Chapter 20: Nate POV

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Chapter 20: Nate POV Mating with Willa had been even more amazing than I had ever imagined. I knew from the moment it started that I would never be able to live without her again. She was amazing, loving, giving. She met my every need and I hoped and prayed I had done the same for her. After we showered I watched her stare at herself in the mirror for a few silent moments. Seeing her naked after what we had done I felt my wolf grow aroused. He mind-linked to me that we would do this together. I was surprised. He wasn't trying to take control. We approached our mate from behind. "We could have her right here at the counter," I mind-linked to him, smirking to myself. "No, let's pleasure her. That would be optimal to impregnate her. We want pups," he said to me. I agreed and brought her to orgasm with only my hands. She fell asleep immediately afterwards. "Nice work," my wolf complimented me. I laughed to myself as I laid naked next to my sleeping mate. "Nice work on control tonight. You surprised me," I told him. "Our souls became intertwined the moment mating started. We are one being now like our mate. The Moon Goddess say so," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Are you serious?" I asked, genuinely surprised. "Yes, now you and I are synced. We will always be present and in control together. We are one." I heard myself say "Wow" out loud. Was this Fate or just dumb luck? I had always wanted to be completely in control of my body. "It's thanks to Willa," he mind-linked, answering my rhetorical question like the smart ass that he was. The next morning I observed my mate, watching and waiting to see if the symptoms of her heat returned. They didn't. She was behaving normally. Even her body temperature was normal. She wanted to go out but I asked that she stay inside a day or two more. I was feeling very anxious and possessive for some reason. It was like I couldn't stand the idea of anyone seeing her or talking to her. I wanted her all to myself. After a few days she finally nagged me enough times to let her out. She was healthy and ready for some social interaction. Because of this Robin agreed to let Willa return to her work at the clinic after a impromptu counseling session. "Nice work, Alpha," she mind-linked to me, a smirk on her face. I felt myself blush. "Have a good day," I said to Willa and kissed her hair. She waved goodbye after encouraging me to go work in my office. I had intended to stay nearby just in case but she said she was fine. This was the most independent I had ever seen Willa. I was proud of her despite it catching me off guard and making me anxious. I spent the next few hours thinking about Willa, mind-linking her every hour on the hour. "I'm fine, just busy," she mind-linked back multiple times. For some reason I was on edge. After four hours I returned to the clinic. She seemed energetic like she could keep going for the rest of the day. She was checking an older pack member's vital signs when I arrived. "What is wrong with me?" I muttered out loud. "Alpha, please come to my office," Robin mind-linked me. I went straight to her office as she requested. "What?" I asked, somewhat annoyed, as I closed the door behind me. "What is going on here, Nate? You are on edge today. I can sense the tension radiating off of you," she said. I sighed, "I don't know. I thought I would be relieved after her heat ended but I feel even more anxious for some reason. I can't stop thinking about her, worrying about her." She stared at me, her eyes big. "This is wonderful news!" She said as she clapped her hands together. "What? How can this be wonderful?" I asked, confused. Robin adjusted her glasses and said, "Your wolf is on edge most likely because Willa is pregnant. An Alpha mate can tell almost immediately!" I felt my eyes bulge and my heart race. "Are you sure?" She nodded, "This is perfectly normal behavior for an expectant father, especially an overprotective alpha."  