Appendix 4 - The Wanted Alpha - MxM

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~ Kit and Jude's wedding night, takes place between chapters 44 and 46 of The Wanted Alpha ~ Christopher "I don't know about you, but I think it's time we go consummate the hell out of our marriage," Jude smirked wickedly at me after returning to my side from moving his parents along. "It already is consummated...many times over. But I certainly won't deny you again," I whispered against his ear as I returned his grin. The party was coming to a close, most had retired for the night, or early morning as it was now, and I was in a deep necessity to abscond with my new husband. Husband…I could scarcely believe the wolf male threading his fingers with my own was mine. And I was his, officially. My thumb caressed the white gold metal band adorning his finger, an identical one to mine. I would appreciate the times he could wear it, like now, but I would happily wear it for him, to safeguard this treasure in times when he needed to shift without hindrance. Jude quickly pulled me from the hall in haste and the two of us broke out into an enthusiastic jog all the way back to our suite. Jude hastily entered the code for our door, kicking it open with little care and turned to me without wasting a further second to pin me to the wall and capture my lips. His clean-shaven face felt wondrously smooth against mine, but I already missed the rougher edge his beard had provided. "Aren't I meant to carry you across the threshold?" He asked breathlessly, pulling away just a fraction. "That is human ceremonies. It does not pertain to vampiric ones. And why exactly is it presumed I am the bride in this scenario?" I questioned with some irritation. "You think you can carry a full-grown wolf male?" My newly wedded husband challenged with his trademark smirk. "You think you can carry a grown vampire male?" I challenged back in retaliation, with a quirked brow. But I regretted my choice of phrase, instantly. My gaze furrowed in suspicion when his grin deepened. He quickly wrapped a single arm around my lower back, lifting me with ease, not enough to throw me over his shoulder but enough to lift my feet from the floor's surface. "Jude!" I hissed, trying to keep my voice low so as to not draw any further attention to my soulmate manhandling me in such a fashion. "Put me down this instant!" "Why? Is this most undignified, Kit-ten?" He had the audacity to laugh as he shut the door behind us, walking us quickly towards the bedroom and all the while using my own words to mock me. And he had used that infernal pet name, once again! "I am warning you, wolf! If you do not put me down, it shan't be intimacy you receive but a beating!" I continued my threats and pointless struggling, yet all I felt was his dominant growl bubble within his chest, a sound that excited me to no end. "Oooh, foreplay. I'm game, sweetheart," and at his words, his hand connected with my rear. My breath hitched at the sensation and my appendage leaked in both exhilaration and anticipation. No man had ever dared to commit such an act upon me before and I could not allow such to happen again…no matter how much my skin tingled at the prospect. As soon as my feet made contact with the floor again, I whirled on him, pinning him to the wall in outrage. "When I say to release me, I mean it, you infuriating wolf!" His deliriously beautiful smile spread across his clean-shaven features, not an ounce of remorse flitting through them. "You really do have pretty eyes when you're angry," he cupped my cheek. And just like that, any rage I felt melted instantly. I knew my eyes would still be glowing with our darkened surroundings and my continued agitated state, but they would have softened with his beautiful words. He pressed his lips to mine, gently, taking all the time in the world to sweep his tongue against mine and taste every last bit of my mouth. He nuzzled his nose against mine, pulling the back of my neck down so as to rest our foreheads against each other. "I did just promise to make you question your life decisions to be with me and I intend to live up to that promise," he whispered against my lips. "You are certainly off to an impressive start. We are but a few hours into our marriage and you have already made me want to strangle you, twice," I slid his deep red jacket from his shoulders as I spoke and proceeded to undo his matching vest and shirt buttons. I ran my fingers along the defined lines of his bare stomach and chest, upwards to clasp my hands around the back of his neck, playing with the loose curls of his hairline. Nipping at his lips, I turned the two of us, walking him towards the bed and surprising him by pushing him back onto it. As he lay before me gazing up with a delighted and bewildered grin, I slid my black velvet jacket off slowly, unbuttoning my vest and deliberately taking my time. "Honeymoon and a strip tease? Aren't I the lucky pup tonight," he raised himself up on his elbows. He had no idea of just what lay ahead of him. I had found something of his he had hidden, most likely used in his few past liaisons, and I would hardly think he would have been the one wearing them. Once I stood before him completely bare and adoring his ravenous gaze upon my flesh, I slowly crawled atop of him. "Now I feel overdressed," he teased, wriggling his brows and pulling me down to him. While his attention was diverted elsewhere with his lips attached to my mark and his hands busy along my spine, I stealthily reached across to the nightstand where I had hidden the pilfered item. I prayed my soulmate beneath me remained distracted and that the metal clinking together wouldn't alert him. I placed the item where I wanted and grasped Jude's wrists, pinning them above his head, much to his unaware glee. His eyes widened at hearing the click, at feeling the cool metal cuff against his skin and I smirked down at him with satisfaction. "I'm curious whether you thought they would remain hidden, or were you hoping that I would be the wearer, my little wolf?" I questioned as he pulled his arms against the handcuffs to confirm that he was in fact restrained. They were not made to bind a wolf male permanently and I was under no illusions that he couldn't escape them with ease. They would only hold him if he chose to remain bound. "My sneaky plant boy! You went snooping through my stuff?" His eyes danced in fiery expectation. "While I was unpacking and moving some things around," I unzipped his suit pants and slowly shimmied them down his thighs along with his underwear. "I had been waiting for the right time to unveil my findings." "Just so you know, they've never actually been used, I kinda