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CHAPTER ONE –––––––– Present day July 19th –––––––– THE YOUNG WOMAN SAT in a cushy armchair in the lobby, an open magazine on her lap. She pretended interest in a story she was reading. She wore a wide blue slouch-hat, designed to cover half her face. It matched the short summer dress that showed off her long, tanned, and shapely legs. A pair of big, black sunglasses completed the ensemble. She resembled Audrey Hepburn in the film Charade. Her eyes, hidden behind the black lenses, carefully watched the people that came to the front desk and talked to the receptionist. She had already arranged with the much younger man at the front desk to signal her when the person she was interested in would come. He was supposed to raise his hand, as if he said, just one moment, please. Then, he would turn away for a couple of seconds and check something on the monitor. Since her watch began, two couples had already passed by the front desk and talked to the clerk. They had just taken their keys and left immediately, so she didn’t bother with them anymore. Finally, after a few more minutes of impatient waiting, a tall, dark man came to the reception area and spoke to the clerk. The clerk nodded and raised his hand, the sign they had pre-arranged. He checked his computer screen for a couple of seconds, nodded again, and then took a bag from behind the counter and handed it to the man. The man took the bag with a nod and turned around. His eyes brushed expertly over the people in the lobby. He left the impression he was mildly curious, yet he analyzed everyone carefully. She watched him furtively from her under lashes so that she wouldn’t expose herself. She imagined that her appearance didn’t impress him. He looked her over, from head to toe, taking his time when he swept over her legs, but then he turned around and went toward the elevators. Probably, he didn’t think that she posed any danger, so he didn’t worry about her. Once more, her senses didn’t perceive anything clear about him. She realized she had stumbled onto the first person in the world that she couldn’t read at all. That annoyed and frustrated the woman even more than before. She had believed that she would be able to peek into his mind if she were in his presence. It made sense that she wouldn’t encounter any barriers. She had been wrong. The man remained entirely obscure to her reading. When he disappeared, she stood up with lazy and fluid movements. She laid the magazine on the table near the armchair. She had all the time in the world, so she smoothed her skirt with long and light strokes. Her eyes swept over the hotel lounge, furnished with taste and comfort in mind. With lazy strides, she went to the front desk. The clerk beamed at her warmly. He hurried toward her as if the other client didn’t matter at all. She noticed his rush and considered that the big tip she had given him earlier determined his behavior. Yet, something else lay behind the young man’s grin. He had enjoyed their game and even imagined all sorts of thrilling scenarios. His age, as well as her appearance, had fueled his imagination. Her hat and big sunglasses, as well as the vague clandestine air of the entire affair she had involved him in, had made him feel like James Bond or someone similar. “I think I’ll be leaving this afternoon. I won’t wait until morning. However, don’t worry. I’ll pay for the night,” she said to the young man with an apologetic smile. She knew that he had been hoping for something more. He hadn’t thought that the adventure would end there. Yet, she had been interested in one scene only. That had already ended, although the result disappointed. “We’re very sorry you’re leaving, ma’am. Didn’t you like your suite?” the young man inquired, and worry wiped the smile off his lips. “Oh, yes, I did. Don’t worry about that,” the woman reassured him with a wave of her hand and a bright smile. “But, you see, I’ve already rented a house on the beach for a few days. So, I thought to take advantage of it right now, you know,” she beamed brightly at the clerk again. “I’ve got the sea and a pool just for me there... Would you mind preparing the bill before I get back downstairs with my luggage?” “No, of course, not. Your bill will be ready, ma’am,” the man promised and rushed to the computer to prepare it.
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