The movies

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Adrian's POV The wide grin on her face as she snacked on the popcorn on the snack stand made my heart tighten. It made the five thousand dollars I paid to rent this place and get it ready so worth it. I did not know which movie we were even watching, I could not pretend to care in the very least, Nicole was all I cared about. From the title and the few scenes I caught, I could tell it was one of those cheesy romance movies that I would never watch on a normal day, but I had agreed to go on this date because well, it was almost impossible to say no. Also, I wanted to know what it felt like to be a normal couple with this beautiful creature who had to be by my very fuking balls. "God I love this part," she turned to me, flashing me her perfectly arranged teeth. "I think it's too cheesy," I said honestly, not bothering to look at the screen. Thankfully, we were more than halfway through. "I'm not letting you ruin this date for us," she swatted my arm playfully, but I caught her small hand, bringing it to my lips and pressing a lingering kiss on it. I liked the way she shivered under my touch. "It's not a date without a kiss," I smirked, still holding her hand. It felt too good in mine. "You have kissed me like five times since we got here," she giggled, playfully trying to pull her hand free. "Barely enough," I growled, trailing more kisses higher and placing my free hand on her bare and warm thighs. "and it's your fault my self-control is faltering tonight, you and this dress." God the f*****g dress. I almost had my eyeballs drop out when she walked out of the closet this evening. If she was trying to tempt me, it worked, because I was hard almost immediately. All I wanted to do was lift the dress, bunching it to her waist and spank her for teasing me so much. Afterward, I would bury my c**k in her warm juicy p***y, ending this self-imposed torture I indulged in since the day I met her. She would like that, her body screamed for my touch, there was no doubt about that, but it would make all the wait futile. The wait was everything, the anticipation. And I knew too damn well that she was at that point, close to breaking. The way she squirmed in her seat as my hand traveled higher was enough proof for me. Nicole was stubborn, built in the weeks that we had been together, I had been able to rip off that stubbornness to a small degree. I was not worried though, I had long enough to rip off every piece of it. "You approved of it," she breathed, clutching the drink in the snack tray. "I did," I leaned down to whisper in her ear even though we had the comfort of privacy. I loved the way it made her breath hitch up. "And now I'm so hard my balls hurt," I smirked seeing asher skin flustered until her cheeks were a bright crimson. "Adrian," she whispered, nails digging into my palm, "the movie," "I'm not doing anything," I lied and pushed my fingers higher so they brushed against her underwear. f**k she was wet, so wet it felt like a pool between her thighs. "Denis might see," She was trying to hold on to any form of excuse to stop me, but I was not letting her get off so quickly, not even the very upsetting mention of her best friend's name would stop me. I had never met the guy but for some reason, I already disliked him. Okay not just for some reason, those three words she spoke to him freely, were meant for me. I was her husband and although it was a little selfish, I wanted to be the only one she was meant to reserve those beautiful words for. The man she loved. I ached for the day she would tell me she felt the same way I felt towards her. I barely ever said it, but I did not deny it either that I loved her. I loved her more than I had loved any woman I had ever seen with and I had been with a fair lot of women in the past. Okay to be fair, it was only ever for the pleasure. That was the one thing that was most special about my relationship with Nicole. I never did long-term. A habit I had learned from being best friends with five awarded depraved, playboys with perverted libidos. She was the first woman I had been with for long enough yet I had been able to put some restraint on myself because I craved her, only her. With her it was not just the pleasure of f*****g, we were not even f*****g yet, still, she managed to control every decision I now made and without even knowing it. "I'm sure we can put in a few editing skills before sending the clips," I pushed the vexing fabric aside, flicking my thumb slowly against her entrance. "It's not a live video. Plus my perverted mind has always wanted to be in a s*x tape" "But I would rather not make a s*x tape before I actually have s*x," she sucked in a sharp breath as my fingers played with her clit. "We can fix that right now," I chuckled. Before she could protest, I wrapped my hands around her thighs, hauling her on me. It felt like a dream come true to have the sleazy dress, bunched up at her waist as she gasped in surprise. "s*x in a theatre would make for a good porn title," "You sir are completely depraved," she giggled but did not attempt to pull back. Good. Placing a hand on my shoulders for support, she rocked her hips slowly against the rough patch of my jean, making me already rigid c**k threaten to explode. I love this date already. "We're about to find out how much," I pushed the single strap over her shoulder, growling as her pink swollen nubs cane into view. "So perfect," I muttered, wrapping my hand around one as I leaned down to close my mouth over the other. She gave a satisfactory moan, urging me on and bit down hard enough to make her cries spill out louder. The room was soundproof, but she was aware of two of my men waiting right outside the room. I knew they would not dare interrupt, but they could decide to come in at any moment if something came up, the thought was only a major turn-on for me. She writhed on my lap, clearly desperate for my touch in her p***y, but I had an even better idea. I easily flipped her over, hovering over her, as my mouth continued biting, pulling licking, and sucking her pliant t**s. I knew I was not making the wrong choice when I chose this theatre and this special couch arrangement. She whimpered in complaint when I pulled back to meet her eyes. "I