forgot all about them. I got them thinking I might, but never found the right guy to use 'em on," he laughed. "Looks like you did though." I hummed in agreement, silencing him with my tongue and trailed my lips slowly downward to my goal. My twin-fang mark still sat in a vivid red on his neck and his scent of sweet woodland danced heavily around my senses. I flicked my hair to the side, allowing him an uninterrupted view of his mark on my neck which still swirled in more vibrant colours to the rest of my skin. I teased his rigid shaft, trailing the tip of my tongue along its length. Jude was far too used to receiving what he wanted, when he wanted it; the pup needed to learn some modesty. Taking him in my mouth and swallowing him whole, repeatedly, my name fell from his lips like his own personal chant and I heard the clank of the metal links straining as he itched to wrap his fingers through my hair. Just as he was on the precipice of his climax, I withdrew my touch, much to his vocal complaint. "s**t! You could've let me come!" He heaved, his skin and limbs still trembled from being so close without release. "You think you have control here?" I leered down at him with a smirk, settling across his hips and lubing his appendage. "This is f*****g torture!" He whined, unable to reach out and touch me as he wanted. "That is the point," I ground against him, undulating my body against his. "I'm hiding these after," he grumbled and jingled his cuffs looped around the headboard, panting as I positioned myself to take him fully. "You may try. But I believe I prefer you this way," I stared down at him with hooded eyes. "Completely at my mercy." I sank onto him with some laboured effort, taking a moment to breathe through his intrusive sensation. Jude's blue gaze followed my every movement as I thrust my hips in time with his. With his arms restrained, it was I who dominated our rhythm, our pace, taking him much slower than I knew he wanted. Bracing my hands upon his slick chest, I took him harder and faster, our tempo built quickly, eliciting a string of incoherent and colourful language to escape his plump lips. Every caress of his skin ignited every nerve and cell in my body, a sensation that I could never grow tired of and one that only seemed to grow with constant proximity to the perfect man that lay beneath me. His engorged head made me delirious, hitting that marvellous spot deep within me. I grasped my shaft to pump myself in the absence of his ability too, peering into his ocean depth as we writhed against one another. As Jude climaxed with a feral roar, I came, spilling myself out across his stomach and chest. I leant down to capture his lips; our kiss was sloppy and uncoordinated as our heaving lungs fought for some semblance of oxygen. "Can you please take these f*****g things off now?!" Jude panted, still coming down. "If I don't touch you soon, I'm gonna pop a blood vessel…or some other important vessel." "Ask with some civility and I may grant you your request." "I said 'please' didn't I?!" He continued to complain like a child. I pulled myself off of him and, on unsteady legs, made my way to the adjoining ensuite to clean myself up, returning with a warm damp cloth to thoroughly cleanse the mess I had made of my wolf. Having teased my husband long enough, I released the safety catch on the cuffs, setting him free. The instant he was, he wrapped his arms around me, smashing his lips to mine and flipped us over. He only pulled away once our lungs burnt and the familiar heat within our flesh arose once more. Straddling my waist and liberally lubing my shaft, his eyes darkened, "I'd brace yourself, Kit-ten. I'm about to ride the f**k out of you." ---------- We had barely gotten a lick of sleep; every muscle in my body ached from our hours of strenuous and vigorous intimacy. Jude had been sleeping across my chest when he groaned, coming to. "I'm sorry to do this," he hauled himself over me and pecked my lips. "But I need to head out to the training centre. A situation has just shat itself out and we may have an incoming attack tomorrow. I need to go help get April up to scratch with her fighting skills." He left the warmth of our bed to head straight for the bathroom without giving further explanation. I could only assume that this approaching attack was that of the fixated Alpha, hunting the young Luna down. If that was the case, then I needed to train and lead alongside my Beta husband. As a coven leader, I had my few remaining coven peers to protect, as well as protecting the pack that had granted us a home. I rose to dress myself and was slipping a long-sleeved shirt over my head when Jude exited the bathroom. "You didn't need to get up. Just stay here and make sure your coven and the wiccan girls don't panic. We got this," he flashed me a cocky smile. Did he truly think I would sit aside? "The only assurance they need is knowing I am fit to fight for them and that begins with accompanying you to train," I finished pulling the shirt over my body. "Why would you need to train?" Jude asked with a bite to his tone, throwing on his own clothing. "Why would I not?" I stated firmly. He may be a Beta of his pack, but he in no way commanded me. "That almost sounds as if you think you're fighting," he growled out. While I could not feel a wolf's aura as they did, I did not mistake the crackle of displaced air and electricity. He thought I would bow to him, as if obeying his order? I bowed to no one, not even my soulmate! "And you sound as though you think you have authority over me," I replied coolly, standing over him with my full height. The two of us persisted in our glowering of the other, neither willing to submit nor concede defeat. And I found it maddening how utterly breathtaking he was in his stubborn standoff. I wasn't sure which I wanted of him; to slap him, kill him or devour his lips. It may be a combination of the three. From where we stood in our futile impasse, I leant in closer, brushing my chest against his. It did not escape me how his breathing faltered, or how his skin flushed with increased blood flow. I reached behind him where my chokutō blade rested, the air between us saturated with raw tension so thick it could virtually be tasted. "I will see you in the training centre," I attempted to ensure my words were firm and detached, but they left my tongue rather huskily. I immediately turned and left our home hurriedly, wanting to place as much space between us as possible before I either murdered my new husband or f****d him against the wall. Our marriage had yet to see its first sunset and we were already in the midst of our first domestic.
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