Chapter 1 " The Beginning

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Sherry POV:   5 years ago:   "Class! all the kids stop talking and stared at us.  I look over at my twin sister Cherry she was looking down blushing because one boy starring at her. He looks familiar to me. Then I look around the room. I went back in the back again I gasp when I saw a handsome boy with bright blue eyes with blonde hair. He was staring at me like I had two heads, but he wasn't smiling or smirking at me.  He was glaring at me. I stared right back and stuck my tongue at him his eyes got big and then he smiled at me. I was confused about why he didn't do it back. I was in my thought when Cherry bumps my shoulder. What I whispered at her." She said teacher talking to us." she said. Oh, I paid attention to our homeroom teacher.  "So let welcome are two new students." the lady teacher said. I don't know her name yet. "So, tell us your name and what like to do," she said. "Cherry Stephens her name and she is too shy to talk so I will I said." the class was looking at us like we stupid or something like that. Cherry looked at me like real sis." I said. I laughed and I started talking again. "Oh, she likes to sing and write poems is that right is. I said with a smirk. She nodded her head at me. So, didn't want to talk to the classroom and look at them. She kept her eyes on the floor. The teacher smiled and she looked at her confused like she wanted to ask a question. She smiled at me and asked me about myself. Well, my name is Sherry Stephens I am not shy I will not take anyone's s**t I said." The classroom of students staring at me with big eyes and they could not believe I said that. There were a lot of whispers and gasps. They can't believe I cursed in front of the teacher. I don't give a s**t what they think of me. But they will not bully me and my sister. The next thing I know this boy smirks and calling my sister names “Nerd” Four-eyed Ugly nerd.” He said.” I looked at him with a scowl because he being mean to my sister. She is looking at him and looked down with tears in her eyes. She doesn't need this she got bullied badly at our last school by this crazy boy named Matthew Johnson there was something off with him. But this boy looks familiar to me too. But I don't like him and the other boy laughing at my sister looking at me.  But she could not take her eyes off him. She was not paying attention when she fell on her knees. The boy that called her names. Was staring at her then I heard laugher in the classroom. I am folding my hands. “SHUT UP.” She screamed at them. “Mr. Wade Jefferson.” The teacher said.” Oh, that the some-of-b***h is name my sister had a crush on when we were little.  What a jerk face! he is staring at my sister Wade Jefferson the only boy my sister ever loved.  They used to be best friends her and Wade Jefferson. When he saw my sister crying one moment, I saw guilt but it wasn't there anymore. He started smirking at my sister. I am getting mad because no one doing anything about it. I wanted to go over there and punch him. But my sister stops me. She had tears in her eyes. “No! Sherry, remember last time you got in a fight." I smirked I beat the living s**t out of Matthew Johnson I said." Yes, so please it not worth it." Okay, let go to our new seats. So, I look at them jerks! was laughing at my sister and calling her names. I told them with my eyes this is not over. Wade was scared of me, but the other boy just winked at me. I got annoyed by that. Arrr... I screamed in my head his irritated me. Oh, that boy! I thought. We went to sit down, and we refused to notice the guys. I looked in the front of the classroom where I was sitting in the back and my sister sitting beside me. I look over at her she looks scared and blushing on her red face. I know she is embarrassed and uncomfortable with what happened to her when Wade Jefferson trip her. I hold her hand and she looked over at me smiling. I let go of her hand she calmed down and started writing in her little pink book. The teacher was writing on the board not paying attention to what's going on around her. I kept hearing the kids right across from me and my sister smirking and whispering about something and looking at us. I just flip them the finger and they stop and didn't look at us again. I smirked. But I felt someone looking at me, it gave me goosebumps I know who was looking at me with bright blue eyes and blonde hair so, I just glare at him. But it doesn't stop there. I didn't realizes I got caught the eye of the monster.   2 months later...    I am sitting at the library reading my favorite book Devil in the winter by Lisa Kleypas" Cherry not here yet. I have no idea what's going with her. She has been quieter and jumpier. I hope she okay she never tells me anything anymore. She always late for class and at home. I am starting to worry about her. Every time Wade around and staring at her she looks down folding her hands by her side with a scared look on her face but also with a blush.  I remember one day I was at my locker I saw my sister walking towards her locker. I stop her. Cherry! what happened to your neck?" I asked her. When I said that I look over at Wade and he was smirking starring at my sister. He wasn't paying attention to Brittany and his friends talking to him. I went back trying to see what happened to my sister's neck. So, I asked. She looked at me with red cheeks. So, what." she said with a tiny mumble. I am getting impatient with her answer. So, I asked her again with a calm question. "I asked you what happened to your neck?" "Oh, she said looking down she was biting inside her mouth I know she is lying when she does that. I umm... ran into the door she said with a tiny smile. I saw her eyes get big what she saw behind us. I felt his presence and it was warm, and I felt his breath down my neck. His breath felt so hot it made me mad because he's up on me. Why does he do that? Hey! I wanted to say but I didn’t, but I thought it. Like really back off me bud. I know my sister felt the same way, but she was too scared of them. I don't know why she is so scared of Jefferson's. I know Wade has calm his anger but Derrick is the aggressive one he will just beat you up. So, I am the brave one then everyone else is, they are scared of Jefferson’s and their friends. I said something everyone gasps. "What the hell you want Jefferson's," I told them I didn't turn around yet. So, I felt pressure on my shoulder it started to hurt. I felt the pain coming on. I know who that was it was the jerk face I hate. "Let me go! I said. He turns me around. he is in my face. "You have a big mouth Stephens” One day it's going to get you in trouble," Derrick said. starring in my eyes he lips touching on my lips If I move well you know will happen. I stuck out my tongue out I touch his lips when I licked his lips and mine. He was shocked his eyes got big and he was watching me. I crossed my arms and smiled up at him. We were still like this. I can’t move I don’t want to. I am feeling something in my belly. I know it is wrong, but I love pulling his buttons. I chuckled inside my head. I am not going to let up he will have to. Not me. I am a stubborn person, and the look of it he is too. So were mouth to mouth, nose to nose, you get it. We are one body right now. I back away from him finally. I let him win this time. But next time it’s war babe! So, I said something that pissed him off and he smirked. "Why you’re going to be the one to shut me up," I said with a smirk. I backed up away from him he is a ticking time bomb ready to go off. So, I need to be tough and strong around him. I am not going to lie; I am scared death of him. He the only one who scares me and fascinates me at the same time too. So, I shut my locker I need to show him I not letting him get to me. But he just stares into my eyes and he sees my feeling about how I feel about him. He steps closer and bends down whispered in my ear. “I know you, Sherry Stephens." One day I will get you." I try not to shake in front of him. I look around I saw the hallway empty and my sister has gone with Wade! Oh, no! He did it again distracting me, so Wade grabbed my sister again. Damn it.! I thought. I look at him with an annoying look. “You’re an asshole,” I said to him. I ran off looking for my sister. I heard him laughing behind me. Then I heard him say something. “Yeah but you love me.” I kept walking away from him I need to look for my sister.         What you guys think about this one. I am sorry I didn't write Book 2 yet. I am going to be writing more and updating my Story real soon. I hope you like it and I know you like the first one of the love story of Wade and Cherry. Have a good day or night. God Bless You. ALS Steele.
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