipated sound of the bell. Ding, ding, ding. Round one. I knew Kase’s fighting style; it was much like my own. We always attacked first, and today was no exception. He came at me, and I dodged his right hook, which allowed me to punch him with mine. Kase’s head snapped to the side, and he cackled. “Weak. Who’s the pansy-a*s now?” He psyched me out by making me think he was going for my legs, but then he righted himself, and his fist connected with my side, the zing of the blow exploding through my ribs. “f**k,” I hissed, not letting the pain distract me. Instead, I charged at his midsection and slammed him down to the mat. Kase was quick, so it didn’t surprise me when he rolled away from my hold. We went at each other hard, both landing blows on the other. The surge of energy in the crowd fueled my desire, my will to win. However, ending the fight wasn’t going to be easy. Kase was by far the strongest out of all the opponents I’d had over the years. Ding, ding, ding. Round one over. I marched over to my dad, and he squirted water into my mouth while wiping the sweat off my forehead. “You’re doing good, son.” Sucking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly. “Thanks. Kase is one tough bastard.” “That he is,” Dad agreed. Ding, ding, ding. Round two. We fought hard in the second round, but neither got the upper hand. If it came down to points, I’d say we were even. But, all too soon, round two was over, and it was time for round three. “This is it, Rushing,” I taunted as I circled the cage. He mirrored me with his fists at the ready. Kase winked. “Round two was mine. I dominated that shit.” Instead of replying as he expected, I went on the offensive and lunged for his waist, knocking him back against the cage. There wasn’t much time left to take the fight, so I had to act fast now that I had the advantage. The split second of surprise was all I needed. Once I had Kase on the mat, I wrapped my legs around his chest, securing his arm between my thighs with his elbow against my hips. “Dammit, Reynolds,” Kase grumbled, trying his hardest to resist what I was about to do next. I pulled his forearm against my chest, using every ounce of my strength to straighten it. To secure the armbar, all I had left was to lean back and arch my hips. The intense pressure would make him tap out. A rumble of laughter escaped my lips. “You have no choice. I got you fucker.” Kase shook his head, his face redder than fire. “Not yet, you don’t.” With those words, I leaned back, his growls of pain echoing in my ear. A few seconds later, he hissed out the word f**k at least twenty times before tapping out and collapsing onto the mat the moment I released him. The crowd went insane, the lights flashing all around the arena. My dad and Tyler shook hands, posing for the cameras that snapped all around them. Kase was still on the mat, so I grabbed his hand and hauled him up. With a big smile on his face, Kase hugged me. “Congrats, man. You deserved it.” I slapped my hands on his back. “Thanks.” As soon as I let him go, the referee held my arm in the air while the emcee joined us in the cage. “And the heavyweight title winner for the fifth time in a row is none other than your favorite fighter, CARTER ‘THE MAN OF STONE’ RRREEEYYYNNNOOOLLLDDDSSS!” Kase threw his arm over my shoulders as we exited the ring. “You’re the only person I’m okay with beating me. So enjoy this victory because you won’t get someone as nice as me next time.” “Don’t worry,” I said as we walked away from the octagon together, “I’ll be ready.” * * * After a quick shower in my private locker room, I changed into a pair of jeans and one of my dad’s black MMA pride T-shirts from back in his time. Tonight was going to be wild. A knock sounded on the door, and in walked Tyler and Kase. The whole left side of Kase’s face was red and slightly swollen. I could feel mine starting to swell, especially when I bent down to slide on my boots. The rush of blood to my head made my face pulsate and throb, but I didn’t mind the ache. Kase was a worthy opponent. It was nothing a little bit of whiskey couldn’t fix. Tyler slapped a hand on Kase’s shoulder, and he beamed at us. “I’m proud of you, boys.” But then he focused on Kase. “It’s not an easy feat to beat a Reynolds. I know from personal experience. The only way I was able to get the heavyweight title was because Carter’s father retired.” Kase waved him off. “I’ll still get plenty of fighting time at the club.” He lifted his brows at me. “You are coming to the club tonight, right? It’s my first official night as owner.” I held out my hand and Kase shook it. “Wouldn’t miss it. And as a reward for kicking your a*s, I think I’ll stay in Vegas an extra day.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah, rub it in shitdick,” Kase grumbled with a sly grin. “You’re lucky I’m such a good friend. I got you all the liquor and an abundance of women eager to do your bidding.” It was an important night for Kase, and I wanted to be there to celebrate with him. He and his father inherited the Labyrinth, a well-known club in Las Vegas, from a close family friend who passed away. However, a choice had to be made. The Rushings also owned Rushing’s Gym and Fitness, and when they took ownership of the Labyrinth, someone needed to take over. Tyler had decided to stay with the gym, while Kase chose to give up fighting competitively to run the club. Luckily, his decision didn’t make him have to give up fighting ultimately. The Labyrinth was like a whole other world, and was a dancing nightclub with a fighting arena in the back. It was where many MMA fighters got noticed for the first time, including Kase’s father. I’d heard Tyler say multiple times how he loved fighting at the Labyrinth more than in competitions. A light tap sounded on the door, and I smiled at Kase. “Ah, the fun’s getting ready to start. I need to get primed up for the main course tonight.” Kase bellowed out a laugh. “Yep, you’re definitely a Reynolds. I’ve heard stories of the s**t our dads used to get into.” My dad pointed a finger at us. “Hey, I gave up that mess a long time ago when Carter’s mom came back into my life. You will, too; it’s only a matter of time.” Shaking his head, Kase snorted. “Nah, I’m enjoying my life the way it is.” Tyler placed a hand on my dad’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s get out of here. Kacey’s at the restaurant waiting for us.” Dad pinned me with his serious stare. “Stay out of trouble.” “Don’t I always?” I countered. That couldn’t be further from the truth. They opened the door, and the blonde I winked at as I walked down to the cage was standing outside, chewing her lip with anticipation when our eyes locked. Kase snickered under his breath and grinned. “Have fun. Don’t be late, though. You know what’s waiting for you.” Beckoning the girl inside with a wave of my hand, I focused on Kase and smirked when she happily complied. “The night is young, my friend,” I told him. As soon as Kase shut the door, the blonde-haired vixen pushed me back toward the seat in the corner, settling herself between my legs when I sat down. “What would you like?” she asked, her voice sultry and smooth like honey. Sitting back in the chair, I smiled as she unbuttoned my jeans. “I think you know.”
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