thought you have a movie to watch," I teased. "I don't want that anymore," she said, pushing herself higher to kiss me. The kiss was brief, but hot and needy, reflecting her impatience. "We're doing this at my own pace," I used my free hand to hold myself higher, away from her reach. "Please Master," she whimpered, breaths coming out in hard pants that gave her pink n*****s a hypnotic up and down movement. I smirked, seeing how easily she slipped into the role I desired to see her take. "You're beings so such a good girl Kitten," I gave her an appraising look, leaning down to capture her lips, but only long enough to leave her crying for more. She was panting when I leaned down to kneel between her legs, chest rising and falling as she watched me, she was confused, and fascinated but did not hold back her trust, or ask any questions. So damn innocent. My fingers latched on to her lace panties, and I dragged it down, bringing it higher to savor the sweet scent before shoving it in my picket. She licked her dry lips, eyes shut as she waited for my next move. She did not have to wait too long, I coaxed her knees apart until her dripping cunt was completely spread out before me. "f**k," I muttered, leaning down to get the first taste. Well, f**k me, because I just found my new haven. "Oh my god," she gasped, her hips jerked up, but I kept a firm grip around her thighs. I pulled her closer until my mouth completely covered her s*x. My tongue lashed out, plunging into her tight entrance and sapping all her juices. I was remotely aware of the movie still playing, it was now muted, but thankfully, I did not care about it from the start. The one thing that I cared about was right here underneath me, writhing and bucking her hips, as more cries and pleads spilled freely. Her p***y walls clenched and that was all I needed o know she was already on edge, tethering close to exploding. I nibbled softly, giving her a small break before the storm and she easily fell for the trick, relaxing her tense muscles, and slowing her pants. That was what I needed. Without so much as a warning, I sucked her clit into my mouth, giving a small bite. A wild cry escaped her lips, but only for a split second. I brought the pad of my thumb to her tight hole, and all I had to do was roll it a few times to have her shattering into pieces. She exploded with a shrilled scream, as waves of violent surges, rippled through her. The satisfaction from having her squirt all over my face was almost enough to draw my own climax, but I was not about to have it so easy. But I was not done yet, not until I wiped off every trace of our episode with my tongue until she was clean of all the juices dripping from her. I pushed myself higher, capturing her lips in a more passionate and sensual kiss that lingered until we were both breathing hard and fast. "Is that what I have been missing for 18 years?" she asked when we got back to a sitting position. I had my hand wrapped around her, and my other hand pushed all the sweaty hairs away from her face. "Close but no," I chuckled and dropped a kiss on her forehead. "Well now I'm curious to know what exactly I have been missing," she giggled, raising her head for another kiss. I gladly obliged. "It's all up to you Kitten," I reminded her, "you say the words and..." my phone rang. I paused giving Nicole an apologetic look to which she mouthed, "c**k blockers," I snickered, before pulling my phone from my pocket, "Speak," "There's a problem Cap," Silas said. He did not have to say more. There was only one problem that was big enough for Silas to interrupt our date. That was why I had put him outside to be on the watch for us. I was not surprised to hear that he had shown up tonight. If I was being honest, a part of me expected the bastard. The only sad part was that my amazing date with my beautiful wife would have to be cut short. That f*****g bastard. "I'll be out in 2 minutes, clear the way. Nicole is with me." "What's wrong?" A line of worry was already forming on her pretty face. "Ricco's here," I shoved my phone in my pocket, "I'm sorry Kitten we have to leave," "How did he know we were here?" she asked, suddenly terrified. "News is cheap," I took out my handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to her, "clean up, we have a minute to leave." "Okay," he said in a sad tone. "You don't have a reason to be terrified while I'm here Kitten," I pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I know," she got to her feet, smoothing her dress, "I just wish this would not end so soon," "It's only temporary, we are doing this again," I promised, "soon, very soon." "Okay," she gave a sheepish smile, taking my hand as we headed out. The doors burst open and one of my men poked his head through. "Boss, s**t is f****d, we have to leave now," "Is he alone?" I asked, instinctively, my hand tightened around Nicole. "7 men," "f**k," I muttered, "he's not here for his casual boasting. He wants to fight." after the first time, the asshole still did not learn his lesson about starting fights in open places. "Cover me, I need to get Nicole to the car, you'll take her home safe, I'll handle the rest." He nodded, hands fixed firmly around the trigger of his gun. I already had five men facing Ricco's men outside. I would deal with his fuckup tonight, but first, I had to keep my most prized possession from reaching Ricco's hands. He was here for her. My mother would have to come up from her grave to convince me otherwise. It did not matter though, because whether or not he came for her, I was not about to let him have her or lay a finger on her. She was mine, mine to keep and mine to protect. He would have to kick my corpse first begore he would hurt Nicole. She stiffened as I pulled out my guns from behind me, checking to see how many bullets I had. Her hands were already shaking. I held on to her firmly, "relax," I growled. The sounds of gunshots and people screaming outside the theatre were more than enough direction for me. Pulling Nicole behind me, I led us through the hallway leading outside. "What's going on?" she asked in a frantic, shaky voice. "s**t is about to get f****d up, stay behind me no matter what. I will make sure you're home safe. " 
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