I felt my chest tighten with excitement. "When will we be able to check for sure?" I asked, trying not to get ahead of myself. "In about a week or two. It depends," she said. "Depends on what?" I asked. She froze and hesitated as if regretting her words. "Well?" I asked, impatient. "If it is a runt or not," she muttered. It had not even occurred to me that Willa's tiny size or heart condition might transfer to our pups. Her small heart was allegedly why she was born prematurely, leading to her being a runt. "Is that a real possibility?" I asked. I honestly wasn't sure how that worked. She nodded, "It's rare but it can happen. Either way your child will be a strong Alpha. It will literally be in his or her DNA." I nodded, though I was not sure if that made me feel better. I would love our pups no matter what but I didn't want them to suffer the way Willa had either. I decided to wait and see if Willa continued to behave normally or if she showed symptoms. Pregnant wolves were known to be emotional and drowsy. The ones I'd known slept 12 hours a day or more. I wondered if Willa would have the same traditional symptoms. Her runt traits differed so much from other normal-sized wolves it made me question if she would be the same. Would her pregnancy be 6 months like other wolves? Would she sleep all day? Would she get nauseous? So many questions! "Shut up and stop thinking so much!" My wolf mind-linked me. He didn't like it when I over thought anything for too long. "She is our mate! I'm going to wonder and worry!" I yelled at him in my head. "I'm worried too! That is our pup inside our mate!" He yelled back. I stopped and thought about what he said. "Are you confirming she is pregnant?" I asked, curious. "I sense something. I think we were successful," he mind-linked. I rolled my eyes. "So you don't actually know?" I asked. "Shut up! I'm a wolf, not a doctor!" Another week went by and I noted anything and everything Willa did. I paid close attention to her sleeping habits, eating habits, energy level, and emotional state. She stayed energetic but I noticed her diet changed. She started eating more fruit and drinking more milk. She didn't touch fried food or sip her usual morning coffee. She was eating healthier without mentioning any desire to. I also noticed she was struggling to wake up with the alarm in the morning. She overslept and went to bed early. Her emotional state remained stable at first. "Nate," she called me in a sing-song voice from the doorway of my office one afternoon. I looked up and smiled. My mate was so beautiful. "Hello, Love," I greeted, eyeing her flat stomach. I couldn't resist checking to see if she had gained any weight. She came around my desk and sat in my lap. "Come to bed," she said, grinning at me. I looked at my cell phone. "Baby, it's only 5pm." Her face fell for a moment as if I'd said the dumbest thing ever. "No baby, come to bed as in our bedroom," she stated with less excitement in her voice. I felt my lips twitch as I realized she wanted s*x. Was that even safe? Before I realized it she had pulled me to my feet and was leading me upstairs to our room. She was literally pulling me along by my arm. I wanted her badly too but I was afraid of hurting our pup. "I don't know about this," I said as she pulled me into the bedroom and shut the door. She locked it. I felt sweat sliding down my temple. My erection was throbbing but my brain would not let me enjoy the scenario. My mate wanted me and I wanted her but what if she was pregnant and I hurt the pup? I'd never forgive myself! "Come on, Alpha. Don't you want me?" She asked, winking as she unbuttoned her green blouse. I felt myself begin to panic and the word I never would have purposely uttered in bed came out of my mouth. "No!" She stopped dead in her tracks, her hands on her middle button. Her eyes were wide and before I realized what I'd done she was crying. "Oh God, I knew it! You don't want me anymore! I was terrible at s*x! That's why you just stare at me all day long like I'm some runt freak of nature!" Her tears came out like a downpour. I was paralyzed for a moment but finally found my words. "Oh my gosh, baby, no. It's not that! I'm just worried about the pup!" Suddenly she looked at me with the most viscous expression she could muster. "What the hell are you talking about?!" Her tone carried anger. I'd never seen my mate angry before. I attempted to explain but it all came out like an incoherent ramble.  Eventually I managed to say, "Robin said you're probably pregnant. I was just keeping an eye on you and I don't want to hurt the baby!" She glared at me, "Excuse me? You think I'm pregnant and you didn't think to share with me that you were observing me like I'm some child to be supervised? You didn't think to mention your suspicion that I'm pregnant? What the hell is wrong with you?!" I was speechless.  She buttoned her shirt and said, "You can sleep in your office until you can talk to me like a freaking adult!" She stormed out of our room, leaving me clueless to how to fix this. I'd never imagined this would be the cause of our first fight.
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