One | It All Starts With Heartbreak

1167 Words
One second. One minute. One hour. One day. One week. One month. One year. That can also be translated to sixty seconds, sixty minutes, twenty-four hours, seven days, four weeks, and twelve months. That’s all it takes for your life to change. One day you could be as happy as can be and the next day everything can be ruined and leave you feeling shattered. One day you could be with your best friend-the love of your life and the next have it snatched away from you. I always thought that I knew what my future held and for the past couple of years I always knew and truly believed that Alexander Stone and I could accomplish anything and one day we would get married and have kids and live happily ever after. It doesn’t matter that we’re young. We’ve been together since I was 14 and he was 15 and now I’m 17 and a half and he’s 18. But I just know deep within my soul that one day I will be Mrs. Stone. I just know that we will be each other’s one and only. We will be that rare story you hear of people falling in love in high school and staying together forever. We will always put one another first. We will be the best team and never have the desire to be with anyone else. At least, that’s what I thought… that’s what I really believed. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to completely change your life. All it takes is one second. “I think we should break up.” Alexander’s voice rang through the phone and was so void of any emotion you would’ve thought he was a robot. Hearing this statement shook me to my core and pain began to consume my heart and made it a struggle for me to breathe. I was in shock; I couldn’t believe he didn’t want to be with me anymore. We always talked about our future as the two of us being together- forever. How could he just throw all that away? Why would he want to throw all of that away? The tears that blur my vision make me blind to the rest of the world. The aching in my heart makes me wonder if I’m going to make it through another five seconds. The burning in my throat is so bad it’s like I just took a shot of hard liquor and the burning sensation just gets worse the longer I attempt to contain the sob that is threatening to come to the surface. I refuse to scream or cry or make any sound that would let Alex know how broken I am. He always admired strong women and I have to stay strong no matter how much this hurts otherwise he’ll think poorly of me and would never want to stay together. I know that I need to respond back to him, but I’m having trouble getting my voice to work. I clutch the stuffed bear he won for me at the fair last spring as tightly as I can and I ask him through the phone, “Could you just tell me one thing?” “Yeah…” Alex’s voice trails off uncertain of if he wanted to hear or even answer my question. “How can you tell me one week ago that you love me and now you don’t want to be with me anymore? Did you not mean it? Or what did I do in one week to make you no longer love me?” I can’t help the c***k in my voice during that last sentence. I’m just grasping at straws and praying that he will decide to stay with me and work through whatever the issue may be. He answers bluntly, “Honestly…I don’t think I ever did love you.” I cover my mouth in shock and to prevent the sob from bubbling out of my mouth. Tears stream rapidly down my face and I gulp then ask, “Wha-what do you mean, Alex?” “I never really loved you, Cal. I only said it because you wanted me to so it would make you happy or because I wanted to get in your pants. I mean if your game,” He chuckles, “I’m totally up for some break up s*x. I’ve heard that’s the best kind you can have. Wouldn’t you love one last session with me?” With that question every part of me shattered and I can’t help but wonder how will I ever recover from this? Even if he is a d**k, I have a hard time picturing my life without him. Alex’s voice speaks up, “Cal, you there, baby? I could be at your place in ten if you’re interested.” I grimace as I hang up the phone. I was never felt more repulsed or betrayed in my life. I can’t handle any more of this “truth” that he gave me. It was so far from what I always believed in. So different than what he always told me our future would be. The next few days pass and I go in and out of crying, but the time did let me reflect on our relationship and the different things Alex said to me or did that made me realize how selfish he is. “Well, I’m going to be hanging out with my friends, so I don’t care if you’re there.” I realize that he never really cared whether or not I was around, whether or not he talked to me, whether or not I was even happy. All he really cared about for the last six months of our three-year relationship was whether or not I was wearing clothes. I gave him so much and I regret every little bit of it. I wanted those moments to be with the person I would be with forever and he manipulated me into thinking that was him so it didn’t matter if we did it now or later since it would always be just the two of us. The truth of the matter is: I love him… I always did, and a part of my heart will always belong to him.  He was my first love and I wish so badly that I could say that I was his… But honestly, I just don't know what I was to him. I want to believe that he loved me as much as I loved him. But I know his parents didn't really approve of our relationship so it makes me wonder if I was just his rebellion and that he got bored of me.  I don’t know exactly what I was to him and now I’ll never really know. It’s time for me to leave our relationship where it belongs. In the past. I’ve got three months before school starts again. That’s plenty of time to be over him. I hope.
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