f*****g Monster

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Seconds slowly stretched into minutes, minutes to hours. My body was numb, and I no longer felt the pain of the restraints above my head, or the spreader pushing my legs apart. The only thing I kept thinking of was, "this is for mom and dad." Like a chant, it rang through my brain, and I registered it. It gave me the strength to survive the darkness and this very uncomfortable position. I sagged downward, stretching out my body to the floor, my only reward was that my toe was now touching the floor, so I was no longer completely hanging. With every passing second, the room grew colder, and to make it worse, he had not bothered to take the f*****g blindfold off. Fucking asshole. The sound of footsteps shuffling outside the door put me on high alert. But they seemed to grow fainter as the walked past the door. I heard another door open, I could tell the door was next to the room I was in. The creaky sound of the door opening was followed by the screaming of a man. "Please boss, don't do this." the man pleaded frantically. The door seemed to be open as I could hear the conversation very clearly. "This should serve as a warning to any f**k that tries to cross me," The voice is familiar, too familiar. It takes me a second to realize that was Adrian. Who could he possibly be torturing this time? As if hooking me to a ceiling and putting a spreader between my legs and blindfolding me and whipping me and all the many other things he had done to me was not enough for one night. Such a monster. I was snapped from my thoughts by the man's scream again, followed by the unmistakable sound of a gunshot. My body jerked up at the sound and the sudden movement sent a sharp pain rocketing through me. But it was not over. Two... Three... And then it was over. Three f*****g bullets inside one human. My heart raced a million times faster than normal. What could he had done so wrong to deserve to be killed like that? Would I have to suffer the same fate at his hands soon? Oh God... What had I gotten into? I did not even realize I had started crying again until the streak of tears flowed between my chest. "Pack this up and clean up the mess," I heard him order. I heard his footsteps stomp out of the room and stop in front of the room he left me. My heart thumped so hard, I thought it would beat right out of my chest. The knob unlocked and I quickly decided to pretend to be asleep, maybe he would leave if I did. I bowed my neck down letting my hair fall over my shoulder and steadied my hard breaths. My body was already limp, and I hoped it looked convincing enough. Immediately after, his footsteps grew louder as he entered the room. There was silence for a minute before he walked closer to me. I felt his warm hands caressing my cheek softly, it took a conscious effort to not shiver in fear as he stroked my cheek. "I know you are awake Nicole," I remained defiant though, still shutting my eyes closed, not that he could see them through the blindfold. "You seem to forget that I have this room under constant surveillance, Nicole." He said still grazing his fingers on my cheek. Shit. I opened my eyes only to meet the still darkness through the blindfold. I was thankful when he pushed the blindfold away from my eyes. But I could only see his tall muscular figure standing in front of me. He turned around and went to the light switch. I winced in pain as the light flooded my eyes. I squinted and for a minute everything was a haze and I squinted until my eyes got used to the light again. But immediately it did, I wished I could go back to five minutes ago when all I could see was total darkness, instead of the red stains sprayed across his hands and neck. I felt sick to my stomach as he stepped closer to me. "Is that blood on you?" I managed to squeeze out, my lip trembling. "Hmm-hmm," he raised his hand so I had a clearer view. I was thankful for the fact that I had not eaten any food in hours because they would have been puked out of my system, every last drop. I could not stand the sight of blood, not on me not on someone else. Not mine, not someone else's. Not on someone I hated, and most definitely not on a loved one. My blood ran cold, and I felt sick to my stomach. In a second my head was spinning and I felt dizzy. Adrian was at my side in a second. "What's wrong Nicole? You are as white as a sheet." Funny question coming from someone that had done so much wrong to me. But none of that mattered as he put his blood filled hand on me—a second time. That was my undoing, and in a second everything shut out into darkness. *** *** *** The scent of bacon and eggs woke me up. Even with my eyes closed, I could tell I was on a comfy bed, not as comfy as mine back home, but still comfy. I could feel the presence of people around me, and why the f**k did my ass hurt so much? "Ma'am?" A male voice called next to me, and my eyes fluttered open. I jolted up as I saw the many pairs of eyes staring down at me. That was a mistake though because the pain in my ass only increased as I sat down. There were maids holding trays of different food, some held kettles of what I suspected to be tea or coffee. Some just stood there next to me, watching me closely. The man that had spoken sat next to me on the bed in a lab coat and glasses. I could tell he was a doctor with the stethoscope wrapped next to him. "Um, who are all of you?" I asked, eyes roaming suspiciously. "The boss has asked that we stay by your side ma'am." Oh s**t. That was not just a nightmare? By the way where was the monster? I looked around but there was no sign of him anywhere. "Where is Adrian?" I asked. "Mrs. Davonte," the doctor spoke and I winced at the name. "Nicole," I corrected. I was never going to get used to being called that awful name. He raised a brow and continued anyway. "Mrs. Davonte, the boss has given us orders to be here by your side when you wake up. You passed out, and you would need some food and