Klaus Mikaelson/The big bad wolf/ Childhood problems

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    Before Klaus was a vampire and a werewolf, he had kind heart. He loved his siblings (Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, and Finn). But Klaus´s dad (stepdad/Mikael) Found out that Klaus wasn't his real son. So things got out of hand. Mikael started abusing Klaus. Know child should ever have to go through a***e.      When klaus´s mom (Esther) had a witch (Forgot who the witch was) turn all of her kids into original vampires because she lost one of kids from a werewolf attack (I forgot what kid it was but I think it was Finn). It was selfish of her to do that.      When Klaus first fed, that´s is when he triggered his  werewolf gene. He started losing his humanity faster and faster. This is when Mikael first found out he wasn't his, so he had Elijah help him torturer him. Elijah had know choice, but what Mikael said. Esther had but a spell on one of Klaus´s necklaces, to make him lose any of his humanity and make him weak.      Klaus kept killing and killing in till there was no one left to kill. Elijah tried to help him and stay by his said at all times but Klaus was making it impossible to stand. Klaus felt like nobody loved him, not even his siblings. He got angry and end up killing his mom. She kinda did deserve it. She took everything away from him, everything he cared for.       When Klaus got older, he meet a boy (Marcellus/Marcel). Marcel was a young slave. Klaus felt bad for him, he saw his self getting abused. So he took Marcel in fro his care. Yet we all thought Marcel was the one to bring back Klaus´s humanity back. We was all wrong. Yes Klaus gave him a name, took him in his care, taught him how to read, gave him nice 80s clothing, (I really didn't like the 80s and 90s clothing) and still didn't bring humanity back.      If I was Klaus and I felt like nobody had my  back, felt I as unloved, my father hunted my down for years, abused, I would've gone mad too.  Klaus have gone through so much. If he didn't go mad, he would just hold it all in, can lead to anxiety. Which you don´t wanna have.  When Klaus feel  paranoid its for a reason. Someone is always moving against him. Were he doesn't have paranoid schizophrenia. It would've been worse.     Rebekah always looked up to klaus, but that stop when Klaus started killing her boyfriends. The only reason Klaus kills her boyfriends because there not good enough for her. He even said it himself.  Which is true. Some of those was probably just to get in her pants. That´s was some guys thinks of us girls, they think were objects. 
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