Heartbreak And Beginnings

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The party was already starting when I arrived. I was late. And that’s fine with me. I was just here honestly for compliance. I do not want to party. My eyes were searching for Zayden in the middle of the crowd and sparkling lights. I took a deep breath drawing some strength in me. Here I go! I whispered to myself as I walked into the party center. I eat alone. I was an outcast. If the attendance here isn’t just graded I wouldn't be here. “Hello ugly duckling!” Oh god, not now! I was screaming in my thoughts when Dixie and the girls came to my table. They sat in front of me. Sharing a table with me but I know that they came for trouble. They ruined my meal but that’s not what hit me hard this time. “You’re just a trophy wife! Zyd doesn’t really love you! Do you want to know where he is now? He’s with Sab! And they’re having a good time!” Dixie informed me for the purpose of hurting my feelings. I rose from my seat, wanting to leave the place. I don't want trouble. On the side of my eyes I was honestly searching for Zayden’s figure in the crowd but I couldn’t find him. “Dream on ugly duckling! Zyd fits for Sab!” I heard Dixie’s shout as I exited the party. Well, she’s right Sab is the campus Beauty Queen there’s no wonder that Zayden likes her. I was trailing the hallway exit when I heard voices chattering. One of the voices in there was familiar, and as I stared at the back of the man’s figure with them I was sure it was Zayden. He’s with his group of friends, and I noticed that Sab is with them too. Sab turned my way, she noticed my presence so she purposely clung to Jayden’s arms as if intentionally making me jealous, as if telling me that Zayden was hers. I felt a pinch in my heart looking at them. “Oh, Adi! The girl I married from the booth! Yeah, Of course, I must be nice to her for Grandpa’s sake! If I don't, I won't have my inheritance!” I heard Zayden telling his friends. They were talking about me. And right there, my hopeful heart shattered. I was expecting that he’d be nice to me because he’s seeing me as his wife at least, but no, it’s just all for the inheritance. — Zayden The next day, my head was still hurting because of the hangover I had from the party. I am wondering why I am not seeing Adi at this hour. Has she gone to the send-off night party? I went ahead of her, and I waited to see her there, somehow but I guess she didn’t attend the party. “Sir, Chairman Luke is waiting for you in the study!” the maid informed me. Study? I wonder. I assumed it must be something serious. Grandpa only calls me to his study room whenever there’s some serious matter to talk about. Grandpa’s face was firm when he handed me a document. It was a divorce paper, and the other one was a letter. There I learned that Adi wrote a letter to Grandpa telling him everything about how she got caught up into marrying me. Grandpa was furious. What’s in the letter was opposite to what I told him. “Be responsible and give what she’s asking!” Grandpa said, clenching his jaw. He’s referring to the divorce paper. I could sense his disappointment. “W–where’s Adi?” I asked instead. “She has already left,” Grandpa replied. I couldn’t believe that she left me for good so to confirm I went upstairs to our room and checked for her things only to end up getting more surprises. I found a positive used pregnancy test kit in her empty drawer. She must have unknowingly left it here! —-- 5 Years After There’s no way I would set a foot again in Brooks! I was really objecting to my father’s decision to send me to our office in Brooks. I already ran away from that place 5 years ago and I have no intention of going back there even just for a business purpose. But my dad has opened a TV station branch there and he personally requested me to manage it since it’s still new. He believes in my expertise, besides given my reputation he’s sure that the branch would get good publicity. If before I was known in Brooks College as the ugly duckling, now I no longer respond to that name. I’m Addison Williams, the sole heir and owner of W Productions. Beautiful. Elegant. A fashion icon. This is me now. And there’s not even a trace of my past in the way I am now. Well, for the longest time, I have been the daughter of W Production. It's just that my mom hid me from my dad, that’s why I ended up living in Brooks and studying there. I remember that day when I left the Rhodes residence. I was crying in a river in front of my mom, confessing to her everything that was going on in my life at that time, including the fact that I was pregnant. Good thing, she didn't scold me, and the arrival of my dad was just right in time. The next day, we were picked up by his assistant and we left Brooks for good. But now, my dad is asking me to go back to Brooks. How could he? He knows all that I have been through there! “Sweetie, I know that you’re a fighter! Besides, you can’t just hide from that place forever!” My dad convinces me. I sighed. And before I could utter my argument he added another thing to surprise me. “You need to go there because you need Zayden Rhodes!” “What?” My dad is really tormenting me! “Zayden Rhodes is the most sought-after bachelor, controversial, an icon not only in business but because of his face, and of his womanizer type of reputation. Wherever he goes there’s always news about him, and people seem to buy every information told about him. He’s the exact person you need for your big project there in our new branch!” My dad explained. No…no…no! I was protesting deep inside. But still, I ended up going back to Brooks. — It’s fine, Adi. You look far different from how you were before. There’s a small chance he’ll recognize you. I told myself as I nervously waited for the plane to land at the airport. My daughter, Abby, and I arrived in Brooks. We were escorted by our security, my assistant, and Abby's nanny. Everything here in Brooks was already arranged by my dad. Our home, our new office building, and even Abby’s play school. Good thing there are no paparazzi! I think when we walk to the exit. Well, I’m the owner of a gossip TV show. I’m supposed to be their Queen. I chuckled at those thoughts of mine. Abby was hugging her bear toy tightly when we arrived. She must have been anxious about this change. So, I kneel to talk to her for a while. “What do you want Mom to cook when we get home?” I asked her. “Home is not here, Mommy,” Abby replied, frowning as if she was about to shed tears. I hugged her and sniffed her hair, “ It’s okay, honey, we won’t stay long here,” I assured her. “How about an ice cream?” I suggested lightening her mood. But she shook her head and pointed at the Vendo machine in the end. “Mommy, I want!” she exclaimed. She excitedly ran towards there. I know what she wants there, her favorite yogurt juice. Abby got bills from her pocket and inserted them into the machine. But when the juice fell she had a hard time getting it. “Let me help you, little one!” I paused from walking towards Abby when I saw that familiar figure of a guy who was helping her get her yogurt juice from the vendor machine. My heart began to race. Damn! Of all the people my child would bump into here in the airport why does it have to be her father!

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