medication to regain your strength." "Well inform your boss, that I'm not interested in any of that. I don't want to eat anything and I do not want any medication." I said through gritted teeth. "But Mrs..." "Please leave," I snapped, "everyone." Who did he think he was to just spring up a bunch of strangers to watch me in my sleep. I felt so upset and I refused to look up as everyone piled out one after the other from my room. Before leaving, the doctor scribbled something on a paper placed it next to some medications on the nightstand. I was too upset to look, as he too got up and took his leave. A few minutes after everyone had left I finally raised my head to see a familiar face. "Nicole, are you alright?" Marie asked, standing opposite the bed. "I'm fine Marie, I just needed to be on my own." I needed her to leave so I could cry my eyes out in peace, I could not do that with anyone here. "The boss will not be pleased that you flaunted his orders," she said carefully. I knew she was trying to look out for me, I tried to stay calm as I spoke. "I don't care about him." "Okay, but you need to eat, you look pale and white," she said, frowning in concern. "I know," I sighed and pushed off the bed. "I can't remember the last meal I had, but I can't find it in me to eat anything right now." She was about to say something again when the room door flew open. Adrian stomped in looking more furious than ever. "Out," he snapped at Marie. She quickly looked down and scampered away in fear. I sighed, preparing my mind for another phase. "Why did you send them away?" he asked as he walked to me. "Because I wanted to," I shrugged and made my way to the bathroom. My ass still hurt, and I knew it would only hurt more with water running over it, but I needed a bath. I walked past him, and he stretched out a hand and pulled me back, pushing me to the bed. "Oww," I cried as I bounced on the bed butt first. I scrambled to get up but he climbed the bed too and leaned over, pinning me under him. "Get off me," I cried, pushing and fighting to break free. Without a word, he pulled out a drawer on the nightstand and brought out a pair of leather cuffs. My wrists and ankles were still sore from where I had been bound last night, and the last thing I needed was a replay. "Okay, okay," I said as he held my hands together ready to cuff them. "I'll be good, I'll do what you ask." I rushed out. "I would have expected that you would know how to behave after last nights training but you clearly do not want to learn," "I'm sorry master," I said softly. I got the reaction I expected as his grip on my hand loosened. "Please master I'm sorry," I said again, and this time he lowered the cuff to the bed. "Maybe you did learn something last night." he pushed off me and lifted me so I was sitting with my back on the bed rest. He picked up the cuffs, but instead of putting them away, he placed them on the nightstand, still close, just in case I decided to change my mind on my behavior. "I'll ask again, why did you send them away," I bit my lip looking down as I spoke. "I'm not hungry." "Yes you are, your last meal was on the flight here, any normal human would be hungry. So I'll ask for the last time, and you better don't lie to me," he warned. "Why do you even care?" I snapped. "You whip me and have me bounded all night only to come here and feigning worry because I won't eat. I told you I'm not hungry. I do not want to eat, so please leave me alone." I said as the tears rolled down my face. He looked down at me for a minute stroking his chin. Then he finally spoke, "Too bad because you just ruined your chances of speaking to your parents for the next week." he said bluntly. "You can't do that to me," I spat, pushing off the bed. "Yes I can, I can do whatever I want, especially if you're being rude when I'm trying to be nice," he barked. "That was you being nice?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Still so disobedient, and rebellious," he said, as he closed the distance between us. "Remove your clothes and put your hands behind you." He turned around and picked up the landline next to the bed. "Send breakfast to my bedroom," he said to the person on the other end. I knelt on the bed hands crossed, unwilling to move. I was not going to let him treat me the way he did last night for any reason, even though he was probably twice my size. He turned around with a frown seeing that I was still in the position where he left me. "Do I f*****g need to speak german for you to understand? I said take your f*****g clothes off." "No!" I yelled back. A low humorless laugh rumbled from his chest, and the next thing I knew, I was on the mattress, hand placed firmly behind me. I struggled and fought, determined to free myself, but his grip was stronger. After minutes of battering and struggling, and screaming, and growling, he locked my hands firmly behind my back, using the cuffs. "f*****g monster," I spat, my face red hot with anger. He ignored me, and turned me around so I was facing him, but still under him. "What you don't understand, is the more you defy me, the harder you make me." he brushed his stiffening d**k over my abdomen, "You keep challenging me, and I'll just have to keep proving to you who owns this body," he put one hand over my breast and squeezed roughly through the large shirt I had on. I yelped in pain and he grabbed the other, squeezing tighter, it hurt even more since I did not have a bra on. "You don't own me, you asshole," I spat, causing him to squeeze harder. I cried in pain. "Yes I do Nicole, you are mine, and until you have it engraved in your heart that I own you, you would just have to keep enduring more pain." He released one breast, and I let out a relieved sigh, but my relief was short-lived as he pulled out the drawer on the nightstand, and pulled out a pair of shining scissors. He brought the scissors to my face and snapped it open with a wicked grin. Oh God...
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